Imagine: Open Mic Night Punishment

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"This is going to be hilarious!" Sal talks into the mic as Q heads next door to the bar.

Murray elaborates "Q has to heckle every performer on stage tonight. Comedians, musicians, singers, every single one is open to harassment."

As Q walks outside, he takes a deep breath and mutters to himself "man, this is going to be brutal." He remembers every single time he and the guys were heckled back when they were trying to get noticed on the comedy scene. It's hard to deal with, and not everyone has thick skin for it. It got to him a few times, wanting to quit the gig whenever it did back then. The first performer is a poet, and once they are finished, Q is told to do a big growl from his stomach, as if it was the most annoying thing he ever heard. He did as he was told, his face burning red with embarrassment. He tried to cover it with taking a big swig of beer as the announcer came on to introduce the next performer. Another poet came out, and Q was told to sneeze three times loudly during the middle of it. Of course that distracted the poet, and he sighed, looking directly at Q to make sure he was done. Q comments "sorry, man" he shrugs one shoulder.

The man begins again, and Q is told to sneeze once more for affect. All the jokers crack up in the back as some of the audience around Q is clearly getting annoyed with him and sigh and give one another looks. When this poet is done, Q is directed to sarcastic clap, longer then the rest of the crowd cheers for to show everyone he didn't like it. The next performer is a comedian, and he knows the guys are going to make him be a real asshole about it.

After the second joke, and the second heckle, it's clear the performer is shook. He tries to find Q in the crowd, but can't seem to figure out who's the jerk. He opens another monologue, trying to roll with it, but Q is told to holler "not funny!"

"Oh, come on!" A women in the audience claps back.

A man behind him backs her up "yeah, just shut up!"

Q responds with his line "well, maybe if they were any good.."

There's another 2 performers that Q is directed to annoy, and the audience has really had enough of it. Some even moving to find the manager, wondering why no one has booted him out yet. "Alright buddy, one more performer." Joe says into his headset.

The last performer is a singer, and Brian can't help his heart beat pick up when she comes out onto the stage. She's beautiful. Her hair is the most perfect color of Y/C/H, and her Y/C/E eyes twinkle against the lights on stage. She smiles, thanking the crowd for coming out. She tells everyone her song is an original and he knows how much of an ass the guys are going to make him be. He's kicking himself for signing up for show at this point when she turns around to get started. He spots the bottom of a tattoo on her lower back and he can see it's the superman logo. His teeth clench, wishing he could've met this girl any other time besides this punishment. The lights dim and he hear's Sal whisper "here we go"

Her voice starts off loud and strong, and he's shocked at how good she sounds. After she gets through the first chorus, Murray says "alright, boo out! Right now!"

"Oh, come on" Q mutters, really, really wanting to disappear into another dimension right now.

Murray pushes "you have to"

"Boooo!" Brian quickly hollers, his toes curled so hard in his shoes.

The guys laugh but the crowd all glares at him, some cussing under their breath. Joe says "tell her she sucks"

Brian changes it just a bit and yells "this song sucks!" Throwing his head back as if he's annoyed, hoping his voice will travel up instead of forward.

The girl ends powerfully dropping her head with a smile on her lips. Brian wants to stand and clap with the others, but he's told to just sit and stare at her with an annoyed glare. She bows, and the announcer comes out to thank all the participants. Except, there's a twist, and the challenge isn't over yet. The announce says "I know we thought Ms Y/N was our last performer, but we have one more last minute sign up."

Q squints at the man, and whispers to his friends "aww, come on. You said one more."

Joe tries to spit through his laughter "you don't have to heckle this one."

The announce says "lets give a big warm welcome to Brian Quinn!"

People start to clap, but once the spotlight hits him, mostly everyone stops, remembering he's the one that was heckling everyone. "I hate you guys" he mutters, standing up and grinning with a wave.

He heads over to the stage and the announcer fake claps with a grin while moving aside for him. Of course, Brian doesn't have any material ready for this, and the guys will be telling him what to say. He starts off "well, what a special night. Everyone here gave it their best and that's what matters. Let's give it up for them" He smiles and claps, but no one claps with him.

The three jokers in his ear are laughing at what Sal had him say and Murray manages to say through the mic "those poems, oh man, someone must've really done a number on them. I mean, come on, love is lost, love is found?" Murray references the first poets work, making Q repeat after him.

People start to heckle Brian, calling him out and booing him, just the way he did. He goes on, "and that drummer, I didn't know Travis Barker was giving lessons these days." More boo's and scowls, begging him to leave the club. He's told now to say something about the singer "but the worst was that girl you just heard, I don't know who told her she could sing but my 3 cats hollowing at one another sounded better then that!" People start to scream now, absolutely crazed that he's still here and doing what he's doing. The guys tell him the punishment is over and to get out of there before people begin pegging him with their drinks. Q quickly runs off the stage and out of the venue to meet the crew in the building next door. "Please, please tell me the performers were in on this one?" He begs to know.

Char shakes her head "nah, none of em, they were all just there to perform."

He shakes his head, feeling so bad "I have to go apologize, that was so harsh."

Char pats him on the arm "Peter is there explaining everything to everyone right now. Drinks are on the house tonight. You can go in when he's done."

Q nods, happy his punishment is over and he managed to get through it. When Peter comes next door to wrap up and leave, Sal decides to go back to the venue with Brian and watch the apology tour. They both get a drink at the bar and Brian starts with apologizing to the comedian, over at the other end of the bar. He apologizes to everyone multiple times, telling them each how good their performance actually was and how he admired their courage to get up and perform tonight. His last apology is Y/N, and he's been dreading it since he came back inside. He see's her laughing with one of her friends and he slowly goes over, getting her another beer to replace the almost empty one in her hand "hey, I uhhh, I wanted to come over and formally apologize to you."

She turns her head to smile and says "oh! Why, thank you. I have to say, you really know how to put people down. What a nightmare that must have been for you."

He shakes his head "you don't know the half of it. I didn't want to say any of that." He spits out "to be honest, I thought you sounded beautiful, absolutely amazing."

She chuckles "well, thanks. It's nice to know you didn't really think your cats sounded better then me."

He blushes "as much as I love my cats, I'd rather listen to you sing, you really are incredible."

"Alright, alright, no need to oversell. I already accepted your apology." She chuckles, teasing him.

He goes on "I mean it, you're really good." She smirks and then he asks "so, I couldn't help but notice that tattoo on your back."

She turns her head as if she can see it then turns back to face him "oh, yeah? You like superman?"

His smirks turns into a smile "you could say that" he rolls up his sleeve as he says it to show her his own tattoo.

"Would you look at that" she replies, smiling as she admires it "looks like we have something to talk about."

"Here, would you like another drink." He offers the beer to her.

She nods and accepts, placing her old bottle down and accepting the new one. The two talk till closing, exchanging numbers before they part, both leaving with a sense of happiness and butterflies in their stomach.

A/N: Part 2 anybody?

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