Drunk Last Night: Part 1

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Inspired By: Drunk Last Night - Eli Young Band

Brian's P.O.V. -

"Q, don't do it!" Murray hollers at me as I unlock my phone.

I smirk but click on the contacts button. I slide over to my list and scroll just a little bit down to the C's. He grabs the phone out of my hands and I pout at him, my drunkeness taking over "hey!" I shout, trying to get it back.

"You'll thank me later!" He snaps back, slipping my phone into his back pocket. "Hey, three more shots!"He hollers to the bartender. He smirks but finishes the drink he is making and quickly pours us three tequila shots. Murray broke up with his most recent girlfriend and took Sal, Joe and I out for a night of drinking after a day of filming. Joe managed to get out early, using his kids as an excuse. Sal and I are stuck, but Murray is paying the bill and I'll continue to drink as long as he's willing to pay.

"Come on man, you can't go back to her. You agreed it was for the best for you to breakup!" Sal says as the shots arrive.

We clink the glasses together and down the liquid "yeah, it's been like 5 months since you've seen her? Why even bother, I thought you were seeing that girl from the other week?" Murray adds on, finishing sucking on a lime.

Sal and I shake our heads at him, but I answer "I don't know, I'm just thinking about her a lot lately." I tell them.

It's not a lie, I have. But its been more than just lately. I haven't stopped thinking about her since we broke up. It was mutual, only because it seemed to be what she wanted. Murray gets us another round of beers but he quickly turns to go flirt with the girls who just walked in "here we go" Sal mutters to me, knowing we have to be his wing men.

I smirk and fake chuckle as he turns. Just as Murray gets past me, I slide my phone from his back pocket and holler to them "gonna hit the bathroom."

Neither of them turn so I just push my way through the crowd to find a more secluded spot. I manage to get out the back door. Once the couple smoking goes back inside, I find her number again and click call. The rain falls at a steady drizzle but I ignore it. She picks up after three rings "Hi Brian" She answers.

"Hey, what are ya doing?" I ask her, as if everything is normal.

She answers "I'm about to go bed, what's going on?"

"I miss you" I say out quickly.

She exhales "I know, Brian"

"I uhh, I can't stop thinking about you." I spit again, unable to stop.

Silence for a moment, but she answers "do you need me to come pick you up?"

She knows me. She knows I'm wasted. "No, I'm with the guys, we'll catch a cab later." I try and answer without slurring.

"Alright well, is there anything else?" She asks now. She doesn't sound annoyed, or cold, but just defeated.

I decide to let it go "nope."

"Alright, Goodnight Bry"

"Wait!" I call out, knowing I shouldn't say what I'm about to say but unable to stop. The silence on the line tells me she's waiting for me to continue "I think breaking up was the wrong thing to do."

"Brian, you don't want to do this right now. Go back to the guys." She tries to urge me to stop.

I shake my head as if she can see me "no, I don't wanna go out with the guys and try to pick up girls. You're the girl for me, I never should've agreed to break up."

"Agreed?" She asks back.

I can feel myself start to shake. I force myself to believe it's because of the rain but I feel the sting of a tear trying to make its way out of my eye. I exhale, knowing I need to end this now "forget it."

"Brian" she hums my name, now wanting to talk more.

"Really, I'm sorry. I won't bother you again." I assure her, feeling stupid. I should've listened to my friends.

She replies "goodnight, bry."

"Night, love you." I say back. She clicks off just as I finish saying that. I didn't mean to say that, just a habit. I hope she didn't hear it. I think as I get back inside. Sal and James barely noticed me missing, too engrossed with the girls in-front of them as I jump back in as if I was never gone.

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