45 - discovery

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"Nope. No way." I roll my eyes, walking away from my brother. "There's no way?" He asks, catching up to me. "None at all?"

My mind begins to run on overdrive. That's when it hit me. He was right. I could be.

"Well shit.." I mumble under my breath as Antonio chuckles. "Come with me." He says, the both of us sneaking back inside and upstairs to his room.

He walks into the bathroom, pulling open a drawer as my eyes landed on the small box. "Why do you just have a box sat here?" I ask him, making him laugh. "Had a moment a few months ago when we came out here. Just take one, Gio." My brother says before leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I stared at the box in the drawer as I was swarmed with so many emotions. So many questions. Doubts. But there was no point in stressing now. I needed clarification.

And clarification is what I got three minutes later as I stared at the counter.


The little digital screen on the pregnancy test said positive. Positive. I was pregnant.

I opened the door, seeing Antonio sitting on the edge of his bed waiting. "So?" He asked as I held up the stick. "I..I'm pregnant.." I whispered.

I went over, sitting beside him as my eyes remained locked on the screen. Still said positive.

"How do you feel about that?" He asked me. "I have no idea. I mean I always wanted more kids. Aria has been asking for a brother or sister for months. But Trent still has two months left of his tour. And he's stressed out about these problems with his label. He might be switching soon. It's just a lot happening right now. Am I..are we ready for this?" I ramble out.

"And Papà isn't here..so I can't ask his advice.."

Antonio nudges my side with his. "Want my advice?" He asks, a smile on his face as I nod in agreement. "From the second he met her, he's treated Aria as his own. She calls him dad now. He loves you both with all of his heart. You're his world, that's clear to anyone. And he would treat this baby the same as he does Aria. Because that's who he is. That's who our dad helped raise him to become. He learned from the best father. You're ready. You know you're ready deep down. You're soulmates. The man's been crazy in love with you since he was 15!"

Antonio was right. He sounded just like my dad when he gave me advice. That's how I knew I could trust every single word that came from his mouth. "You're right.."

"I know." He chuckles out as the bedroom door swings open. I quickly hide the pregnancy test as Trent's emerald eyes meet mine. "Sorry to interrupt. Your mom's looking for you, Antonio.."

Antonio gives me a big smile before walking out. Trent turned to leave too but I called his name, making him stop in his tracks. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Trent walks back into the room, closing the door behind him as he sits beside me. "What's up?" He asks.

I sigh, terrified of his reaction. What if there's a small chance he could just flip out? Say he didn't want it? What would I do then?

"I have no idea how you'll react to this. I've just found out myself. So I'm really nervous.." I begin to ramble, which visibly puts Trent on edge. I only ramble when I have something big to say. He knows that.

"Gio..just say it. You're freaking me out." He says to me as I take a deep breath. Not knowing what to say, I simply place the pregnancy test in his hands.

His eyes widened, staring at the positive test in front of him. We just sat in silence for a minute. Just a minute. But it felt like an hour.

"You're..you? You're pregnant?" He stutters out, his eyes finally meeting mine. "Yup.."

Suddenly his face morphs into the biggest smile I've ever seen, his arms pulling me into a tight hug. "Holy crap!" He chuckles out as he pulls me onto his lap. I giggle at his reaction, his eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"I just..you know aria will always be my first child?" He asks me, making my heart melt. He wanted to make sure I knew he'd love them the same. Just like Antonio said he would.

"I know."

He picked me up, spinning me around as both laughed in each other's arms. "God I love you, Giovanna Romano."

I looked up at him, heart full of love as his emerald eyes pierced into me. "I love you too, Trent Donovan."

Hey guys! Just wanted to jump in to let you there will be a few time jumps over the next few chapters as this story comes to an end! But don't think that's the end of their story! I'm already working on creating book two! Love you guys!

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Hey guys!
Just wanted to jump in to let you there will be a few time jumps over the next few chapters as this story comes to an end! But don't think that's the end of their story!
I'm already working on creating book two!
Love you guys!

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