41 - living the tour life

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As promised, Trent and I spent the rest of the evening together. Just the two of us. And I can safely say we didn't leave his hotel room.

We had a lot to catch up on.

My eyelids flutter open having had the best night sleep in a while. Our bare bodies tangled together as his sleep green eyes looked down at me.

"Were you watching me sleep, Mr Donovan?" I rasp out, yawning as I snuggle into him. "I can't help it. You're just too beautiful."

"Did you even sleep?" I asked, running my fingers along his bare chest as I felt him chuckle underneath me. "For like an hour. But I'm living the tour life. That's normal. Plus, I wanted to savour every minute of having you here with me."

A huge smile permanently etched on my face as we just sat with each other. Doing exactly just that. Savouring the moment.

"I have an interview in a few hours, and then it's back to the stadium. But don't think for one second you're not coming along with me." Trent smirks down at me.

"Okay. I better go get a shower then." I sigh happily, groaning as I push myself out of bed. Trent chuckled deeply, making me roll my eyes at him playfully. "Can I join you?" He wiggled his eyebrows as I shook my head.

"You can stay there, cowboy. I think you did enough work for one night." I chuckle, a slight pain in between my legs as I almost waddle into the bathroom. That only makes him erupt into laughter. "That last one was all you, for the record!" He called after me as I laughed, closing the bathroom door.

After getting washed and ready, I pull out a white lace bralette, throwing an off the shoulder white knitted sweater over it. I tucked them into a pair of ripped jeans, slipped my feet into some white sneakers and was ready for the day.

I decided to tie my hair up into a messy bun. And Trent walks back into the room as I'm searching through my bag. "Crap! Where are they?" I cuss under my breath as he walks over to me.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, amused as I start throwing stuff out of my bag. "My other pair of contacts. I can't find them." I tell him.

"Just put your glasses on. You look hot in them anyway." He smirks at me, tying his shoe laces. "I would if I brought them with me!" I sigh annoyed.

Trent taps on his phone, dialling a number as I hear a woman answer the phone. "Hey, Aimee. I don't suppose you have any spare contacts do you? I know your eye sight is just as crappy as Gio's and she's lost hers."

I sigh in relief as I hear Aimee say she'll bring them to our room. Aimee is Chris's girlfriend. Also Trent's tour assistant. I've only met her a few times. But she's honestly really sweet.

A soft knock appears at our door before it opens. "Here you go!" She says brightly, handing me the small box. "You're a life saver!" I beam back at her, rushing into the bathroom to put them in.

As I come back out, the pair of them are sitting on the couch. "She has requested to move the interview back half an hour. They've had some technical issues this morning. But that's fine because traffic is heavy." She fills him in on his plans for the day, tapping away at the keys of her laptop as Trent listened intently.

I walk over, sitting beside Trent as his arms wrap around me. "We have to be at the stadium by 4 at the latest too. So it's going to be a busy one today I'm afraid." Aimee told him and he nodded. "Yes, captain." He jokes, making her laugh as she walks towards the door.

"Down at the cars in five please." She calls back before walking out the door.

"You ready to get a taste of your life?" He smirked at me, making me chuckle as he helped me up to my feet. "Let's go, cowboy."

The two of us finally reach the few cars lined up at the entrance of the hotel. There were a few fans waiting across the street, calling out to Trent. He flashed me a brief smile, closing my car door behind me before he quickly ran over to them.

I watched in adoration as he talked to them, took photos with them before running back into the car. Aimee raised her eyebrows at him as our cars sped away from the hotel. "What?" He smiled back smugly, making us all laugh.

After a long drive, we finally pulled up outside a large brick building. Trent opened my car door as we made out way inside. The decoration was such a contradiction to the outside. Everything was white and modern, a few of the original brick walls on display.

"Trent Donovan, it's been far too long!" A brunette woman said, her heels tapping against the hard floor as she pulled him into a brief hug. "My apologies on the delay. I know you have a very busy schedule today. We just had some issues with our sound. But it's all fixed up now." She beamed at me, her eyes trailing over to me.

This young woman was honestly stunning. Her short brunette hair sitting on her shoulders, perfectly straight. She wore a black pencil skirt, sitting above her knee with a navy button up tucked into it.

"And you must be..Giovanna? Right?" She smiled at me as I nodded in agreement. "Yes that's right. Nice to meet you." I smile back at her as her eyebrow raises slightly. "Your accent.." she analysed. "Southern with a hint of..Italian?" She guessed correctly.

"Yep. Spot on." I smile at her once more as she looked proud of herself. "Well it is lovely to meet you. Let's head on through. I'll try and get this done as quickly as I can for you guys so you can get to where you need to be." The woman beams, escorting us through the beautiful building.

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