Slow Dance: Part 2

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Brian and I go out on five dates and every time the farthest he's taken it has been just making out. Brian's picking me up tonight for another date but right now I have to focus on my new job. I'm planning an after party for another tv networks up front week. It's their biggest event of the year and there's a ton of pressure on me to make it perfect. The location has already been paid for by the previous planner but she dropped the ball and they fired her 2 weeks ago, the same day I was hired. Usually people have a year to plan these events, but I've only got 7 months! The day is filled with phone calls and emails, doing everything I can to get the best florists and caterers and designers to agree to a contract. I don't even realize I'm late for my date until my watch buzzed and I see a text from Brian "hey, everything okay?"

"Shit!" I mutter out loud, I scramble to find my phone under piles of paper and dial Brian's number. As soon as he picks up I utter "Brian! Hi! I am soooo sorry, I'm just going to leave work right now. If you don't mind me with some frizzy hair and old makeup, I can be there in 20!"

"Hey, no problem. Must've been a pretty busy first day. We can reschedule the date." He offers.

"No!" I almost scream too loudly back to him.

Brian and I agreed on our first date that date number 6 is a good number enough before taking things further then making out. He told me how hard it was to not invite me back over to his place after the date but I held strong. Until our 4th date when I invited him upstairs to my place. He had the cheesiest grin on his face but insisted we wait till at least the 6th date. He replies "oh!" I hear him chuckle "well, would you like me to pick you up? I could be to you in 20 minutes and you can wrap up your work."

"That would be awesome, you sure you're okay with that?" I return to him.

He assures "Of course. Text me the address, I'll be there soon."

"Will do, thanks Brian!" We say goodbye and I text him my work address. I'm already on my way to the bathroom to freshen myself up before we hang up. If tonight's the night we finally have sex, I wanna look the best I can with 20 minute time to get ready. I get outside of my new work building just as Brian gets out of a cab "hey!" I smile wide, as if I'm not winded from rushing to get ready.

"Hey gorgeous"! He smiles back, coming over to give me a hug and a kiss "you hungry?"

"You bet I am" I say back, hoping he can catch my tone and realize I'm not referring to food.

He laughs just a little and takes my hand "let's go."

We have dinner at a nice Thai place for a few hours before he walks me home. When we get to the outside of where I live I step close to his body, letting the heat between us build up and I whisper up to him "so, date 6 is over. Do you wanna come upstairs?"

He smirks down at me, his eyes glistening with desire and he leans closer to my lips "I'd like" he kisses me twice "nothing more" as I try to move backwards into the door to get us upstairs while continuing to kiss, he catches me off guard when he says "but I'm gonna keep being unassuming and charming" another kiss "if that's alright with you?"

He pulls away from our kiss and I look to him with a half opened mouth and wide eyes "you're kidding, right?"

"Nope" he pops the p in the word "I'll see you tomorrow!" He waves and walks off, the two of us already having planned to get lunch tomorrow.

The next day, I head out of my office a little later then I thought but when I texted Brian he told me not to worry about it. When I arrive to the restaurant, I spot him as I'm being walked over to his table. I'm a bit confused when I see him sitting across from another women "hey Brian." I say as I stand directly next to the table, smiling to the women.

Brian moves to the side to stand up from the tall table they're seated at "hey, Miranda" he smiles "this is Joanna, she's a reporter."

"Oh, hi there." I push my hand forward to shake hers.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. Are you Brian's girlfriend?" She smirks and eyes me then him for confirmation.

I know to let Brian answer the question and he does "Miranda and I are friends. She's actually an event planner." Brian tells her.

The reporters eyes go wide and she smiles at Brian "oh! Are you guys planning another tour? That was a quick break." She starts to write things in a notebook.

I give Brian a quick glance and he shrugs then replies "I have some ideas in mind and Miranda is the best."

"So, this is a working lunch?" Joanna asks.

Brian's hand finds my left leg as I sit next to him "Yes, we're just going to throw some ideas around today." His pointer finger starts to run up and down my thigh.

I keep a fake grin plastered on my face as Joanna writes that down and questions "so, what kind of ideas do you have in mind?"

When she looks up she doesn't look to Brian but to me "oh?" I sputter out, just expecting to sit there quietly until the interview was over "well, there's always talk of another Jokers tour but since we just wrapped one up we want something different, keeping the fans engaged."

"Okay, so what does that mean?" She asks.

Brian looks to me with a smile as his fingers start to push my skirt up, his fingers get closer and closer to my core. It takes all my focus to not squirm to his touch or to look to him with flushed cheeks. I lie through my teeth to this women "Brian and the what say you podcast are thinking of going on a filming tour across the country."

"Interesting, how would that work?" She writes and asks.

I go to open my mouth to say something, anything but just as my mouth opens Brian's fingers spread wide and he grabs my thigh, squeezing it slightly. My mouth shuts quickly and a minor hum escapes my lips. Joanna catches it, throwing her head up and squinting at me with concern. Brian says out "well that's what I've asked her here to discuss. We don't have any details really."

Joanna smiles and writes one more thing down "well, once you know, please give us a call! We'd love to hear all about it and write a story on it."

"Of course" Brian assures her.

She puts her pen into her bag, lifting it up to then stick her notepad in there. She stands and Brian does as well to shake her hand and say goodbye. She tells me it was nice to meet me and I say the same, just waiting till she's out of hearing distance to ask him what I need to ask him. He watches her as she leaves and once the restaurant door closes he turns around with a big smile on his face. As he goes to sit across from me, I ask "what the hell was allllllll of that?"

"Would you like a coffee?" He asks, ignoring my question.

"Bri?" I push.

"What?" He asks "what was what?" He questions like he's oblivious.

He wants me to be specific. I get his game. Last night was our 6th date and he didn't accept my invitation to come inside my apartment. But now he's teasing me in public, driving my hormones crazy. If I didn't have a good willpower I'd jump his bones right on this table. But that's what he wants. I told him he doesn't like getting into bed with a girl so quickly, and he's making me wait for it, wait for him, to prove something to me. But what exactly is he proving? I say "having me come to lunch when you're meeting with a reporter."

He chuckles but answers "I totally forgot I had this scheduled until this morning. I didn't wanna cancel our lunch so I just asked her to change where we met."

I blush, loving hearing that he didn't want to cancel our date but I say back "oh, well you could've rescheduled with me."

"I just said I didn't want to" he insists "so, should we eat?"

"One more question for you" he leans back in the chair and smirks, waiting for me to ask it. "What was with the touching? Couldn't help yourself?"

He smirk grows wider but he leans in to whisper back "clearly, I helped myself just enough." I squint at him, our faces just inches a part now. I try to read him, and he knows it because he says to me in a whisper "just wanted to show you how unassuming I am" and he winks.

"You're terrible Quinn." I sit back, temporarily calling defeat.

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