Imagine: Alone at a Bar

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My friends left 45 minutes ago. One has a job to get to and the other a baby on her hip. Me? I'm single and not ready to go home and watch Netflix just yet. It's not that there's anything wrong with that, but that's been my routine for the last 2 weeks. I decide to stay there, waiting for my other girlfriend to get off work and meet her out somewhere else. I order another beer, flattered by the bartender who knows how to get people to spend money. I stay on my phone, hyper focused on making sure people around me understand I'm okay with being alone. Only, I'm not, and I feel self conscious sitting there by myself. About a half hour and one beer later, someone comes over and asks "are you saving these seats?"

"Oh, no. It's all yours!" I tell her "I can move if you need this seat, I'm just wasting time." I smile, starting to grab my things to move.

She argues "no, no. Please. Stay, next drinks on me."

"Really, it's fine. Take the table." I insist.

"No, you stay or we won't take the table. Please." She insists, sitting across from me.

I smirk and decide to stay "alright fine, I'll stay." The bartender comes over to take their drink order and she asks me what I'm having. I say "number 26" the bartender nods and gets the other orders.

"I'm char, this is Brian, James and Peter." The women introduces everyone she's with.

I smile toothlessly and wave "hi all, I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you" the one she introduced as James says, sitting next to Char "thanks for letting us sit."

"No problem, if you have more people coming I can always move, too." I say again, knowing how strange this is going to be.

The one named Brian replies "nah, your good. Thanks for the seats." The group start talking and everyone's drinks arrive. I sit on my phone for a bit, planning on finishing my drink before excusing myself to move. As I take a third sip, Brian leans over the table to ask "so, what are you doing here? Blowing some steam off from work or waiting for a date?"

I smirk, replying "I was here with my friend, she just had a baby." I add on for some unknown reason.

James jumps in "so the stinker started to cry and she had to leave?"

I nod "pretty much, and I'm meeting my other friend out but not for another hour or so, so I was just killing time." I shrug.

"Well, wasting time with us is pretty lucky. Your time will fly." Char days before taking a sip.

And time did fly, as they kept me engaged in their conversation and I laughed like never before. Although I won't say I was making them laugh as much as each other, I did get a few chuckles here and there. The time came for them to order another round and I declined, saying "I'm actually heading out in about 20. I shouldn't."

"Come on, one more!" James pushes "you know you want to."

Brian pushes him "don't peer pressure the girl. Let her be" he throws a wink my way.

"Thanks, I mean I do want another but I really should pace myself. I'm meeting my friend at a tequila bar downtown so I know I'll be having a lot." I explain.

"Suit yourself" James rolls his eyes and orders everyone another round.

The next half an hour goes by so quickly I don't realize I'm late to leaving. I know I can't wait for the bartender to come back around so I say goodbye to everyone, thank them for the drink and explain how nice it was to meet them. They all give me the same pleasantries back and I head to the front of the bar to pay for my drinks from before. It takes the guy three minutes before he gets to me and I say to him "I'd like to pay my tab."

"It's been taken care of" he smiles back.

Before he could move away I remind him "no, I had those three other drinks from before."

"Yes, it was paid mam." He gives me another large grin. My eyes squint with questions and he says "uhm, it was the gentlemen at the door."

I glare behind me to see Brian standing at the door looking at his phone. I'm not sure when he paid for it or how he passed me to the door but I look back at the bartender and say "ok, thanks!"

I get to the door and Brian must spot me on the way because his phone is now away and he's smiling "I just wanted to thank you again for letting us sit with you."

"You guys bought me a drink, you didn't need to pay my entire tab." I smile to him "but thank you, that was very kind."

He adds on "well, there was one more motive behind it." My eyebrow arches as I wait for him to go on. "I was hoping to get your number."

"Really?" I question, not sure what I said or did to show him I'm interesting enough to date.

He assures me "yea, I really enjoyed talking with you and you handled your own with us. That's no easy task."

"well, I'm flattered." I smile and blush "so yea, you can have my number."

"Great!" He grins wide and hands me his phone to put it in.

I place my cell into his phone and pass it back to him, telling him at the same time "text or call, we'll figure something out."

"I will." He promises "but you should get going, j know you're probably going to be late now meeting your friend."

"Yea, it was worth it though." I confidently smile and wink at him before waving him off "talk soon."

"No doubt." He replies and I head off, so happy I decided to stay at the bar by myself.

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