Lasting Lover

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Inspired by the song: Lasting Lover by James Author

Brian's P.O.V-

All of my friends are heading out just before 11. Which was perfect for me. I could clean up from the party a little bit and then get some gaming in before heading to bed. I look around at the mess and then I hear some singing and music coming from my kitchen. I round the corner and see Y/N at the sink, singing to some song I've never heard of while hand washing some glasses. I chuckle and laugh as I walk in, trying not to startle her "hey!" I call over. She jumps a little bit looks up and smiles, "you don't have to do that, I got it."

She shrugs one shoulder, "I don't mind. Gives me a little time to myself. I'm still not used to hanging out with so many people again since quarantine."

She gives me a soft smile and continues cleaning. I go over to her side and say, "well, everyone left, why don't you chill. You don't have to clean up after me."

She looks shocked and maybe embarrassed and says, "oh crap, everyone left? I'm sorry, I did not mean to overstay. I'm so so sorry, Brian. She rinses out the glass she was cleaning and starts to move to go leave.

"Hey, slow down. You don't have to leave because everyone else did. Hang out with me for a bit." I try and calm her down. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind spending more quality time with her "I'd like the company."

She looks over at the clock and asks, "you sure? I don't wanna be a burden or like over stay my welcome?"

I assure her, "I promise. Besides, you already cleaned half my dishes. I'm not going to kick you out."

"Ok. I'll hang out, just for a bit though." She agrees, returning to the sink.

I grab her hands from picking up the sponge and remind her, "no! Stop! You are not cleaning!"

"Oh, come on. I totally don't mind, it destresses me. Besides, I'm almost done." She pouts and pleads and looks to the side of the sink.

I look at the 5 glasses remaining on the side of the sink and decide to make a deal with her, "fine, just those" I point at them and her eyes follow the gesture, "none of the others I'm going to bring by while I clean. Then we hang out on the couch."

"Fine. Deal" she beams and picks up the sponge to continue cleaning.

I shake my head with a smile and move to clean some of the mess in the living room. As I do, she picks back up singing again and I listen,

"To save me, save me
From every single
Heartache, heartache
I feel like I'm lost without a trace
Take my heart and run away
She said, "I've been looking for a lasting lover"

It's a surprisingly upbeat tempo for such sad lyrics but she just smiles and sings, swinging her hips along with it, occasionally bending her knees. I just watch her, from the living room and realize my desire. We've been friends for a few years now, but I've never stopped to think about us. We got along great, always had a good time together, nothing was ever forced with her. When the song is over, another comes on but I hear her tell the Alexa to play the last song again. It comes back on and she starts to sing and dance again with it. She finishes cleaning those dishes in the sink but continues to sing. She grabs a towel and starts to dry them. I chuckle and move to help her, letting her finish the song one more time before saying something, "the deal wasn't to dry the dishes Y/N." I laugh.

"Right. Sorry." She places the dry dish down, "just got carried away."

"I saw, you really like that song, huh?" I ask her.

She answers with a shrug, "it's just upbeat, it's easy to dance to, "you sure you want me hanging around? It's not too late?"

"Never, I usually don't go to sleep till much later." I assure her again, "come on." She follows me to the couch and sits down on a corner piece. I sit next to her, but not too close. Although I'm sure realizing my desires towards her, I have no idea what she is feeling towards me, "do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask her, grabbing the remote.

"Sure, but nothing scary. I have to walk home tonight and I am not trying to psych myself out." She insists with a laugh.

"Not scary, got it." I turn the TV on to find something not scary for us to watch.

I find some romantic comedy to throw on, knowing I'd barely be paying attention anyway. My head will be overthinking the entire time, wondering how I can get closer to her without making it obvious or weird. Trying to figure out if there's a way to talk to her without seeming too eager. Luckily, within 15 minutes of starting the movie, Y/N has moved closer to me. She moved her legs to the side underneath her, so her body just tilts the right. She holds herself up with her right hand as she watches. After a minutes, I decide to say, "here, come lay on me."

"What?" She looks at me, maybe unsure of what I said.

"You're arms going to go numb like that" I point to her right arm, "come here." I pat my chest, gesturing for her to rest on. She smiles and comes over, putting her cheek to my chest to continue watching the movie.

A few minutes later, and she lowly says out, "hey Brian?"

"Ya?" I ask, both of us still staring ahead.

"You're hearts beating pretty quickly." She tells me.

"Yea, it is." Is all I think to say back. My nerves have me good right now and I can't think of anything else to say.

She sits up to look at me and replies, "mine too. She smiles ever so slightly, and I take that as a sign to move in and kiss her. She doesn't move away from it, and the two of us make out on my couch for the remainder of the movie. When it's over and the credits are finished rolling, she pulls apart smiling, she whispers, "I should really get going. It's late." She leans back in for more kissing.

She pulls apart again and I offer, "want me to drive you?"

Shake shakes her head slightly, "it's alright. I'm not far." She reminds me that she lives close by. We kiss some more before she moves to unstraddle me, readjusting her hair and wrinkled clothes. As I follow her to the door, she turns and questions, "what uhh.. what do you think about what just happened?"

"I liked it. A lot." I tell her honestly. I chuckle back, "and I'd like to do it again."

"I liked it too, but do you want do it again as like just hook up or are you like— I don't know, wanting something more?" She asks. I don't know why she doesn't give me time to answer, before she instantly explains, "don't get me wrong, hooking up with someone is fine if that's what both people want but I'm not really looking for someone to hook up with. I'm looking for something more."

"You're looking for a lasting lover?" I smirk and raise one eyebrow. She smirks back, lowers her eyes for a moment but nods. "I am too.. do you want to go out to dinner tomorrow?"

She nods and smiles, "yea, I'd like that."

"Great. I'll text you in the morning." I confirm to her, opening the door, "I'll see you later." I kiss her on the lips one more time before she leaves down my front steps, "text me when you get home?" I call to her.

"I will" she assures me, and I shut the door when she's far enough away and smile to myself trying to figure out the best date possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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