Slow Dance

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Inspired by the song -Slow Dance by Kelly Clarkson

That's it. I was finished. I worked my ass off running this comedy tour. Tonight was the last show. There were some hiccups here and there over the past 8 months, but ultimately every arena sold out and the shows went off without any major issues. I got along well with everyone I worked with and I was a bit sad to be leaving this awesome group of people. I was offered a job to plan and execute a party for another TV network. That's what I did, I was an event coordinator. All the jokers assured me that whenever they were to start planning their next big project, they'd give me a call. I was happy to know that, but things happen between now and then. Luckily, I didn't have to plan the end of the tour party and I was just there to have a good time with everyone else. As the night went on, I was having the best time. I stood at the back of the room, people watching when my friend comes over to talk to me. We met on the first day but we've become the best of friends through out this tour. She's like a sister to me now and she knows everything about me. She tries to say it quiet enough so no one around us hear's "so, you no longer work for the jokers, why don't you go make your move."

I chuckle, take a sip of my drink then respond "make my move? Come on Hannah, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I ask her as my eyes continue to watch Brian over by the bar.

Her eyes then follow mine and she see's what I see. She responds "what? He's just flirting with her, come on, you guys need to just fuck already and get it out your systems. We all see the chemistry." I give her a wide eyed look and she laughs. I laugh as well, letting what she said roll off my back. She adds on "come on Miranda, there's nothing against it now. Give it a shot."

I throw back the rest of my drink, hoping the liquid courage would help me with what I'm about to do "fine, it's now or never" I say as I place my glass down on the table.

Hannah hoots and hollers for me as I walk across the room towards Brian. Brian and I hit it off the first day of work. There were so many moments the two of us shared, but none of them evolved into a physical relationship. I knew I couldn't let that happen, it was in my contract. We came close a few times, but one of us always stopped it. But my contract ended 4 hours ago and I was ready to take things further. That is, if he wanted to. Brian continues to flirt with the girl in front of him and I wiggle my way behind him to get to the bar and order a drink. As planned, he heard me and before I could pay for it he's telling the bartender to put it on his tab. I turn around with a big smile and thank him "heyyyyyy, thank you! And congratulations on the last show! It was awesome!"

He smiles back and leans in to hug me "congratulations to you, none of it would've been possible without you."

I take the compliment and run with it "I mean, that is true. I am pretty awesome" I flick my hair for emphasis and then put the straw of my drink in my mouth, I ask before taking a sip "but really, are you excited for some time off?"

I start to drink as he answers, almost yelling so I can hear over the music "hell yeah, I feel like it's been forever since I've slept past noon for a straight week." We both laugh then he asks "how about you, when do you start the new gig?"

I tell him "in 2 weeks, so I have a little bit of time off. I plan on just trying to be outside as much as possible these next few days."

"I hear yah--" he goes to say something more but he's interuppted by the girl he was just chatting to.

She says something along the lines of "my friends and I are heading over to Bar None, you should come. Maybe we can hang out afterwards, too."

She bats her long eyelashes at him and I take that as my opportunity to leave "see ya later, Brian." I pat him on the arm, telling him to go ahead.

Brian Quinn One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz