Do you see what I see?

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You sit on the bench in your favorite New York City park, reading your kindle. As you read another page during your hour long break, someone sits down next to you. Nothing new in the city, and you just continue reading. "Hey, can I ask you something?" The person next to you asks.

You don't even look up from your kindle as you hum back "mmm."

He moves just a little closer on the bench and asks "does that cloud look like a penis umbrella to you?"

This grabs your attention, not expecting that as a question. You assumed it would be the typical what time is it, is it suppose to rain today, kind of thing. You lower your kindle now and look over to the man with a smirk "I'm sorry?" You say back to him, wanting to make sure you actually understood what he asked.

He smiles but repeats "that cloud up there, doesn't it look like a penis umbrella?"

Your smirk turns to more of a smile at the strange question but you indulge, thinking how cute the guy is that's asking this question. You look up at the clouds but see nothing resembling a penis umbrella. "I uhh, I can't say I see what you're referring to. What cloud?" You ask as you look up and around at all the white clouds above your head.

He leans closer to you and then points up "that one." You squint, trying really hard to see what he see's but you start to shake your head to tell him you don't see it. "No, no, really, look." He tries further "if you just turn it a little bit then you can see the penis and that right there is the umbrella."

"ahh, I mean, I see a little bit of that but it looks more just like a straight penis." You tell him back. He chokes up a laugh and a smile and you just shrug as he looks to you "hey, you were the one to put penis' into my brain."

"wow, wow, that was not my intention!" He quickly responds to you.

You laugh, but point up "but look at that one over there" and when he turns his head to look over you add on "you can't tell me that doesn't look like a butterfly with one of the wings in the shape of a penis."

He laughs loudly "holy shit, it does!"

You laugh together and then pull out another one "and it may not be a penis but that one looks like ironman with tits."

The man quickly looks over his shoulder to what you were referring to and then he turns back to you with his mouth hung open a bit "it fuckin' does! Whatt!" And he looks back over his shoulder to look at it again.

You shrug, happy with your cloud defining skills and tell him "wow, that was fun. I haven't stopped and looked at the clouds and just enjoyed the day in so long. Thank you."

"Yeah, but come on, penis umbrella?" He points again to that same damn cloud with some kind of hope in his eyes.

You shake your head with a smile and say "I'm sorry, just a penis."

He drops his head and chuckles "okay, okay. Well, sorry to bother you." He stands up and goes to leave.

"Not a bother at all, have a good day." You say back to him and he smiles and leaves.

You look back up at the clouds above for a few more minutes and laugh to yourself as you see both female and male reproductive organs in almost all of them. You slowly return back to your book. A few more minutes later and a man walks over and introduces himself "hey, my name's John and I was wondering if you have a minute."

"Well, I'm actually busy right now, soooo" You try and put him down gently and get back to your book.

"Oh, well, it's actually about the guy you were just talking to." He says back to you.

You lower your kindle and raise an eyebrow "ooookay?" This is kind of weird.

"Well, he's actually a part of a show called Impractical Jokers. It's a hidden camera show and we're wondering if you'd be willing to sign a release to be on camera?" He smiles and asks. You eye his hand and see a clipboard resting against his leg.

"Oh, it was for a show? Well, I guess, sure." You shrug. Nothing embarrassing happened between the two of you and it was pretty funny. He passes you the clipboard and a pen and as you go to quickly read through the paper before signing, you ask "so, I'm guessing it's a comedy show or movie or something?"

"It's a show, on TruTV." He nods and waits for you to be done.

"Cool, I guess I'll have to check it out then. See what it's all about." You reply, getting to the bottom and starting to sign. "Here you go" You hand over the clipboard and pen when it's done.

"Awesome, thanks!" John says and goes to walk away. You see the man from earlier who you were having fun with come back over towards you.

As he gets close enough for him to hear you, you say to him "penis umbrella, huh?"

"It's a game we play, and since you didn't see it, I lost." He tells you arms wide open as he stops in front of you "I'm Brian." He reaches his hand out to you.

"Y/N" You introduce yourself back "and well, if I had known it was for a game show I would've made sure you lost faster" you smile.

He chuckles and sits back down "it's actually not a game show as just something my friends and I do to prank and embarrass each other."

You laugh and answer "well, you lost but are you embarrassed?"

He chuckles and answers "I was at first when they told me what I had to say but after talking for a bit all the embarrassment went away. I uhm, I actually came back out here to get your number. That is if your single and interested at all."

You smile, actually a bit thrilled to be having him ask you for your number. "yeah, you can have my number."

"Yeah?" He asks back, his eyes lighting up a bit.

You nod, as he passes you his phone for you to put your number in. When you go to hand it back to him, you ask him "is this how you get all your dates numbers? Talk to them about penis' and put them on your show?."

He chuckles "any girl I've ever talked to about penis' first thing has never agreed to go out with me." You know he's joking and you laugh at it, actually realizing he's a really funny guy "well, I'll defiantly be calling you Y/N. It was great to meet you."

"You too, Brian. Looking forward to it." He waves as he walks away and you go back to your book for the last 15 minutes of your break.

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