37 - drown it out

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As we arrived to the club, I found myself already forgetting about some of that loneliness I was carrying around all month. We headed straight for the bar and ordered out drinks.

"Giovanna Romano?" The bartender asked, and I became very confused. "Yeah?.."

He chuckled. "Mr Donovan said you ladies will be drinking on him tonight. An early birthday treat." The man clarified as he handed us out drinks. "Thank you."

"How sweet of him!" I say as we find ourselves a table. "Best believe I'll be drinking a lot if it's on his card!" Grace chuckles.

A few hours into the night, the girls and I have back a few too many drinks to the point where we've hit the dance floor. "I'll be back! I'm going to the bathroom!" I yell to them over the music as I slightly stumble towards the bathrooms.

Whilst waiting in the queue, I pull my phone out and dial Trent's number. After a few beeps, I'm greeted with his voicemail. "Hey baby!" I slur out slightly. "It's me, Gio. I just wanted to say thank you for paying for us tonight. It's so sweet of you.."

I lean against the wall to steady my feet. "You're probably asleep..which is fine because I know you'll be dreaming of me. But I'm not asleep. I'm drunk and I miss you. And I wish you were here. Even if it's only long enough to give you a hug. But that's okay. You're a superstar. You're my superstar. And I'm very proud of you. So you enjoy your sleep and I love you and I'll talk to you tomorrow." I slur out before hanging up and going to the bathroom, joining my friends back out on the dance floor.

We find ourselves in the club for hours, just dancing and drinking. It honestly has cheered me up so much. Being with these guys? It was exactly what I needed.

It had creeped to 1am, the club still packed with people as I finish my drink. I've lost count how many I've had by this point. "You want to head home?" Grace asks, holding onto her heels which she took off half an hour ago.

"Yeah..let's go home." I sigh, gripping onto both of them as we stumble our way into a cab.

I shove the front door open to our house, the three of us falling through the door as Hudson comes walking towards us.

"Keep It down. You'll wake Aria up." He warns the three of us. "I'm going to bed!" Ellie whisper shouts, kissing us all on the cheek before staggering her way to one of the guest rooms.

"Yeah me too." Grace agrees, heading in the opposite direction to the other guest bedroom as I sit on the bottom step, trying to pull my shoes off.

Trying. And failing.

Hudson chuckled quietly to himself, squatting in front of me as he took my shoes off for me. "Come on. Let's get you up these stairs safely. Trent would kill me if your drunk ass went falling down these stairs." He said, his arms wrapped round my waist as he helped me up the stairs.

When we got into my room, he sat me down on the bed, closing the curtains. I watched him bring the empty trash can out the bathroom, leaving it beside my bed as well as a glass of water. "You're definitely going to need those, Romano." He says quietly.

"Hudson?" I call after him softly as he walked towards the door. He turned on his heel, looking at me. "What's up?"

"Do you miss your parents?" I ask him. He sighs, sitting on the bed next to me. Hudson knows how I feel. His parents moved to Florida six months after mine went back to Italy.

"Sometimes. There's been moments where I wished they were still here in Hayfields. I could've used their advice. I mean our parents left when we'd only just turned eighteen. We were still kids. So I definitely could've used my dad to give me dating advise. Or my mom to tell me I was being an idiot when I screwed up." He said.

"But then again, I had you to do that. I don't mean you're like my mom too because that's weird." He says as we both chuckle. "I just mean you're my person I go to for advice or someone to yell at me and tell me I'm being an idiot. You're the only one who's honest with me. You're like my sister. So that makes it easier not having them here.."

I smile at him, the alcohol making me feel hazy. "I miss mine.." I confess. "Yeah I have Antonio, who I love. But in case you haven't noticed, my brother can be an ass sometimes." I joke as we both laugh. "He just lets his opinions get in the way of situations. I guess it's nights like this where I miss my papà coming in and kissing the top of my head, telling me everything will be ok."

Hudson smiles sadly at me, nudging me with his arm. "Everything will be okay though. You're already a month into this. Trent will be home before you know it. If you can get through not seeing each other for months and still stay in love? Well then you're set for life! Because it'll only make you appreciate the smaller things. Appreciate the time you get to spend with each other."

I smile over at Hudson. "I love you, you dork." I chuckle. "I love you too, Romano. Now get some sleep. Your ass is drunk as shit.." he smirks at me before leaving my room.

Hudson really was like a second brother to me. He always knew the right things to say in every situation. He'd always go out of his way to make sure his friends were happy.

It was nice having everyone here. It just made me realise that I wasn't as alone as I felt.

Plus he was right. Things are working out perfectly with Trent and I.

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