Sam and Bucky babysit-Steve

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A/n:I think I posted three imagines today.Love that

"Alright."Steve clapped his hands."There's food to cook in the press, don't let her climb the furniture, she hates Dora, she likes punching things for whatever reason and she is only three so don't let her out of your sight."

Sam nodded."Easy."

Bucky looked scared."U-uh."

"You'll be fine Buck."Steve said patting his shoulder."Alright pumpkin."He said bending down to Y/n's height."I'll see you later.Be good for Uncle Sam and Bucky,k?"

Y/n smiled and nodded.Steve smiled back, standing up again.

"Alright.Bye guys."

The door closed and Sam turned to Bucky."This will be eas-He stopped himself when he saw the space where Y/n was empty.

"What the?"Sam looked around.

"What?"Bucky asked.

"She's gone.She just vanished."Sam said panicking.

"Relax Sam.She couldn't have gone far."Bucky reassured his friend.

"You think?"

"Wizard baby."Bucky whispered to himself.He was scared of the young child.

Sam nodded."Right.Let's look for her."

Sam searched the kitchen and Bucky searched upstairs.Bucky walked back down into the living room and was startled when he saw Y/n on the couch with popcorn and a movie playing.

"Wizard baby."Sam said coming up behind Bucky.

"More like magic baby."Bucky said walking towards her."Do you think she's going through a phase?"

"She's a child.The only phases she has is pooping, crying and more crying."Sam said with hands on his hips.

"Sounds about right."

Y/n smiled and giggled at the two men.Sam sighed and approached her.

"Hey little lady."He smiled.

"Where did she get popcorn?"Bucky asked.

"No idea."

Y/n laughed and pointed towards the buggy.Bucky glanced at it.

"You want to go on a walk?"

"A walk?"Sam asked.

"Not you, you idiot."Bucky said walking over to the stroller."Come on sweetheart."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows."I thought you were scared of her."

"I was never scared of her.She's just a child Sam."

Sam scoffed as Bucky lifted Y/n into the stroller."let's go then."

They didn't get far because Y/n started crying.

"Oh crap.What's wrong little one?"Bucky asked.

She held out her hands as if to say "Get me out of this stroller bitch."

"You want out?"Sam asked.Y/n nodded."But we haven't even left the living room."

"It doesn't matter.Maybe she wants us to hold her hands."Bucky smiled.He lifted her back out and set her down beside him.He grabbed her teddy bear from the couch while Sam fixed a bottle.

When they turned around....

Y/n was gone.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"Sam yelled.

However Bucky heard giggles and bolted in their direction.Sam following with an angry sigh.Y/n kept running and turning corners to make the two men exhausted.

Then out of the blue, Natasha rang them.

"Hey Natasha."Bucky greeted.

"Hey Bucky.I just wanted to know how my little star is doing?"

Bucky looked at Sam wide eyed."Ummm, she's fine."

"Aww that's good.Can I talk to her?"

Now it was Sam's turn to panic."Uhhh, no not right now."

"Why not?"Nat asked.

"Shes um asleep."Bucky lied.His eyes scanning for the toddler.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later the-

"YEA YEAH THATS GREAT.TALK LATER!.BYEEE."He hung up the phone.Sam stood with open mouth expression."What?"Bucky asked.

"Your an idiot."

"Yeah well if your so smart, then find the three year old."Bucky scoffed.

"I will."Sam said running off again.

Three hours later and Y/n was nowhere to be found.

Sam and Bucky walked into the compound with sad expressions."I can't believe we lost her."

"Steve's gonna kill us."Sam sighed rubbing his forehead.

"STEVE?"Bucky asked."Forget Steve.THE WHOLE TEAM WILL KILL US!"

Sam dropped himself onto the couch."We failed."

Bucky sighed and was about to speak again but was interrupted by a giggle.His head shot up, looking around frantically.

"Please tell me you heard that?"He asked Sam."The giggle?"

"Oh god it's out minds playing tricks again."Sam said.

"No no."Bucky listened again.Then he heard it again.

Y/n hid behind the sofa and jumped on top of Sam causing him to scream.

"HOLY.WIZARD BABY!"Sam screeched.

Bucky sighed in relief.Y/n smiled as Bucky sat beside her.Sam sat with a wide eyed expression.

"Gotta go."He said speeding off.

"You almost gave me and Sam a heart attack Y/n."Bucky said kissing her head.

"I'm sorry."Y/n apologised.

"It's alright."

Sam came running back in."Okay, she is clearly going through a phase, oh god I hope it's a phase."Sam said holding up a leash.

"What's that?"Bucky asked.

"A child safety teather ."Sam said nodding.

"Sam.That's a dog leash."

"Dose it matter?"Sam asked picking Y/n up.He attached the leash to her belt and smiled at his new invention.

"You think that will keep her there?"Bucky asked.

"For now.Until Steve gets back."He shrugged sitting beside Bucky.

Y/n began running on the spot to break free but after many attempts, she sat down.

Two hours later and Steve arrived home.

"Hey everyone.Hey pumpk-" Steve's eyes went wide as he spotted his daughter."What the hell is that?"

"It's a child safety tether."Sam smiled.

"Sam thinks she's going through a phase."Bucky sighed.

"She bolted every chance she got.We had no choice but to out her on a child safety tether."Sam shrugged.Steve's mouth was wide open.

"It's a leash."Bucky said.

"And we did have a choice."

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