Chapter 1: Memories

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"Mother look!" A 16-year-old Princess Meiying called as she magically made statues made from crystals, there were flowers, animals, people and many more. Her mother Empress Yu Shuxin looked at her and said

"Well done you're getting better control of your magic. Why don't you come and seat here, you've practiced enough for today" Meiying looked at her mom and pouted "But I didn't practice enough, I didn't even practice my offense & defense spells yet."

Shuxin just pat her daughter on the head and said, "In time you will learn my daughter you just have to be patient. Besides, I don't think you should worry I mean you are your father's daughter are you not?"

Meiying smiled and nodded.

You see everyone in the royal family would get a blessing or a gift from the gods no matter which country you're from. When it comes to Chinese Imperial Family, they were blessed with the power of crystals. (You will know for other royalties later)

Suddenly there was an explosion, rebels. They saw the emperor's assistant running to them with five guards. "Your Majesty, your highness the emperor has ordered me to bring you to the under passages for safety please follow me" he said as he escorted them.

They ran and hid in a secret passage under the palace, she shut her eyes and tried to tune out everything. She looked up to her mother and asked, "Mother is everything going to be okay?" The older woman with long dark blue hair almost midnight black with bluebell eyes looked down and gave a reassuring smile and said "Ofcourse sweetie everything will be fine."

After a while they went back out only to see dead bodies everywhere some where stabbed, shot and some had shards of crystals pierced through them. "Shuxin, Meiying" They turned around to only her father Cai Xukun covered in wounds.

"Father/Xukun" They both run over to him just as he was about to fall. They both asked Aaron Xukun's assistant to help them bring him to his bedroom. In his room the doctor check Xukun and stated, "His Majesty is going to be alright so don't worry, he just needs rest and make sure that he doesn't move too much when he wakes up in case the stitching opens up. Blessing to the Sun and Moon and Future Sun and Moon of China." He bowed and with that he left.

"Meiying, I think it would be best if you leave." Meiying just sighed and answered "Of course I'll go back to my room but will you call me when father wakes up" Shuxin shook her head and said "No I don't think you understand you need to leave the country for sometimes at least until the everything is safe."

"But mother-" "Meiying please I love you this is the only way to protect you" Meiying looked to the ground and said

"Okay mother I understand but please when father wakes up please tell me" Shuxin hugged her daughter.

"When you get to Paris look for your aunt and the Lahiffe family they will protect you, show them our family crest and they will know who you are."

~ beep beep ~

~ beep beep ~

"Marinette time to wake up!"

Marinette groaned "Yes auntie." She got up from her bed and started to get ready for school. While she was brushing her hair, she thought 'I really don't want to go to school, I swear dealing with LIE-li is like dealing with a monkey with no brain ... no, that would be an insult to the monkey' She chuckled. "I miss home" She muttered.

She stared at her closet for a good solid 10 minutes to decide what to wear. Finally, she decided to wear an oversized purple vest over a white button up shirt with a plaid pink skirt, for shoes she decided to wear a light brown knee-high boots. She tied her hair in a braid and wear a purple beret. She put on some light make-up and went downstairs to eat. When she got downstairs, she saw Nino waiting for her on the dining table.

"Good morning and Blessing to the Future Sun and Moon of the Chinese Empire, Princess Meiying." He bowed. "Nino how many times should I tell you to stop calling me that!" She exclaimed. The boy just chuckled Marinette rolled her eyes knowing that the boy was teasing her. If you're wondering why Nino knows Marinette is a princess well let's just say he is her official bodyguard during her stay in Paris. Why? well because a long time ago when Marinette's dad was around Marinette's age, he visited Paris and nearly got into a kidnapping incident and the one who saved him was Nino's dad and since then they became close friends always keeping in touch with one another so naturally when Marinette was sent there her bodyguard would of course be Nino.

Marinette grabbed an apple and dragged the poor boy out "Aunt Sabine I'm leaving." "Okay dear be careful." Sabin then stopped what she was doing and thought 'I feel like I'm forgetting something but what is it? Oh well.'

(At school)

Marinette and Nino finally got to class and saw that Lie-la with her sheeps were there surrounding her. Lila and her sheeps then looked towards their direction and started calling her vulgar names. They both ignored it and went straight to the back and waited for the others. "So, did you hear any news from your parents yet?" Nino asked. Marinette sighed and shook her head. "That's too bad I know you were hoping to celebrate you coming-of-age party back at the palace and I've always wanted to meet your parents face to face and not just through a screen how long has it been since you left? what 2 3 years?" (hehehe see what I did there) Marinette nodded her head "3 years" (she's now in her final year of highschool)

"OMG ADRIEN HI!" A banshee (Lila) squealed. Nino and Marinette looked towards the door and saw the sausage haired girl clinging. Marinette rolled her eyes and muttered "What's so great about him anyways?" Nino shrugged and shook his head, they both continued to talk about random topics.

Chloe, Kagami, Juleka, and Luka then came into the class. Marinette then waved to them and gestured for them to come over. Marinette then hugged the three girls and fist bumped Luka while Nino fist bumped Kagami, Juleka and Luka but gave a hug and kissed Chloe on the cheek.

"So, guess what? I heard that our class is going to go on a field trip, but I don't know when, where and how long." Chloe stated while looking at her nails and smirking. Kagami then looked at her and asked, "And you know this how?" "Honey please as the gossip queen of this school it's my duty to know anything and everything going on in this school."

Juleka then said "Careful Chlo you don't want to be like Miss you know who" Chloe the scoffed and said "Puh-lease me like that lying rat I said Gossip Queen not Rumor Queen" (Yes I know they're initially the same but let's pretend they're different.)

The bell rang and Ms. Bustier came inside the class and did attendance and started teaching the class. 


(I hope my readers find this chapter interesting don't forget to read and review)

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