Lonely Together

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Inspired by the song: Lonely Together (Ft. Rita Ora) by Avicii

Warning: SMUT

After I get home I grab the half bottle of wine left in my fridge and take it with me to the living room. I throw on some reality TV, throw my clothes on the floor and drink the wine as I scroll through my phone. I was suppose to be out all night having fun with my girlfriend but she ended up getting in a huge fight with her boyfriend and she needed to go deal with him. As I finish the wine, I feel the familiar tipsy haze of desire creep into my body. Although I deleted his number from my phone, I still knew it by heart and typed it in

"What are you up to?" I hit send and wait for him to respond.

Brian responds "11:30 on a Wednesday? I'm home"

I quickly type and send "want some company?"

Brian and I officially ended things months ago. The relationship lasted a few months but it was heavy the entire time. We both fell hard and fast for one another, saying 'I love you' after our third date. However, as we got further along in dating we both knew there were things about the other person that we just couldn't change. Brian was afraid of commitment and although he wasn't seeing anyone else, he didn't want to label what we had. And me? Well, I'm 12 years his junior, so I still enjoy going out with my friends and having a good time and being spontaneous. Brian was always upset when he'd wake up and find out I was in Atlantic City or flew out to Florida randomly with a friend who just broke up with her boyfriend. He didn't understand how I could be so irresponsible, but I never saw it as being irresponsible and we started to fight a lot, even over stupid shit.

"Sure." He replies. I put the wine glass in the sink and grab my jacket. I hesitate at the door, knowing I shouldn't go over. My head is screaming at me to text him back and say never mind. But my heart is pounding, reminding me how much I miss laying next to him. I hail a taxi and head over to his place. I ring the doorbell and he opens the door a few moments later "hey" he partly smirks when the doors opens.

Brian's wearing a pair of sweatpants and his favorite navy fireman shirt. I reply back "hey, did I interrupt anything?" I eye behind him, hearing a bunch of voices coming from the other room.

He shakes his head and moves for me to come in "nah, just playing Halo with the guys. Let me log out." He says. He jumps over the back of his couch to sit and grab his controller. He throws his headset on and says "gotta go guys."

"Aww, come on Q we nee--" But Brian quits the game before any of his friends could protest too much.

He turns the TV off and I come around to sit on the couch next to him "so, how you been?" I ask him, trying to make small talk.

He goes to say "been fine, just got back from Atlanta."

"Oh yeah, you were filming the movie. How did that go?" I ask, remembering we got in a fight about that before we broke up. I was scared he would meet some Georgia peach and hook up with her, cheat on me in a way. He didn't understand how I could think that but it didn't matter, we just fought.

He shrugs "it was fine, spent a bit too much time with the guys lately. It's good to have a break."

I smile "yeah, I can only imagine being around all of you guys all the time."

"How about you, how are you?" He asks me now.

I tell him "I'm good, yeah. I was hanging out with Melissa but she had to go deal with Craig, soo" I drift off what I'm saying.

Brian picks it up "so you texted me?"

I shrug my right shoulder "I don't know, I was feeling lonely and I thought maybe you were too?" He bites his lower lip. He knows he can't say he wasn't, because otherwise he wouldn't have had me come over "so, whatdoyathink Quinn, want to be lonely with me?" I ask, just wanting to get on with what we both know is going to happen.

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