Just my Type

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Inspired by the song- Just my type by the Chainsmokers (Emily Warren)

Brian gets up quickly after finishing and begins to dress "sorry, I really-"

I quickly stop him "stop, you don't got to say it. I know you're not staying over."

He turns on his puppy dog eyes and says back "I would but I have work early in the morning. Long day tomorrow."

"It's fine, go." You smile. It's a 50/50 chance that I'm either pissy and upset that he doesn't stay or totally fine with it and even help push him out the door. Brian was super affectionate this evening, making sure to make sure I was pleased before he released.

The next night Brian knocks on my door heavily without notice. It's past midnight and I'm already in bed about to pass out. "What are you doing, Brian?" I question as I open the door and he brushes past me to come in.

I roll my eyes but shut the door, he answers "I missed you, I wanted to see you."

"I'm about to go to sleep but you're more then welcome to stay." I smile at him, hoping he's drunk enough to accept the offer.

He pushes his lower lip further out then his upper and says "but I'm horny."

"Of course you are" I roll my eyes again, this time so he can see me "how drunk are you?"

"I'm not" he goes to protect, stumbling over himself as he does.

I sigh, knowing that even though tonight will be one of those nights I can't stand, wishing he'd just stay over a night with needing sex. "You're lucky I like you Quinn. Let's go." I walk past him into my bedroom, working to take my shirt off along the way, not wanting to waste anytime with foreplay.

Two days later and Brian invites me out to dinner. When he drops me back off at home, I invite him inside. Most likely thinking he's doing to get lucky, he accepts and follows me. We sit on my couch together cuddling and watching a movie when his hand begins to wander south "not tonight, please? Can we just watch the movie and hang out?"

He brings his hand back up to his lap with a grumble "yeah, sure."

I sit up from leaning against him and ask "what are we doing? Are you just interested in me for hooking  up?" I question.

"What?" He implores "of course not. But you have to admit we're really good at it." He smiles wickedly.

"Then what are we doing?" I ask him, starting to get annoyed with whatever it is this is.

He sighs slightly but answers "I told you, I like you a lot but I'm not a relationship guy."

"Right" I reciprocate his sigh, vividly remembering that conversation. I can't get mad, although I want to. Brian's someone I'll never be able to lock down, drawing me closer to him every time he turns me down. "Well, let's have some fun then." I decide to try and get the night back on track.

"Nah, that's alright. Let's just finish the movie." He pats his lap, telling me to lay back down. I do what he suggests, but my brain can't focus on the movie, only being able to think about how much Brian is meant for me and how he'll never give himself up enough to commit.

A/N: I thought about writing more but felt it was better off keeping it short and sweet. Let me know if you feel differently and want some more.

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