Heartbreak Back

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Imagine Inspired by: Heartbreak Back by Frank Walker (Ft. Riley Biederer)

Q's P.O.V. -

I finish yet another show from our bus tour and head off stage as everyone stands and cheers for more. We still have to go out and sign autographs and take photos with everyone who bought passes. I smile for every photo and laugh along with all my fans as they tell jokes or share stories on how we changed their lives. It's a great fuckin' job and I'm honored to be living this life but things have been feeling off for the last couple of months. It wasn't until I saw Joe and Bessy cuddling up backstage one night that I realized why. My mind kept wandering back over to Georgia and our time together. It's been over two years since we've dated and almost just as long since I talked to her. She was heartbroken when I broke up with her, angry I wasted three years of her life. Her words, not mine. We had such a intense passionate relationship over those years. It was like a storm between us. I was the fire and she was always the one to put me out, bring me back to reality. Whenever I lashed out on my friends or my family she was the one to calm me down and show me how things really were. She covered for me, because she loved me so much. When we're done with the after show press and photo's, I head back to the bus and plug my phone in. I hesitate over her name, debating if I should really send her a message or not. Before I could make the decision, the bus goes into motion and I drop my phone, rolling over to fall asleep.

Flashback -

"Fuck you!" She yells, throwing some of her clothes into her large purse.

I try to explain "it's just not a good time for us to date. I'm sorry Gi, we're going oversee's, we're touring around the U.S. I can't give you the attention you want."

"I don't want attention, I just want to know that we're going somewhere." She responds, stopping what she's doing to tell me that.

I sigh and shrug "well, I don't have an answer for you."

She laughs, but lets a tear roll down her face "so, when we first started dating and you told me you'd love to marry me one day? That was a lie? You just wanted to get laid?"

I argue her "it wasn't a lie to get laid, I mean, I love you but I just don't want to get married anymore."

"So you did but now you don't? Or is it just me?" She spits.

"It's not you Gi, it's me. I'm just not marriage material." I elaborate more "and I was hoping that I'd feel differently after all this time together but I can't lead you on anymore."

She spits out a laugh "you're fuckin' serious, aren't you?" I just stare at her and she shakes her head, putting more of stuff into her purse. 10 minutes later she's heading for my front door with fierce determination to get out of there "look, I'm sorry. I do love you and I feel like we've had a really good run but I just don't see it lasting."

She turns as she reaches the handle and scowls "you're not even willing to give it a try. Fuck you, Brian Quinn. I don't ever want to see you again."

She opens the door and slams it shut behind her.

The Present -

The March portion of our bus tour is finished and we're all back home for a few weeks to get in a few more episodes for our new season. I managed to find Georgia on facebook and find out where she works now. She moved to Manhattan after we broke up and is working as a clerk at a law office. I wait outside at the end of the day for her, and the moment she leaves the circling doors she see's me and freezes. I can see her take a deep breath and begin to slowly walk over to me "what are you doing here Brian?"

"I've been thinking about us a lot lately." I tell her honestly.

She chortles "two years two late. Go home, Q" She rolls her eyes, pushing past me to leave me behind.

"Gi, wait." She stops when I call her that.

She turns and puts her hand on her hips "don't call me that, you don't have the right to anymore."

I nod but agree "alright, yeah. I guess I don't, but can I just say what I came here to say?" I ask her, wanting her to know how sorry I am about how I handled our breakup.

She returns "there's nothing we can change now."

I nod but tell her "I know but you're on my mind and I feel like I owe you an apology."

She shakes her hair, now past her shoulders "after all this time? You must feel real shitty all of a sudden, what the show get canceled or something?"

I start to nod, the two of us still feet away "not at all, actually. Things are really good with the show and everything."

"So you want to rub it in or--?" She then asks, not following.

"Of course not. But I feel like you should know that although things are good, there's still this sort of darkness surrounding me. I feel like it's because of the way I treated you, the way I ended things." She pushes her lips together but doesn't say anything to add on, leaving her hands on her hips. I decide to go on "I know I hurt you, and it's fucked up how I ended thing. I was a real shitty person."

"You could say that" She mutters under her breathe, but loud enough for me to hear.

I add "I wish I never hurt you and I wish it didn't end like that for us. We were really close and I did love you. There's nothing like what we had together and I don't think there ever will be but I just want you to know if I could take any of that heartbreak back that I caused you, I would."

"I mean, we've both moved on so what's the point of this?" She asks, still clearly upset with me.

I decide to say "doesn't sound like you moved on. Sound like you're still pretty angry with me."

She lowers her arms when I say that, probably knowing that what I said is true. She exhales, takes two steps closer then says "I'm not angry. I'm just-- I don't know, still hurt."

"I get it, you loved me blind and I loved you reckless. It wasn't fair to you, wasn't right." I explain, really hoping to finally end things with her on good terms "I didn't end it right and we didn't have any real closure and for that I'm sorry."

"I just still don't get it. Why?" She asks again "we had such great times together. All the memories and moments. I thought of them so many times and try to see where it went wrong.

I shake my head to assure her "it didn't. All of the nights and moments and things we shared I look back on too, and I look back on them fondly. But you wanted to get married and have a family. And when I finally sat down and thought about that, I realized I didn't want the same thing. I know I told you I did but the truth turned out to be different."

"So you broke up with me because what you wanted changed?" She asks "not because you fell for someone else or wanted something different?"

I sigh lightly and shake my head "God, no. Not at all." I try and express how not true that was by making a face. "If I could spend my life with one person for the rest of my life it would be you. Always would. But I couldn't ask you to give up the chance to have a family for me, to give up your views on marriage. I think I would've ended up hating myself more for that, and was afraid you'd end up resenting me too."

She lifts her shoulders and stands just a bit taller as she takes in what I just said, and I allow her to take all the time she needs to think it over. When she finally does talk, it's like I can see the weight be lifted off of her "well, thank you." She takes a few steps closer again "I actually uhh, I actually feel a lot better now. I just thought you didn't love me."

I move to hug her and she allows me and I promise "I loved you so much I had to let you go. I knew you'd be happier with someone else who would give you what you always wanted."

The hug breaks up when I'm done talking and she actually thanks me "thank you, I guess I was carrying this around for sometime."

I apologize again "well, I'm sorry it took so long for me to grow a pair and realize how fucked up I was. If you ever need anything Gi, let me know. I'd love to still be there for you, as friends."

She nods and smirks "I appreciate that, thank you Brian." She waves before turning to walk away, and I know in my heart we'll never see each other again. But it's okay, because there's no longer a dark weight around me, hovering and shadowing my life.

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