Australia - Part One

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"Hey Syd!" Q calls out into my apartment.

I call back "Hey Bry!"

"We just had a meeting, and guess whaaatt?" He exaggerates the last word, telling me it's something exciting.

I roll my eyes and teasingly reply "oh no, they can't be giving you more air time! Your head can't get much bigger!"

He sticks his tongue out at me, placing himself in front of the TV, blocking my view "you should be nice to me, this involves you."

"Me?" I sit up more, my attention fully on him now. "What is it?"

"Guess where we're extending this tour too?" He asks.

Brian and the guys have been touring the U.S for a few months as they finished their filming for the season. They're finished in 2 weeks. I reply back, not sure how it involves me "Europe?"

They've done a London special, so makes sense to think they'd go back for a show or two. It's becoming a popular show there. He shakes his head and his smile grows wide as he tells me "Australia!"

"No way! You're so lucky! When do you go?" I bounce on my legs, excited for him to go see that part of the world.

"We're going next month." He says with a super large grin.

"What?" I spit, not sure I heard him right.

He nods "no way am I going to Australia without you! It's your dream to go."

I shake my head "aww, that's nice but I can't afford that." I tell him honestly "but you're going to have so much fun!"

He shakes his head "I'm taking care of your flight and you can stay with me while we're there! You're coming to Australia with me!" He demands.

I smile but still try to decline. It's nice of him to offer this to me but I can accept it "Brian, you're so sweet but I couldn't accept. That's too much."

He sits down next to me and puts a hand on my knee "Damn it Sydney. You're coming with me to Australia! For fucks sake you were named after its biggest city and you've never been, it's already in the works so you can't say no to this."

My parents named me Sydney because that's where I was conceived. My mother was Australian and my father American. They moved to the states right before they had me. My mother died a few months after I was born from a car accident. My dad was never the same, is what I'm told. I always wanted to see the country my mother was from, the country my parents fell in love in but I could never afford it. I can't believe Brian is offering me this chance. "You're absolutely sure about this? I won't cramp your style?" I eye my friend cautiously.

He assures me "1000% sure!"

I jump up from the seated position and wrap my arms tightly around him "you're the best! Ahhh! Thank you so much Bry! I promise I'll repay you for everything!" I promise him, squeezing him as tight as I possibly could.

"There's no need, I'm happy to do this for you." He returns, hugging me back. We spend the next few hours researching where to go once we're there the few days after their shows. They have three shows in Sydney and then most people going on the trip agreed to go to Cairns after to see the reef and unwind before heading back. Brian tells me he'll make sure to take me to my mothers childhood home and to the place where my mom and dad got engaged.

Fast forward - 1 month -

The guys did their first show in Sydney the day after we arrived. Everyone was jet lagged and spent Wednesday just catching up on sleep but not me, I went exploring Bondi Beach. It's almost their summer season in October so the weather was beautiful. After Thursday's show, everyone went out to celebrate. We found a local bar to eat at and then Murray, Sal, Brian, myself and a few other crew members went out to a club. I meet a local guy there and we spend the entire night talking and dancing together. At last call, I go to say goodbye but he asks if I want to come back to his apartment. Although he's gorgeous and his accent is absolutely perfection to me, I decline. It's the first night out in Australia and I don't want to ditch Brian, him being the only reason I'm here in the first place. He smiles, gives me his number and tells me he understands but to call him if I want to hang out this weekend. I go off to find everyone else so we can head back to the hotel together. "Where's Brian?" I find Sal and Casey drinking their last drinks.

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