House of Glass

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Sebastian had been to Mount Olympus so he said he would help me get through the portal that was in New Mount. The following morning I started packing, "What do I even pack?" Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, "Anything you'll want for eternity." "Are you trying to scare me? Plus I won't be there for eternity." "If Hades ever forgives you," Sebastian added. "Thanks for that. You know what I won't take everything because I can always come back here with you if things don't work out with Hades." Sebastian let out a small giggle, "Ouch!" I started laughing. 

Once I finished packing what I wanted to take; a necklace from my real mom who resides in the underworld and is a titan apparently, the copy of In The Beginning that Hades gave me on the first day we met, some makeup, and some clothes. I mean I don't know if I'll have a fully stocked closet when I arrive on Mount Olympus. Better safe than sorry. I stared at my old apartment. For a second I started mourning my old life. The memories I had made here and the ones I made in New Mount. But I was ready to tackle my new life. Especially since this time I'm doing it for me and not to reunite with Hades. Although that was a bonus. 

Sebastian and I teleported back to New Mount and we walked towards a clearing behind Zach's office building. That was where Zeus hid the portal to Mount Olympus. Honestly I was scared to go back. What if I hate it there? What if I never make amends? What if I love it too much there? Nevertheless, I took the plunge. I grabbed Sebastian's hands and with our magic we opened the portal just enough so I could jump through it and that I did. 

Hades Perspective: 

I was furious with Sebastian, but more so myself. I left Persephone. I should have known better. When I got back to underworld, Hecate was waiting for me in gardens we had been rebuilding outside the castle. As soon as Hecate saw me she came rushing to me, but saw that I was without Persephone. Her smile quickly faded. "Hades. Where is she?" For this week I had been strong. I was in my element. I felt great. I was rebuilding my kingdom and doing a damn well job at it too. I couldn't stop the tears. Hecate ran to me, "Hades, what happened?! Is she okay?! Is Persephone okay?!" "Yes! Yes! She's fine! She cheated on me! With a- with a son of Zeus." "A son of Zeus? Apollo? Hermes?" "No. Sebastian." "The mind reader?" "Yes- I left and she fell in love with another man- I lost her!" Hecate hugged me, "It's not your fault. Are you upset with her?" I looked at Hecate, "How could I not be? But I still love her. I love her a lot, but I can't trust her so where does that leave me?" Hecate held my head in her hands, "You forgive her. You get her back and you rebuild the trust." 

I want to be able to forgive Persephone, but I don't know if I will ever be able to.

Persephone's Perspective:

I fell to my knees, onto thick green grass, once I out of the portal. The sun was so bright and the air crisp. I had to adjust my eyes to the light. I looked up and saw the most beautiful golden castle upheld by marble columns and surrounded by statues of the gods. My breath was taken away. The detailing of the marble was immaculate. There were colorful fields of flowers and the clearest lake I had ever seen in the distance. I could heard birds chirping and a gentle wind passing through. The beauty of Mount Olympus was indescribable. If I didn't know any better I would've thought I died and gone to heaven. 

I got up and started walking towards the entrance of the castle. I had clue who would be in there, but I was prepared. Until I wasn't. 

I felt something hard hit me on my head, and then everything went black. 


"Hello, daughter." That was the first thing I heard when I came to. I slowly opened my eyes and my head was still pounding. I thought my body would have healed, but maybe I was struck with something that even a goddess couldn't heal from. I looked up and I was trapped in a dome-shaped glass green room. I was surrounded by greenery, large-leaved plants, and flowers of all shapes and colors. "Persephone." I heard again. I ran to follow the sounds and outside the glass walls were Zeus and Demeter, grinning like villains. I was filled with anger! I was supposed to live my life and not fear a thing anymore. They ruined my life before and I'll be damned if they ruin it again! "What is this?!" I screamed. Demeter was beaming, which made me even more upset. "You're so adorable when you're angry, daughter." I took a step back and tried to used my magic to break through the glass. I tried so hard but nothing was working. "I bet you're wondering why you can't break through the glass. Let's just say that my magic is stronger than yours at the moment. I guess that son of Zeus wasn't such a help after all... well to you at least." "Why are you talking about, Demeter?" Zeus stepped in front of Demeter, "Did my son ever tell you that aside from reading minds, he can also erase memories?" I started panicking, but I didn't want him to know. "Sebastian told me that his powers only work on gods who are 'weak' or just now coming into their powers." Zeus let out a small chuckle, "My son is a liar." I scowled, "Like his father. We had a deal, remember? I saved your life. You owe me." Zeus got closer to the glass, "You think I would ever owe you anything after you embarrassed me in front of everyone? That little saving my life doesn't mean shit to me. You should really learn to not trust people like me." "Does that include your son?" Zeus smirked, "Exactly. Who do you think gave me the trident that we used to hit you?" I never trusted Sebastian, but I was never expecting this. Demeter interrupted, "We are getting off topic. Once we get Sebastian here, he will erase your memories of New Mount and of being a goddess. Then we will drop you back off in that tiny shoe box you call an apartment. It will be like you were never born." "Hades will be looking for me!" "I highly doubt that and if he does then we can just show him how you chose to be with Sebastian over him. Sebastian made you like him once, I'm sure with the erased memories Hades, he can do it again." Zeus and Demeter started walking out, but not before Zeus turned around, "Good luck getting out of this one, goddess. We'll be back soon with my son." My life was over, before it barely even began. I couldn't believe it. They finally won. 


"Persephone?" Another voice spoke out. 

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