Imagine: Jealousy got your tongue

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REQUEST: A Fluff where Q gets jealous of the reader paying more attention to his cats then him. Hope you like it!

You and Brian have been officially dating for 2 months now and Brian has never had you over to his place. You finally convinced him to take you home after dinner "okay, but fair warning: it's messy!"

You shake your head and chuckle "Brian, look what we both wore to dinner. I think it's going to be fine." You glance at your jeans and T-shirt and his similar outfit. His over worn navy firefighter shirt hanging lose on his frame.

He squints his nose up and asks "what, casual Friday not good enough for you?"

"Casual Friday is my preferred attire for a date!" You remind him, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek "come on."

He grabs your hand and pulls you up the steps to his Staten Island home. When the door opens, it's exactly what you pictured his place to look like. Sort of like a bachelor pad but with way more comic book stuff then sports stuff. You only get in a few steps when his black and white cat comes over and starts rubbing against your leg "ahhh! Is this Brooklyn cat?" You bend down to go and rub the soft black fur.

"Wow, she warmed to you real quick." He chuckles as he watches you pet her softly.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't know she'd be this cute!"
You quickly turn to look up at him and ask "will she let me hold her?"

He shrugs one shoulder "she should, let's see." He moves to bend down and pick her up and she didn't scatter away. He passes you his black cat and you instantly pull her to your chest and start petting her again. "Want the grand tour?" He asks as he watches you pet her, a smile plastered to his face.

"Not yet, I can't get enough of her." You squeal, walking forward into his house. His living room is right to the right of the hallway and you go straight to the couch in order to give her some more attention.

Brian follows you in and mutters "well, here's the living room."

"It's nice" you manage to say back, not even really looking around to take it in. As you pet Brooklyn with your right hand, there's a sudden soft feeling against your ankle. You look down and spot his grey and white cat. "Ohh! Who's this!?" You ask him, not remembering if that's Chessie or Benjamin cat.

"That's Chessie. I think she's jealous of the attention you're giving Brooklyn." He replies.

The cat jumps onto your lap and snuggles right next to Brooklyn against your stomach "well, lucky for her I have enough love to go around." You lower your eyes to her and bend down a little "hi cutie, hi!" Your voice is higher pitched.

"So, you really don't wanna see my place?" Brian asks after a few more minutes.

You smile "I do but hold on, your cats are so cute and loving! I thought cats were like, lonely animals."

"Brooklyn cat is usually pretty independent, she must really like you. But Chessie and Benjamin are cuddlers." He explains his cats personalities a bit to you.

"Where's Benjamin?" You ask looking around the room.

"Probably in my room, it's his favorite place to relax." He answers.

"Ohhh, ok." You coo at the cats, their tails waving as you rub their ears. Brian patiently waits and lets you give the cats attention. After sometime Brian sighs heavily next to you and you decide to give him the attention he wants "alright, let's get this tour started. Come on kitties."

You shuffle off the couch and the two cats jump off your lap and scatter off. Brian stands with you and starts the tour "well, here's the living room obviously and the kitchen." He points behind you where the kitchen is.

"Very nice. And I won't lie, very much what I predicted." You say as you walk to the old counter tops. It's a traditional old home in Staten Island, and you figured he would keep his house as original as possible.

He squints "is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Good thing, of course!" You smile.

He shows you his two spare bedrooms, one set up for guests and the other more of an office like space with his collection of action figures and comic books all on display. Lastly he shows you his bedroom "and this is where the magic happens." He smirks as he opens the door further.

"The magic, huh?" You wink back and chuckle. It's surprisingly low key to you with a cream based wall and a simple light brown bed frame holding the king mattress up in the middle of the room. There's a door to the side leading to the master bathroom and as you walk into it, you see his third cat resting in the bathroom "I spy Benjamin cat." You say as you stop and look at the adorable creature.

Brian comes up behind you "told you he'd be in here."

"So cute, I can't take it" you tell him.

"Just like you" Brian comes closer behind you, whispering that in your ear before kissing you softly on your neck. The two of you retreat back into his bed and start making out heavily. But before things can get really fun, you feel a soft like pillow plop down right above yours and Brian's head. You pull apart from him and look ever so slightly up to see Benjamin making himself comfortable right on the pillow "ignore him" Brian tries to get you to come back to kissing him, both your breaths heavy.

"Aww, come on. He wants in on the fun." You smile up at the cat.

"Well he can't have any of this fun." Brian jokes back.

You roll your eyes and pull further away from Brian so you can give Benjamin the attention he clearly desires. You hear Brian puff out heavily but the purr Benjamin makes as you start to rub his head is the sweetest thing, causing you to turn on your stomach and just stare at him as you pet him. Brian throws on a movie after a few minutes of you petting Benjamin and just watches it as one by one the other two cats come into the bedroom and cuddle around you guys. You're totally engrossed with the cats, you don't even notice Brian sit up in the bed with his back against his headboard and arms folded until the movie is over and you look to him ask "wanna watch another?"

"What's the point." He snarls under his breath.

Your head tilts, not sure why he's got an attitude and you question him "what's wrong?"

He sighs and grumbles "nothing, your not even watching."

"Oh, come on. What's got you so angry?" You push further, still playing with Chessie.

"I'm not angry." He snarls "I just thought we were gonna hang out tonight."

"We are." You say back, not sure why he's so upset.

He shakes his head "uhh, no. You're actually hanging out with the cats more then me."

You go to hide the smirk from forming and say back "can you blame me! Look at them, they just wanna play and cuddle!"

"Well, so do I." He pushes his lips out in a sort of pout.

You leave where you were petting Chessie and crawl over Brian, straddling him and ask "Aww, is someone jealous his cats are getting more attention then him?" He averts his eyes from you, not answering your question. "Oh, come on Brian. This is the first time I've met your cats and seen your place. You're really jealous?"

His eyes come back to yours as he admits "I just thought we'd hang out and cuddle and stuff. But you just want to play with my cats."

I sigh and lean in to whisper in his ear "what if I promise to play with you just as much as I am playing with them?"

He squints and asks "is this a trick?"

You chuckle and shake your head "Bri, your cats are friggen adorable and I'm gonna wanna play and cuddle with them. And seeing how your getting jealous of me giving them more attention, then this way you'll be guaranteed some attention of your own afterwards."

"He bites his lower lip and says "well, maybe I should've taken you home to meet the cats sooner."

"Yeah, maybe you should've." You return, swinging your self off of him to give the cats just a little bit more attention. You whisper out to them "your dad can be a big baby sometimes, can't he?"

Brian Quinn One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin