Drunk Last Night: Part 2

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Inspired by: Drunk last night - Eli Young Band

"Hello?" I answer my phone. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anymore but I just wanted the ringing to stop. My head was killing me.

"Brian, can you meet for lunch today?" Her voice soothes me, somehow makes the hangover less awful.

I smirk, happy now that I answered "today? Sure, wanna meet me at our spot at 12?"

I look at the clock on my wall and note the time. Eight Thirty. She answers back "can you do 11?" She returns.

I turn in my bed and answer "yea, I'll see you there."

"Great, bye!" She returns and hangs up before I could say goodbye. I place my phone down next to me and drift back to sleep.

When I wake up again, the headache has subsided some more. I have 35 minutes before I have to leave to make it on time. I shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a short sleeved button up shirt. She always liked when I wore these types of button ups on the show. When I arrive at our favorite lunch spot, I'm a bit surprised she's already there. She sits at an outside table with a cup of water in front of her "you're never early" I say to her as I get closer.

"Hi, Brian." She gives me a sympathetic smile and stands. We hug each other, awkwardly, and she sits back down when we release. I sit across from her, now wondering why she wanted to meet. We haven't talked in a few weeks, and I haven't seen her since we broke up 5 months ago. I was hoping she wanted to talk about us, about the possibility of working on us again. Now, I'm not so sure. As if reading my mind, as she always was able to do she says "do you not remember talking to me last night?"

"Last night?" My eyebrows arch, having no recollection of us talking. She exhales, placing her hands on the table. I ask her "did we run into each other? Did you call me?"

"You called me" she corrected.

I run my right hand over my mouth and chin trying to remember. Bits and pieces of the night come back to me. She lets me piece it together, having been through this with me before. She's so patient. I remember standing in the rain and something stinging. I don't know what I said, but it must've not been good. "I uhm.." I try and figure out what to say "I shouldn't have called you, I'm sorry."

"It's alright" she responds, staying calm.

I shake my head "it's not. We've been broken up for months. You could have another boyfriend by now and I just randomly call you up. It's not alright."

"I don't have another boyfriend, Brian." I can't tell but it looks like she is trying to hide a smirk. She takes a sip of her water just as a waiter comes to bring one for me.

After I tell him I'm okay with just water and he walks away with a scowl, I say "so if you don't want an apology, why did you wanna meet?"

"You said something last night, and I want to know what you meant." She tells me.

I try again to think about what I said. A million things run through my head. I pray I wasn't an asshole to her as I cautiously ask "what did I say?"

She answers "that we agreed to break up? What do you mean?"

I sit up a bit, not sure why that would be something I said. I try and explain "Well, you were distant for awhile and you said the night before we broke up that you didn't know how you could keep doing this. I figured you were unhappy and wanted to breakup." She drops her head as I speak and exhales. She picks her head back up as I continue on and her eyes are searching mine. "I just said it first to make you feel alright about it. I didn't want you to be unhappy, so if me initiating it helped you, I was okay with doing that."

When I finish talking, she bites her lower lip. She always did that when there was something she wanted to say that was hard for her. "That wasn't.." but she stops. She takes another breath then stands and takes the seat next to me. Her hand finds mine and she embraces it. "I didn't mean I couldn't keep dating you."

"Then what did you mean? You stopped staying over and never wanted to hang out. Seemed like you didn't wanna be with me anymore." I return, wondering how else she could've meant it.

She nods once firmly and says "well.." she struggles telling me again, her bottom lip turning white as she bites it.

I assure her "you can tell me anything."

"I uhh, I had a miscarriage. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to feel bad or something." She says. I hear everything she says but those 4 words "I had a miscarriage" was all that stuck out to me. I'm not sure how long she lets me sit there in wonder until she whispers "Brian."

"When? What? You were pregnant?" I ask, trying to keep my mouth closed from the shock.

She nods then goes on "it was fine at 7 weeks but then something happened around week 9 or 10 and I lost it."

I try to stay engaged but everything seems blurry "how.. uh.. when did you lose it? Like right before the break up? Why didn't you tell me?" My hand grips hers now, wishing she didn't go through it alone.

She shakes her head "it was about 2 weeks before we broke up. I didn't know how to tell you. Every time I was going to I just got too emotional. And then I felt like I was lying to you and it was hard being around you without you knowing."

I just stare into her eyes, allowing everything to sink in. She doesn't cry, although I can see her eyes start to water. I pull her close to me and wrap my arms tightly around her "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

"It's okay." She says as she accepts my hug.

I rub my hand up and down her back "no, it's not. Instead of talking thinks out I just broke up with you and made everything worse." She doesn't respond to that and I know how true that must be for her. I sit back from our hug and look at her sternly "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. There are no words to describe how sorry I am."

"It's alright." She tries to say back. I go to argue with her that it's not but she jumps in before I could "Brian, really. I'm actually just happy you called me last night and said that. I thought you just didn't like me anymore."

"Never, I love you." I tell her back, never having stopped. She grins and nods, letting a tear fall down her cheek.

I wipe it from her face and let my hand cup her cheek. She chuckles as I do this and says "who would've thought one of your drunk nights out would bring us back together."

I chuckle along with her and then respond "thank you for telling me. I can't imagine what you went through. I know it must've been hard to tell me today."

She nods and says "I'm just glad you know." We just sit next to each other with smiles and stare at one another. Eventually, she asks "what do we do now?"

"Pick up where we left off? Before I royally screwed things up. Would you wanna do that? Could you do that, forgive me?" I ask her, praying she'll say she can.

She nods and says "if you can forgive me for not telling you sooner."

"Nothing to be forgiven, we're okay." I tell her.

"I love you" She says to me, the most beautiful words I've ever heard.

"I love you, too." I tell her, leaning in to kiss her, to show her how much I mean it.

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