Chapter 31: The Final Task

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It had been many months since the last task and the final task was approaching. I had said sorry to Harry and so did he. We fixed out problems a little bit but deep down something still felt off.

As I pulled on the red gryffindor jumper and black leggings I realized it had been a long time since I had heard from Lupin or Sirius. I hoped they were alright. It was unlike them to go with out sending me a letter.

I walked with Hermoien down to the last task. All of the champions came walking out.

"Silence!" Dumbledore said. All sound stopped.

"For today professor Moody placed the triwizard cup deep in the maze, Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggaroy- '' He started but was cut off by people cheering for him.

"And Mr. Potter." He said more people cheered. "Tied for first potion they will be the first to enter the maze followed by Mr. Krum." More cheering. "Then Mrs. Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Dumbledore said. Everyone cheered.

"Now a chuck of the staff will protroll the perimeter if at any point a contestant wishes to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants gather around." he said becoming all of them I could not hear what they were saying.

Harry and Cedric went to the start of the maze.

"On the count of 3." He started then the cannon went off. Harry and Cedric walked in followed by Krum and Fluer.

After a few minutes red sparks went up. Fluer came out. A little later more red sparks shot up. Krum came out.

After a few more hours Harry and Cedric appeared. The band started again. I got up and cherried. So did a lot of others. Harry and Cedric stayed laying on the ground. Dumbledore walked forward.

Fluer screamed. I saw something was happening. I looked around. I was not the only one who saw it. The band stopped. I saw Cedric not moving.

I saw Geroge walk past and I grabbed his hand as I did. I followed him down to see Harry lying there over Cedric's body.

"Oh my-" I said, turning into Geroge who rubbed my head. I had never been close with Cedric or even talked to him but I knew he was a kind person.

"Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I could not leave him not there." Harry said, crying.

"That's my son! That's my boy!" Called Mr.Diggary trying to get to Cedric. When he did he collapsed beside him. He let out a horrible scream which made me hold on even tighter to Geroge.

I saw Moody pull Harry's body off of Cedric and take him away. I turned my head to the side, something felt wrong about that.

"Let's go Lily." George said, taking me away from the body.

When we were half way back to the dorm Mgonagall found us.

"Hello professor, is there something you need?" I said.

"Hello, Mis.Black, Hello Mr. Weasly. Dumbledore has requested that I fetch you." She said,

"Why?" I asked.

"Well." She said looking down. It was the first time I saw the Black dog beside her.

"Oh!" I said, realizing. I bent down to give the dog a hug.

"She has a strange relationship with this dog." Mcgonagall said.

"Yes she does." George said.

"Well Mis.Black please come with me and the dog." She said,

"I will meet you later ok Geroge?" I said.

I followed Mcgonagall to the office. Sirius walked close beside me. I would reach down and pet his head ever so often and he would rub against my leg.

When we walked into the office we saw, Dumbledore, Snape, Harry.

"That is all Mcgonagll." Dumbledore said. She left hastily and Sirius shifted back into his human form.

"Sirius!" Harry said, giving him a hug. Something was off about Harry.

"Harry, what did you see?" Dumbledore asked.

"He is back. You know who is back." Harry said.

"Thank you Harry. Go get some rest." Dumbledore said. Sirius gave Harry one last hug and told him it would be ok. Then Harry left.

"Dumbledore, do you know what this means?" Sirius asked taking me under his arm.

"Yes but clarify just so I know we are talking about the same thing." Dumbledore said. Sirius gave me a look.

"Should I go?" I asked.

"No child. You can stay. Who knows when you will see him again. Plus I have a feeling she already knows." Dumbledore said. My heart gave a small flutter. Dumbledore would call me when the Black dog was here because he did not know when I would get to see my dad again.

"Dumbledore it's time for the order to rise again." Sirius said. I knew what he meant right away.

"The Order?" I asked. "As in the Order of the Phoenix?" I asked. Sirius looked surprised that I knew.

"I told you I had a feeling she knew." Dumbledore smiled.

"Yes Lily, As in the order of the phoenix." Snape said. Until this second I had forgotten he was there. I saw that Sirius shifted when Snape talked to me.

"It's ok dad, he apologized." I said.

"Sirius, go tell the others. Say your goodbyes to Lily. I have a feeling you will see her soon." Dumbledore said.

"Dad?" I asked, turning to him. He pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you Lily." He said with a quick kiss on my head.

"When will I see you again?" I asked.

"Sooner than you think Lily." He said, hugging me again.

"I love you." I said as he apperated away.

"Miss. Black please go down to the great hall. I have an announcement to make." Dumbledore said.

"Yes headmaster." I said leaving. As I walked down to the great hall my mind was buzzing.

The order is back up and running. I never thought I would have to go through a war or anything but I see I have to. Just like my dad and his friends. The second wizarding war had started. And for once, I had no idea what I should do.

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