"Im not Spiderwomen!"

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A/n:This is what if the roles were reversed and Peter and Ned found out y/n was spiderwomen by accident and start freaking out.My sister came up with this one her user is Gracehorses

So she climbs on the wall, closes the door, jumps down faces the door and pulls off her mask. When she hears the sound of Lego breaking to the floor.

She whipped her body around and was faced with Ned and Peter sitting on Peters's bed, the Lego Death Star now destroyed on the floor. Her eyes enlarged in panic.

"Shit!"she whispered.

"You're the Spiderwomen!" Ned and Peter say at the same time as Peter stands up.

"I'm not Spiderwomen, your dreaming!"she said panicked as she snatched Peters's dressing gown and put it on over the suit.

Peter had heat creep up on his face as he saw y/n wearing his clothes. But enough about that shit-

"What was that noise?"they hear a voice say outside the door. May.

Y/n turned to back to the boys and put a finger to her lips, but quickly but a "Finger to the throat"gesturing that if the two tell anyone this, she will become an anti-hero and kill them. Metaphorically.

The two boys nodded, and y/n hid it behind the door, just as May opened it.

"What was that noise?"she asked the boys.

"Just our Lego set," Peter said."We dropped it"

"Aww oh well, I'm doing Thai food, you want Thai?She raised a question."Ned?".

Ned nodded to, Peter looked at y/n who was wide-eyed knowing that Ned would ask way too many questions." uh actually Ned got a thing!"Peter told May."After"Ned finished with a smile.

Peter glanced at y/n just as she rolled her eyes.

"Ok your staying for Thai"May said nodding at Ned."oh and Pete can you tidy up your room a bit?"May added."Thanks" she spoke closing the door.

Y/n let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.She turned back to the boys.
"Seriously,Ned?"she asked in disbelief as she stepped closer to the boys.

"Your Spiderwomen!"Ned said."I can't believe I was crushing on my second best friend for this long" he added calmly to himself.

Peter turned to him. He heard that."Wait,What?"he asked. But Ned quickly recovered."I was saying how I hadn't have Thai for this long"Ned said as he spread his arms out gesturing how long it's been.

"Ok,listen here you two"y/n said."You cannot tell anyone about this, zero, zip, nobody" she finished.

"Ok, nobody, "Ned said quietly. There was a silence but then Ned spoke again.

"How do you shoot your webs?"

"Do you lay eggs?"

"Who made your suit?"

Y/n rolled her eyes as Ned carried on asking questions and Peter pushed Ned out of the room."Yeh Ned, she will tell you everything in school tomorrow ok"Peter said.

After Ned left, Peter turned to y/n.
"Omg I'm dead"y/n said falling on the bed.

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