Imagine: Prank war - Part 2 (option B)

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Option B - Things Happen with Brian (**** marks where the story changes from option A if you don't want to read it all over again)

Another two weeks of pranks go by. All the jokers are leaving to give a show in Idaho. Everyone agrees to pause the pranks until they're back in New York. However, you already had a plan in the works for when they were in Idaho. You took off on Friday to get to Idaho before the guys do. Shelby stays behind as she couldn't take off work. Once there, you keep yourself busy until you know everyone's going to arrive soon to check in. The show is tomorrow and you need to meet with Casey tonight in order to get everything you need for tomorrow. He texts you his room number and you take the stairs. Once in his room he hands you four keys "I told them I want to do a short interview with each of them before heading to the arena. Gave me keys to their rooms so they wouldn't have to come to mine. They have a rehearsal at 8 tonight. Can you get everything done before 9?"

"Sure can. Just a quick wardrobe change and I'm all set!" You smile, so happy to have Casey on your side for this one.

You know they'll concede to the war once they see what you have planned. You hurriedly head back to your room, not wanting to risk them coming by and seeing you. At 7:30 Casey texts you that they all left to head to the arena. You start in Joe's room and make your way to three others after swapping out their show clothes with the ones you brought for them. You've learned after years of friendship they usually keep their clothes in garment bags when they travel and have someone steam them once at the arena before the show. The next night, Casey promises to FaceTime you as they pull out their clothes to change. He tries to casually place himself in the main backstage room while facing his phone in their general direction. Sal is the first one to see "what the hell?" He asks out loud.

"What?" Murray asks, just now unzipping his bag.

"What the fuck is this?" Sal asks. At this time all four of the guys have seen their outfits and are confused as all hell.

A few of the people in the room laugh but most just look confused and look around. "Was this Y/N and Shelby?" I hear Joe ask out.

"How could they do this?" Brian follows up with his own question.

You loudly say "are you doubting my dedication to winning this war?"

"What?" You hear one or two of them say out loud as they hear you.

Casey turns the phone over so they can see you "hi, guys. Like your outfits?"

"What is this? We said no pranks while we were traveling." Murray tries to point out.

You shrug and tell them "I crossed my fingers."

Sal asks "how did you make this happen?"

"Hey, I'm out front. You think someone can come let me in. I can explain everything better face to face."

Casey hangs up the phone as someone leaves to come and escort you to the back room. Once there, Murray is clearly the most upset "where the hell are our clothes? We can't do our show in these!" He holds up the tiny leotard I placed in one of their bags.

"Well, you could. If you want this war to continue." I smirk back.

"What do you mean?" Sal asks, seeming more annoyed then he usually gets.

"Well, you can wear the leotards and keep things going. OR you can wear option number two."
You pull a shirt out of your bag and hold it up. On it is your and Shelby's face giving the thumbs up.

You turn it over as Brian and Joe chuckle and joe reads what it says out loud "we've been outjoked!" He nods and claps as he steps closer with a smile "I think your forgetting that I have no shame, dear friend. I'll wear that leotard allll night long."

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