6 - instant friends

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"Do you need any help?" Trent asked as I stirred the food in the pan. "Nope. If there's one thing this italian girl knows how to do, it's cook." I joked, making him chuckle as he grabbed some dishes out the cupboard.

"Isn't it weird that I still remember every inch of this place?" He laughs amused as he lays the table. When my parents left, and Antonio got serious with Hannah, we decided that I could keep this house. The house we grew up in. And I get to raise my child here too.

"Hasn't changed a bit." He points out as he looks through the large wall of glass windows at the big yard. You can see the lake at the very bottom of the backyard, the rope swing tied on the huge tree which stands down there.

The front door swung open as the fast patter of feet capture both of our attentions. "Momma! Look! Auntie Grace and Auntie Ellie got my toes painted!" Aria screamed out as she hopped on one foot, the other in her hands as she showed me her white petite toenails.

"Wow! Don't they look so pretty." I chuckled as Grace comes walking into the kitchen, a small bag in her hand as she smiles at me. "And for mommy, her favourite." She said, placing the small bag from her bakery down on the counter.

I opened it and saw the pastries in there, making my smile grow. "Oh this is why you're my favourite!" I giggle as I start plating up dinner. "Oh I'm not staying for dinner. Got plans." Grace said but I laughed at her.

"This plate isn't for you." I said, gesturing over to the dining table where Trent stood, clearly amused. Grace looked between us, very confused. "Grace. Nice to see you again." He said with his deep voice.

Grace flashed me her disapproving look which made me laugh once again. "We'll catch up properly about things tomorrow." I tell her as she bends down and gives Aria a hug goodbye, walking out the door.

"She still doesn't like me, huh?" He laughed as I carried the food over to the table. "She's just protective. You'll be fine. And you.." I trail off, shouting to Aria in the living room with a big smile on my face.

"..go wash your hands and come eat dinner. Momma has a friend joining tonight." I call out to her as she excitedly washes her hands, sitting in her seat at the table.

"Mr Singer man!" She points at him, making us both laugh. "Aria, this is Trent. I've known him since we were babies." I tell her and her eyes widen. "That's a long time!"

"Not that long, princess." Trent jokes. "I'm not that old!" Aria laughs as she shovels the pasta in her mouth. "So.." he begins, finishing the mouthful of food he had. "Your parents. How are they?"

I smile over to him, sipping some wine. "They're good. They are back in Sicily. I try and visit as often as I can, take Aria to see them. But travelling with a toddler isn't easy." I laugh as he smiles at me.

We spend the whole meal catching up, telling him about everything he missed here. He fills me in on his career. His first tour. How different California is to here. Trent makes it clear that being a country singer living in California is just not the vibe anymore.

"I'm thinking of getting a house back here." He tells me, washing the last few dishes with me. "I forgot how perfect Hayfields is."

"Don't you have a show coming up in Dallas soon?" I ask him as he wiggles his eyebrow at me amused. "I thought you didn't keep up with my career, Romano. What, you've turned into a crazed fan now?" He chuckles.

"Actually, I heard people talking about it this morning in the grocery store." I said, a big smile on my face. "You should come."

I look at him, but he had a serious face on. "Bring my newest little cowgirl." He joked as I rolled my eyes playfully. She had become very fond of Trent tonight. Told me she wanted to wear a hat like he did in a photo.

"I've never listened to a single one of your songs. I'd look so out of place!" I laugh as he puts the last cup away. "Actually, you have!"

"Oh yeah. The one where you got all mushy about your feelings for me!" I tease him. Trent clutches his chest to show a fake hurt at my comment. "Ouch, Gee. Way to break a guys heart!" He joked back at me but I felt my stomach do something it hadn't in a long time.


"Fine..we'll come."

He throws his arms up in victory as Aria comes trotting into the kitchen. "Hear that, cowgirl? You and momma are coming to see me sing!" He says to her as she screams in happiness. The two of them jumping round in circles, swinging one arm round in the air like a lasso.

The way he just naturally had this bond with my daughter was so confusing for me. On one hand, it filled my heart with joy. But the other..I just can't help but think how bad I was hurt when he left. And he won't be here for long. So I don't want him to leave her and have her feeling the same sadness as I did.

She is my priority.

But for now, I couldn't help but smile at them as Aria teased she was a better cowboy than Trent. He swung her round in the air, her giggles bouncing off the walls.

She was happy.

He was happy.

And..I hate to admit it, but I think I was too.

It was as if nothing had changed. It was like all the best moments of my past meeting with my present. And I had my best friends both here with me. My baby. And Trent.

Even if it was just temporary.

That closing line though! Temporary

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That closing line though!
Is it?
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