Find Our Way

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Inspired by the song -Find our way by Midnight Kids

Brian and I have been together for 2 months now and it's been the most incredible two months of my life. It's been a whirlwind for me as he showed me off like crazy, taking me to all these press events and letting the world know we were together. Brian and I just get each other and he's told me so many times that he felt the same way. Brian got home form filming and called me, asking if I'd like to go to dinner. I agreed, but he just seemed off the entire time we talked. I figured he just had a bad day, probably losing a challenge and was up on the chopping block for a punishment. I tell him I'll come by to pick him up as he showered and got ready. I shoot him a text that I'm outside and he said he won't be long. 30 minutes later he comes out and gets into my car "hey babe." I smile happily, leaning over to get a kiss.

"Hey." He leans over to me and kisses me, but it's barely there for a second before he pulls away to put his seatbelt on.

I decide to leave it be for now and as I pull out of his driveway I ask "where do you wanna go?"

He shrugs "doesn't matter, can just drive around a bit till we find somewhere good."

"Yah, sure." I reply. We drive for about 15 minutes in silence. I decide to just pull into a parking spot and put it in park "hey, why don't we just grab a hotdog and walk for a bit?" I suggest, knowing there's something on his mind.

"Yeah, sure." He agrees and gets out of the car. We find a hot dog stand 2 blocks away and walk another 3 blocks to a nearby park. As we eat, he tells me about his day. His day seemed to be normal, like other challenge days he's told me about before and I can't help but wonder what's bothering him. "And our bus tour was officially approved. 3 months going on the road with the guys." He sounds almost excited.

"3 months? I thought it was suppose to be 6 weeks?" I ask him.

He shrugs "turns out a lot of people we're interested in this tour, so they added a ton of new cities."

I smile "but that's great! You guys worked your asses off for this!" I say, knowing there's something more he's not saying.

"Yeah, we did." Is the short response he gives back to me.

"Brian, what's going on? What's wrong?" I finally just ask him, my stomach turning in knots.

He sighs, wiping at the scruff on his face with his hands "I don't know, I really don't Y/N."

"Is it me?" I decide to ask him, wondering if I did something wrong.

His eyes change to show concern maybe pain but he quickly answers "no, no. You're great, we're great." I smile at his words, relieved he said that, but then he adds on with a little chuckle "it's actually me."

"What do you mean?" I ask. Is he really doing the it's not you it's me thing?

He shakes his head "I don't even know, I just don't feel right, right now."

"Well, let's talk it out. Let's figure out what's bothering you." I say, hating seeing him like this. In the months I've known him he's always been a happy guy. We've talked about his battle with depression but he said it's been years since he felt like that "it's just you and I, what's going on?"

"I just— I feel bad. We have to do this tour and it's going to be great but I feel bad leaving you here for 3 months, right as things really are going further with us. It's not exactly what you signed up for." He tells me.

I smile, liking how much he's thinking about me and my feelings but I say "hey, it's not that long. I can even fly out to a show or two while you're on the road!" I offer the idea. He just nods a few times slightly at my suggestion and I know there's more to it. "Do you wanna do this tour?" I ask now, wondering if that could be what's wrong.

"Of course!" He answers instantly.

"Do you wanna do this tour being single?" I question now, worried this is all coming down to a breakup.

"What!" His eyes are wide "no! I don't want to break up with you Y/N. I just don't know how we're gonna do this for 3 months."

"We'll find a way, Bri. If that's what you want to do. But if you want to be single, I get it, I'll be okay." I say, feeling the pain already of losing him.

He pushes further "I don't want to be single. Does it scare me to be on the road without you, going to different cities and spending time out with fans? yeah, it kind of does. But not because I'm worried I'll cheat or anything, but worried about how much I'll miss you." I try and contain my smile but he can tell and he asks "this makes you happy?"

I shake my head, the smile full on taking over now and explain "not at all, it'll suck but it makes me happy to hear how much you care about me."

"Pfft, well, I'm glad I'm the only one hurt by this." He takes offense to my explanation.

"Hey, I'm hurt, too. I don't wanna be away from you for 3 months either but I just told you I'd fly to come see you. We don't have to be apart the entire three months. I'm willing to put forth the effort to make it work." I ask "do you want to, or do you think it'd be easier to just kind of put us on pause and pick up when you get back. Because whatever you decide Brian, I'll be okay."

"Fuck, no way do I want to put us on pause. But if your sure you're willing to do this long distance thing for 3 months then I am too." He assures.

"If I'm willing? What, did you think I'd break up with you when you told me the tour was extended?" I question.

He quickly responds "yeah, I did." My mouth hangs open in shock that he's think of me that way but he explains "I just mean, you're perfect. You can have any guy and I didn't think you'd want to wait around for me to get back."

I lean into his chest and tell him "I'd wait forever for you, Q."

"Hey, have I ever told you how amazing you are?" He wraps an arm around me, and I can feel his mood change and him turn back into his happy and charming self.

"Why don't you tell me again." I smile and inhale his scent as he starts to run his fingers through my hair.

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