Darkside: Part 1

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Inspired by the song Darkside by Alan Walker

The room is dark as I sit alone at the side of the bar. I just finished another night working on the Jokers bus tour and we don't leave for another city till the morning. It's been a lot of fun getting to know the crew as we prep the stage before every show and tear it down when it's over. The bartender brings me another drink and I look up and say to her "oh, I didn't order this."

She points a few seats down from where I sit and says "it's on him."

I look over and see Q from the show smirking at me with a beer in his hand. He raises his drink for a second then sips it. I raise the drink up and smile, accepting his gesture. He stands up with his drink in hand and comes over to sit next to me "you're Y/N, right?"

"Yeah, Hey." I push my hand out "it's nice to officially meet you. Thanks for the drink."

He takes my hand and shakes it "no problem, it's the least I could do for all you and the crew do for us and the show."

I open up honestly "I'm actually surprised you even know my name."

I can't be sure but I think I see a blush "well, we've been on the road 2 weeks, I've seen you setting up." He explains.

"I'm flattered!" I let my smirk turn into a smile and take a bigger sip of my vodka soda.

The two of us talk for another 20 minutes as we finish our drinks and when I finish my last sip he asks "can I get us another round?"

I know I shouldn't say what I'm about to say but there's just something in his eyes. There's something about the way he's been looking at me that makes it so I can't stop myself "we could do that. Or we can go back to my room?"

He sits up but is still smirking and I can tell he's reading the situation. I hold his stare, that thing behind it still entrancing me "mmmm, really? Already?" I nod slowly, and only once making sure he sees how serious I am. "Alright, yeah, let's go." Brian throws some money down on the bar as I go to my bag to pay for my drink from before and he says "it's on me." I leave the bar to walk the two blocks to my hotel with him behind me. As we get out, Q catches up to me and then keeps with my stride. After we cross a street corner "so, I guess it's a good thing you guys aren't staying at the same hotel as us, huh?"

"Considering I could get fired for this, you bet." I reply, my heart pounding in my chest.

He hesitates walking and I stop, knowing he wants to say something "are you sure we should do this then? I don't want you to get fired."

"If you don't tell and I don't tell, who's to know?" I smile, feeling a rush of energy sneaking around like this.

"Someone could find out." He returns, showing he would care if I were to be fired.

Although that's nice, I can't help but want him more as he shows concern. I explain "Well, it's not like we're in love. We share no stories together. No ones gonna put us together as a thing. Let's just do it, let's have some fun!" I grab his hand, hoping he'll feel my energy. His hesitation dissipates and he smiles again, telling me to continue on.

Over the course of the next 2 weeks, Q and I hook up after almost every show they have. I usually text him him what room I'm staying in and he knocks on my door a couple hours after the show ends and I'm done helping clean and pack everything up. As soon as I open the door this particular night Brian rushes me, wrapping his arms around me and pushing his lips hard against mine. I chuckle as we kiss and mutter out "someone's eager."

"I've waited two whole days for this." He gets out in a strong huff, his hands rubbing down the back of my shirt.

He moves his hands to under my shirt where his cold fingers run along my bra to find the clasp "ahhh, cold." I jump a little at the sudden feeling.

"Sorry. You'll be warmed up real soon." He replies, getting it unhooked and helping me take off my shirt so I can get my bra off.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm excited too, but aren't we in a rush? We have all night." I ask, as my shirt hits the floor.

His eyes linger on my breasts and he barely licks his lips and whispers "exactly, we have all night."

Hours later, the two of us lay together in my hotel bed as he spoons me. I look out at the night sky through the open window and smile in contentment. I know he's going to leave soon but I just enjoy this small amount of affection before he does. He surprises me when he says "so, only 2 more nights of this leg, then we don't start up again till after the holidays."

"Well, we better make the best of these last 2 nights then, huh?" I turn over with a devious smirk. He gets what I'm doing and we spend another hour together before he leaves my hotel.

Two nights later on the 20th of November, Brian is already at the lobby of my hotel when I get back from work. It was later then usual, having to pack everything for shipping since we won't be on the road again till Mid January. I walk straight to the elevator and he follows behind me. After the random women in the elevator gets off, Brian says to me without looking back "hey" in a low voice.

I say back "hey, I told you I'd text you when I was back."

He replies "didn't wanna wait that long."

"But I need to freshen up, I'm so sweaty and gross from packing." I say, a bit embarrassed.

He shrugs as the door opens "doesn't bother me."

I smile and he opens his hand out for me to take and we walk to my room hand in hand. When we get inside, I turn to him as he shuts the door and I start kissing him hard. After a few seconds I say "just give me 10 minutes."

"No, wait. Come here." He says before I could turn to walk away. I squint my eyes and forehead together but follow him into the small living room / kitchenette. We sit down on the couch and he says "honestly, I'm so exhausted from the last 12 shows, can we just hang out tonight."

"Really? You came here and waited for me to just hang out?" I inquire, not really sure what his take is.

He shrugs and nods "yup, pretty much."

I sit back in the couch "alright, yeah. If that's what you wanna do." A couple of hours later Brian is standing up, waking me up in the process "oh, shit! I'm sorry, I feel asleep on you."

"No, don't apologize." He whispers "it was nice but i have to go. I need to grab my things before heading to the airport."

"Oh, wow. It's 3 am already?" I turn to look at the glowing green light from the microwave. That's what time Brian said he'd need to leave to make his 6 am flight. I stand up and follow him to the door "Well Brian, thanks for a fun 2 weeks. You really made it fly by for me." I lean in to kiss him on the cheek.

"Yeah, me too." He opens the door and accepts my cheek kiss.

Brian hovers for a bit at the door and I can tell he wants to ask something. I encourage him by pushing "just say what you wanna say, Q."

He bites his lower lip but says "well, I know we're done for awhile now but I was wondering if you'd like to grab coffee with me when we get back to New York." Although I'm flattered, I'm also taken back by this. One of the reasons this was so fun was because it was forbidden. If Brian and I were to be seen going out together I could get in a lot of trouble. Brian must notice my hesitation and he shrugs "but you don't have to, it's fine."

He goes to walk off but I grab his arm "no, stop! Wait. I want to but I really can't lose my job and if anyone sees us, I'd get in a lot of trouble."

He returns "I get it, it's fine. I just thought I'd ask."

I can tell I hurt his feelings and I totally didn't mean to so I suggest "hey, why don't I text you when I get back to New York to set something up. I'm sure there's somewhere in New York we could go where no one would see us."

He smiles and agrees "that sounds perfect. We'll talk soon then."

"Bye, Brian!" I lean in again, this time for a hug and he gives me one back, squeezing me tighter then he has any other time.

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