Australia - Part 2

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Brody and I head backstage that night after the show. Even though I've seen it before in the states, it's just as funny the second time around. They've added a few new pieces and I enjoy watching them all on stage. Brody laughs at mostly everything and he seemed to really have enjoyed it. He meets all the guys and some other people and afterwards as we're waiting around to go out he whispers "so, you're like an assistant or work for the show?"

I shake my head "no, Q is my best friend and he dragged me along because he knows it was always a dream of mine to come to Australia!"

He smiles and nods "well, guess I should thank him for brining you. And you two aren't a thing, or anything. Right?" He looks a little concerned as he waits for my response.

I chuckle and respond "no, absolutely not. He's my best friend. That's all."

"Good!" Brody smiles wide and wraps an arm around my waist.

That night we all go out to another bar. It's a bit more crowded as it's Friday so when things start to get really loud, Brody offers his apartment for everyone to come back to for more drinks. Brian, Sal, Casey and Anthony accept and we all head out, some with a few girls they met at the bar. Casey, his wife, Anthony and two other girls all find themselves on his balcony, enjoying the beautiful view of Sydney he has. Meanwhile, the rest of us talk in the kitchen. We tell Brody how it's our plan to go up to Cairns on Sunday for a few days before leaving back to the states. The guys squeezed in three shows in Sydney because the first two sold out rather quickly, the venue relatively small compared to what they're used to performing in the US. Brody offers up his parents beach front apartment, saying he'd like to join for a few nights if I was okay with it. "That's so nice of you but we all already got a place." I say, leaning into his chest "but if you can come I'd absolutely love that!"

He smiles "of course, I can catch a flight after work Monday and leave Thursday morning."

"And you can just take off work like that?" Sal asks, sipping on a beer.

Brody shrugs "yeah, I have the days. If you're all sure it's okay."

I look to Brian, knowing it's really up to him. He quickly and without hesitation says "we would be insulted if you didn't come." And lifts his beer up for a cheers. Another hour or so later everyone starts to pile out. I know I'm going to stay over so I walk with Sal and Brian to the door "wow, Brody's actually a really awesome dude." Brian says.

"Yeah, he's great. Things are moving quick but I don't know" I shrug "I like it."

"Well, good. You deserve to be happy." He leans in for a hug "but be careful."

"You too, make sure you get Sal home safely!" I tease, knowing how not drunk he is.

Sal playfully gives me the finger and the two get into the elevator to leave. I go back inside and spend the rest of the night with Brody. I return back to the hotel around lunch time, knowing I should repack my things and be ready to leave in the morning. Brody takes me around Sydney all day Sunday to do the touristy things and he also shows me some parts I never would've seen without a locals help. He kisses me goodbye that night, keeping it low key as he has a lot of work to do tomorrow and Monday if he's taking the next 3 days off. Brian is already in bed when I get in and I tip toe into the bathroom to get ready. The next morning we all get up and head out. We drove to Cairns, stropping along the way and we don't get in til late Sunday night. When I wake up the next morning, I quickly change into my bathing suit and head straight to the beach. Most of us scheduled a tour of the Great Barrier Reef for tomorrow so we were keeping it very causal today. After about an hour, I realize I didn't bring any sunscreen and head back in to get some before I completely toast. I open the door to the room but before I could call out I hear Sal say "you're just gonna leave? It's Australia, bro. You came all this way with her, it hasn't even been a week."

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