We are still the Greek Gods and Goddesses

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The same thing that happened when I first realized that Danielle was my biological mom started again. I could see myself reigning beside Hayes in dark castle. I saw a vision of me being pulled away from Hayes and could feel my body getting weaker. As if it was being striped of magic and immortality. I was seeing the night that the curse happened thousands of years ago on Mount Olympus. I could see how Zeus and Demeter came up with a plan to end destroy all of our lives. I saw how devastated Hayes was when I was gone, and how every god and goddess lost their powers. How they were all sent to be mortals, desperately trying remember what had happened until years passed and all their memories were gone.

The memories were overwhelming. I had thousands of memories from the thousands of lives I lived surfacing. Even more powerful memories were popping up. The ones of me in my goddess form as Persephone. 

My eyes opened and I was free. I ran to Hayes while everyone was starting to open their eyes. They had seen all of that too. Hayes wrapped his arms around me and he whispered in my ear, "You did it." One by one everyone had awaken from the vision that had washed over everyone when I touched Danielle. Everyone was shocked, looking around. Henry stood up, "Where's Zach?" We all began to scan the room, but Zach and Damon were no where to find. I was surprised that they didn't take Danielle with them. Danielle looked scared and I remembered she was in the room. I walked up to her and I finally knew who I was. "Daughter- Listen-" I slapped her across her face and she was shocked. I leaned down to her level, "You will pay for this." She looked upset and fearful as she cupped her red face. Valentina got up from the table and was shaking, "I'm Aphrodite? And Zach did this to all of us!" Valentina ran up to me, "I'm so sorry, Stephanie. I shouldn't have treated you so badly." Part of me was happy to finally have friends here again and remember who I was, but then there was another part of me who wanted to punish those who hurt me. I was Persephone. Giver of life. Queen of the underworld. Wife of Hades. It was my nature to punish. 

"Thank you, Valentina- I mean Aphrodite." I didn't know what to call them anymore. Valentina smiled. Helen walked up to me next, her mouth was still tight. "Stephanie, I feel for you. What we will did was inexcusable." "I agree, but we have more pressing matters. Zach and Damon are no where to be found." Aiden spoke out, "And how are we supposed to become immortals again?" Amy also added to the conversation, "And go back to Mount Olympus or at least build a new home for ourselves?" Emilio interrupted, "None of that matters. We must hear Zach's side of the story." Paul walked up Emilio, "Why? He ruined our lives. We were the most powerful immortals, look at us now." Paul and Emilio were just staring at each other. I thought they were going to fight, until Aphrodite dragged Paul by his hand to her side. Hayes wanted to lead, "I know that this has gotten complicated and we must find Zach and Damon, but we are still the greek Gods and Goddesses. We may not have our power, but we have our memories. I'm sure that someone we will find a way back to being immortals." Helen got up, "What makes you an expert on our situation or king for that matter now that my husband and Damon are gone? You rule in hell, not here or did you forget?" Hayes promptly answered, "I know you find this hard to believe, but some of us want to make things better without ulterior motives, unlike your husband." I pressed my hand on Hayes's chest to calm him down. "Stop both of you! Nobody here wants to be king or queen, we are equals. The only way to figure this all out is to work together. So please keep it together. If you want to leave then go. We won't stop you." As I said that Emilio looked Valentina and she looked away. Emilio started walking towards the door to leave, but he stopped at Hayes, "Good luck." And with that he left. Helen and Amy soon followed. Aiden was about to leave until she realized that Jackson wasn't leaving. "Jackson, aren't you coming?" He shook his head, "No. I want to stay. I believe in them." Aiden almost looked worried. "Please, let's go." Jackson stood his ground. A look of disappointment fell upon Aiden's face. "Fine. I'll see you later. Be safe." She walked out. Valentina, Paul, Jackson, Henry, David, and Danielle were left. 

Danielle came over to me and Hayes, "I want to help. I regret my choices, although I still don't approve of this union." I rolled my eyes, "How could you possibly help? And I don't really care what you think of us." She looked up up and down, "Well for starters, Zach trusts me. I made the deal with him to get us here, therefore he will seek me out and when he does, that will help us." Hayes started laughing, "You want us to trust you, after you did this all and after you just said how easily you could betray Zach?" Danielle sighed. "Do you want my help or not? I could walk out of here and go with the rest of them that left and help them instead." I faced Danielle, "Danielle stop talking. When Zeus seeks you out you will tell us what he says in order to help us. It's the least you can do. As for staying here, do what you want. I don't care." Hayes started laughing as Danielle's faced changed to embarrassment. 

Valentina and Paul walked over to where Hayes, David, Jackson, Henry, and I were talking. "I know that we know each other, but I still feel as I should introduce myself." He lent his hand out and I shook it, "It's nice to meet you, Paul? Hephaestus?" He smiled. His handshake felt better than Emilio's or should I say Ares. Paul seemed more sincere, almost kind. Valentina started speaking, "What's next? Should we try to find Zach? Before he tries to escape town." Danielle walked back over to us, "He can't leave." Henry responded to her, "What are you talking about?" "Zeus and I knew that once the curse was broken then nobody would be able to leave town." "Why?" Hayes asked. "Because he is going to want to kill Persephone. If the curse wasn't going to keep you two apart then death certainly would. Especially before we go back to our lives as gods, so that Persephone can't be reunited with Hayes in the underworld. Now do you see why you all need me?" I was scared again. We needed to get back to our lives as gods before it was too late. Hayes pulled me closer to his body by my waist. "Then we have to figure this all out now, or kill Zach." Hayes replied. "Then let's get to work," Henry said. 

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