52 || Cruel Punishments

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picture the first pic but with a table clothed draped over the table...
Also take note of the two white chairs in the bedroom...😏

Song: Two Feet - I feel like I'm drowning (slowed + reverb)


I wasn't that keen on sharing, so when I didn't have to, I didn't.

I didn't care all that much about others, of course I cared - to a certain extent- about my men but it was for a selfish reason.

They worked for me and in order to ensure success I had to care for them.

My penthouse was a prime example of this. It was mine and no one else was to be up here or use it on a regular occasion.

There was only one bedroom in the entire penthouse and although it was clearly equipped for multiple, I refused.

It was one of the few properties I had that were built solely for me. It was my personal space.

But now I was sharing with Giana.

There was only one bed in the penthouse, in my bedroom. And I had every intention of keeping it that way.

I wasn't going to pass up an excuse to hold her in my arms at night. Even on nights like last night where she was difficult to deal with, I still cherished holding her body to mine.

Dinner last night was... For lack of better words, boring. And Giana had gotten through it by drowning herself in drinks.

She got drunk and even though I had to haul her ass to bed, I still enjoyed the comfort it brought me to know she was in my arms.

Only now that she was up and heard what was planned for lunch she was even more upset than yesterday.

Not only were we having lunch with Carlo downstairs at the restaurant but he was bringing a friend.

I wasn't too thrilled seeing as I had better things to do but it was for Giana, she needed to learn about my world and this was the safest way possible.

"I really hate this you know." She mumbles.

I sigh and flicker my gaze between her eyes that were narrowed, her lips that were pursed and her arms that were crossed in displeasure. Yeah, she made it super clear.

Ignoring her I grab my phone and turn to walk towards the elevator.

"When do we get to the fun stuff?" She says her tone whiny.

I stop and walk back towards her placing a hand on the small of her back and leading her towards the elevator. "Fun stuff?" I raise a brow.

There wasn't anything fun about what I did. It was dangerous and serious.

"Yeah," She says turning her head to look at me, her heels clicking against the floors. She suddenly pauses and her eyes widen like she's remembering something. "Oh! Can we go to that club of yours tonight?" She gasps.

My steps waver and I force myself to stop from outright refusing. She was smart and she would pick up that there was more to my instant refusal.

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