Imagine: Meeting on a game

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Qforce187: yo, good game! Wanna join our quads group?

FruityLamb: sure, y'all did pretty good.

Qforce187 invited you to join their party.
Qforce187 sent you a friend request.
You received an invite
Qforce187 - party chat

"Heyyyy" a man's voice comes through my headset as I accept the invite into the group chat.

"Hey everybody" I answer, knowing I'll get the typical response.

Another voice says "annndd she'a a chick! Our asses were saved by a chick."

"Yup, sure was." I say back in a monotone voice "how's it going?"

"It's good, thanks for joining, what's your name?" The one who invited me into the group asks.

"I'm Y/N."

"Sweet, well I'm Brian, but call me Q cause we got another Bryan in here."

"Alright, Q and Bryan, nice to meet you." I say, trying to remember the voices as I hear them.

"I'm Sal" the one who was impressed a girl saved their ass says.

"Sal, got it. Hey again, ready to play?" I ask, ready to get in the game.

Over the next three weeks I play with the guys for about an hour almost every night. One Friday night, I'm on black out alone playing Solo's when Q signs in and joins my party chat "hey, thought everyone was busy tonight?" I question.

"I finished up early, wanna do duos?" He asks

I joke "oh man, duos with the worst of the team? This'll be bad." The three guys always ragged on each other in game and I quickly joined in as they made fun of me for things from the start as well.

He argue jokes back "Hey! I'm not the one who went rogue last game and got killed."

I laugh and reply "well, we weren't getting any kills, I was bored hiding out!"

"Well, some of us suck being out an about in the game and camping is the only way we can win." He defends himself.

"Well, let's practice." I say and we spend the night playing duos.

Another 2 weeks go by and another Friday night comes where it's just Q and I playing the game. As we play, he asks "so, I know your name and what you do for a living but not much else. Where do you live?"

"Uh-oh. I don't know if I should tell you. I mean, we're friends and all online but you could be a creepy murderer stalker for all I know." I tease.

"Oh course I'm a creepy murderer stalker. This is how I pray for victims. Playing a male dominated game and hoping and praying I meet a female online." He retorts back with a chuckle.

"Ahh, I'll make sure to write that down in my diary for the cops to read." I joke "but I live in New Jersey."

"No shit? Bryan lives in Jersey. Sal and I live in New York." He answers back with shock in his voice "how cool."

"Yeah, small world." I smile back. We spend the remainder of the night playing the game and getting to know each other "oh shit, it's 3 in the morning!" I say after a game where we got 2nd place.

"Shit, time really does fly." Q responds "guess we'll talk later."

"Yeah, till next time. Later Q." I reply, before closing out the game and chat.

The next five days I was unable to play as I had plans and got busy with work. On Wednesday night when I sign into the PlayStation, I have a message "hey, it was cool chatting on Friday. If you ever wanna hang feel free to text me" with his number following.

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