Love Ain't

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Inspired by the song Love Ain't - Eli Young Band



I grab the bottle of whiskey from my cabinet and head over to my friends house

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I grab the bottle of whiskey from my cabinet and head over to my friends house. Once there, she ushers me inside and rips the bottle of whiskey from my hand "eager, are we?" I joke.

"Shut up, do you want some?" She asks as she pours some into a glass with ice already in it.

I shrug "just one glass, I drove here." I return, moving in to sit on her couch. She beams with delight and grabs another glass. She pours me some and clinks my glass. She starts to down the entire glass "wow, wow, slow down there champ!"

She removes the glass from her lips and wipes at her mouth "sorry, I'm just so annoyed at Lucas I don't even want to think about him. That's what the whiskey is for!" She holds the glass up higher towards her face as if I didn't already know she has some.

I fake laugh, and say back "I see, but maybe you've had enough?" I go to take the glass from her hand before she can take another sip "what's going on with Lucas?"

She sighs, giving up the glass then leaning back into her couch "he's out with his friends and he wont answer my calls or texts. Ugh, he was suppose to take me to dinner but he totally bailed."

"He ditched your dinner plans, what an ass." I mutter back. I met Gia through Murray a few months ago and we became instant friends. We like a lot of the same things and she's a really good person. She's been with Lucas longer then I've known her, but I met him once and I didn't like the guy. Gia and I are close, but not close enough were I can tell her I've always hated him and that I know she could do better then him "you should've called me, we could've hung out sooner."

"well, we're hanging out now." She sits back up and grabs her glass, finishing what's in it before I could even move to argue.

I smirk, swigging my own glass before putting it down on her table "yeah, but I can't stay long. We have to shoot tomorrow."

She rolls her eyes "that's fine, I was planning on drinking my sorrows alone tonight anyway" her voice is slurred. I finish my glass of whiskey so I can excuse myself home, knowing I need to take my whiskey with me. "Wait, you just got here, stay!" She argues gently as I go to leave.

I laugh "I told you, I have work tomorrow. And I'm taking the whiskey with me."

"Nooo, not the whiskey." She pouts but then adds "I don't need anymore of that anyway, but you should stay. Hang out, we can play xbox" her eyes beam at the thought of playing a video game right now.

Although I know it would be fun, I have to decline "I'm sorry, I have to go." I get to the door with her trailing behind me "go drink a bunch of water, take some advil and go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I lean down and give her a hug goodbye.

Brian Quinn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now