It's Over

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Persephone's Perspective: 

I felt Sebastian's magic seeping through my body. It was like venom coursing through my veins Painful and toxic. As he held my head in his hands I felt powerless. With each passing moment, my head began to throb harder and harder. Fighting off Sebastian's magic. But I felt weak. It was getting much harder to fight, but I knew I had to keep pushing. Maybe if I just hold on a little longer. Someone was going to come save me. Hades. Hecate. Anyone. 

But they didn't. 

I could hear Sebastian telling me so how me was enjoying seeing me suffer. How much he hated me for choosing Hades. 

And then he finally let go of me and threw me to the floor with all his strength. The last thing I remember was my skull cracking as my body fell down. 


Through the darkness and coldness, there was a voice that spoke softly. "Persephone? Please you have to wake up." It was Hades. I was happy to hear his voice! Incredibly happy. 

I opened my eyes and I saw the man I always loved. The man who fought for me. The man who made me believe in love. The man who searched between time and space to find me. The man who I always knew was waiting for me. I looked into his sparkling, amber eyes and I knew that this was forever.

Then I made him believe that Sebastian had erased my memories. Sue me! 

And then he said something that made me forget the last two days. "I forgive you. I love you." With his strong arms he pulled my fragile and aching body into his chest. His chest was warming and healing. "I love you too, Hades. And I'm so sorry for kissing another man. I should have never done that. I will spend the rest of my time with you trying to make up for it" He kissed my forehead, "It's okay, Persephone. I'm glad you're alive with your memories." 

Hades slowly got up and helped me to get up too. I saw Sebastian's dead body and his broken neck. I turned to Hades, "Thank you." He smirked, "It was my pleasure, but we can torture him more back home." Home. I couldn't wait to get back to the underworld. To do it right this time. To be with Hecate. The woman who raised me. To live with Hades. To rule beside Hades. And to love Hades forever. 

I would have never even thought of torturing someone when I was a human, but things are different now. I am the queen of the underworld. I am the goddess of Spring. I am Persephone and it is time I start acting like it. Plus Sebastian deserves it. 

Hades held me tightly beside him as we walked out of the glass dome and out of Demeter's palace. Right before we were about to step out, Hades stopped and turned to face me, "Persephone, there is something I have to tell you before we go out there. Demeter is dead. The fates cut her cord after Zeus slashed her throat when he was aiming for mine." Honestly I was conflicted. I hated Demeter, but I didn't want her dead. She did horrible things to me but death was too easy for her. I remembered that Zeus tried to kill Hades again. Hades started rubbing my arms, "I know that look, but after Zeus killed Demeter, everyone stopped fighting. Even Zeus. And I'm tired of trying to be close to Zeus so that I can hurt him. I want to go to the underworld and start my life with you." I took a deep breath, "Me too." It was going to take time, but I knew it would be better if we were away from Zeus. Even if it meant being away from my friends. Although, we could always meet on Earth. 

We stepped outside and I saw Demeter's body laying there dead, her robes drenched in her blood, Zeus with a cut on his face, Aphrodite clenching her abdomen, Hephaestus holding Aphrodite, Ares beside Aphrodite, Dionysus and Hera looking at me, Poseidon with Zeus, Hermes beside them, Apollo, Athena, and Artemis together.  Hades and I stepped down the marble steps and he helped me to walk to Aphrodite so I could help her heal faster. Aphrodite was groaning in pain, "I'm so happy you're here." I hushed her and I laid my hand on her wound. It took my last ounce of strength but once I healed her, Aphrodite hugged me. Hermes and Dionysus ran up to me and they joined in. As did Apollo, Athena, and Artemis. 

I let go of them, "I love you all so much. And you all know that we can't keep fighting like this. Hades and I can't do this anymore, which is why I have decided to start my life in the underworld. I wanted you all to know that." Aphrodite was the first one to speak, "Persephone, we understand. I love you too." Hermes chimed in, "And we can always meet up on Earth!" Artemis and Athena smiled at me. Dionysus spoke up, "Why don't we have one more night? A night to remember! We can have a feast and wine with music!" Apollo yelled out, "Yes! I can play something!" Hermes responded, "I would be down, but without those over there." I stared Hermes down, "Fine. Hades can come." Aphrodite cleared her throat and then Hermes rolled his eyes, "Fine Hephaestus too!" I started to laugh, "It's settled then. We will have one last night all together. Tonight!" And with that we all went our different ways to get ready for tonight. Except for Hades and I. We needed to talk to Zeus. 

After deciding on having dinner, I walked over to Hades where he was speaking to Zeus, Ares, Hera, and Poseidon. Hera had a disgusted look on her face, Ares was still shocked from hurting Aphrodite, and Poseidon was demanding that Zeus give him his trident back. Hades was also demanding to have his helmet of invisibility back. As I reached them, they all looked at me. I didn't understand their faces. Maybe pity. Maybe they felt bad for the part they played in this. And maybe they were ready for me to go with Hades to the underworld. Hades held me by the waist and pulled me closer to his body. Hera looked distraught, "Persephone I am sorry-" I held my hand up, signaling her to stop talking. I didn't want to even hear her voice. "Stop talking to me. I don't want your apologizes. The only thing I want is for your husband to allow Hades and me to go back to the underworld tonight in peace." Zeus looked like he was thinking of approving. Hades added on, "We still remain in the underworld, away from the rest of you, in return for peace. Especially since you've seen what we can do and you do not want to cross us." Poseidon swiftly moved in front of Zeus, "Is that a threat, brother?" I yelled out, "No! No more threats! No more death! And no more war! Enough is enough." Zeus pulled Poseidon back and handed him his trident back, then walked up to Hades. "I heard about the little dinner party your queen is hosting tonight. I will give Hermes your helmet so that he can pass it to you tonight. After that, you leave and never step foot here." Hades held out his hand so that Zeus could shake it, which he did. As Hades and I were walking away, Zeus shouted to Hades, "Brother, you know this isn't over." Hades nodded. But we knew that for now, it was over. 

Hades and I walked to Aphrodite's palace to get ready for tonight. Hades went with Hephaestus and I stayed with Aphrodite. I took a shower. I was surprised that Aphrodite was able to modernize her palace so quickly. I scrubbed my body until I felt free of Sebastian and seeing Demeter dead. Once I was done, Aphrodite helped me with my hair, clothes, and makeup. As for my hair, Aphrodite curled my hair so that I could have soft waves that laid on my right shoulder. The flowers in my hair were in contrast with my hair. The flowers were wild and my hair was delicately styled. My makeup was soft and light, with only some mascara and a nude gloss. My dress was a strapless black, corset, sweetheart neck line, midi dress with a slit that was cut up to my upper thigh. I wanted to wear black to commemorate the first night I spent with Hades. My platform heels matched my dress in black. I couldn't help but feeling like myself. I was ready to embrace being Persephone. I was ready to spend the rest of my long life with Hades. 

After Aphrodite helped me, she started to get ready herself. "Thank you for helping me, Aphrodite." She smiled at me and kept doing her makeup, "Persephone! It was no problem." She stopped and turned to face me, "I kinda knew you wouldn't have a dress after you had spent two days in a cage. I'm so sorry about that." I walked over to her and I leaned down to gently hug her, "It wasn't your fault." The goddess of love stood up and she embraced me tightly. "I'm going to miss you," she whispered in my ear. "I'm going to miss you too, but we'll see each other again!" She let go and sat down at her golden vanity again. Once her back was facing me again, I started spilling my feelings towards her. Aphrodite had become my best friend and it was hurting me how much I was going to miss her. "Aphrodite, you were so kind to me when I first got to New Mount and then you weren't, but that's in the past. And then you were the first one to apologize to me and that meant the world to me. You made me feel like I had a family. You don't know how much I appreciate the love and advice you have given me. I will cherish it in my heart forever." I could see tears falling from her eyes in the reflective, "Stop! Don't cry. I didn't mean to ruin your makeup." Aphrodite smiled, "It was worth it. I love you, Persephone." "I love you too." 

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