27 - quality time

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My eyelids flutter open, the room still dark as Trent's soft breaths show me it's still night time. I look at my phone, seeing it's 2:49am. I try and pull myself up to go to the bathroom but pain jolts through my body.

"Ah fuck.." I hiss, laying back down as I clutch my chest. With these broken ribs, movement would knock the air out of me.

As I'm trying to get my breath back, I saw Trent sit up. His hands rubbing against his eyes as he looks over at me in worry. "You ok, baby?" He asks huskily, still half asleep, which is music to my ears. In any other situation, I'd be straight on him. But I couldn't bare the thought of moving that much.

"I was just trying to get up." I tell him, stroking his hair back out of his sleepy face as he runs his hand down my arm. "Come on then..I'll help you." He said as if it was no big deal to him.

"I don't like having to rely on you for something so stupid as going to the bathroom." I sigh in frustration, lightly whacking the cast on my leg.

"Hey.." he soothes me, his hand taking mine as he looks me in the eyes. "Get used to it. Because when we're old and wrinkly, I might have to help your ass go to the bathroom anyway. Just consider this practice." His deep chuckle gently echoing through the room as a smile forms on my face.

When we're old and wrinkly. He sees us together that long..wow.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat, as Trent helps me get to the bathroom and back into bed. He holds out his hand with some painkillers in one and a glass of water in the other as I quickly take them.

Laying back on the bed, Trent nestled up close to me, cautious to not touch anything that hurts. "Thankyou..you can go back to sleep now if you want." I smile over to him.

His fingers caressing my cheek before he buried his face in the crook of my neck. "Nope. I'd rather stay up with you." He said.

I let my mind wander as we laid in the most comfortable silence. The pain medication really did make me feel slightly buzzed though. I have to admit. Which only made my mind foggier.

"Trent?" I ask, breaking the silence as he looks up at me. "Yes Gee?"

"I don't know what we are.." I admit, the drugs making my tongue very loose right now. Trent can tell that the drugs had an effect on me, but he still entertained the conversation because he knew I needed to talk about this. Or I wouldn't have said it.

"When people ask you what I am to you, what do you say? I mean I've heard you call me someone very special to you. But your nan is special to you." I retorted, making him chuckle lowly.

"You're not my nan, Giovanna." He says smiling at me, evidently amused. "The things I think about with you? Definitely wouldn't think about my nan like that." He said.

I roll my eyes, swatting his chest. "I'm being serious, Trent.." I whisper as he watched my teeth bite down on my lower lip. Something I do when I get nervous. I don't even notice I'm doing it. But he always does.

He took a pause for a moment before looking away from me, his head nestling in my neck once again. "I spoke to your dad at the hospital..the night they arrived." Trent began, sparking my interest.

"Your mom was in pieces. She harassed the nurses to let her see you. But your dad wanted to know what happened. So I told him. I told him everything. I remember the two of us sitting next to each other in the waiting room. I broke down. Blamed myself." He was saying, a lump forming in my throat as I listen to his confession.

"Your dad didn't blame me though. He told me that he could see the love I held for you. He said I wouldn't hurt as much as I did if I didn't love you. I looked at him and told him I loved you. I loved you with every piece of me." He continued.

"I made him a promise..that I would stop at nothing to make you happy for as long as there was breath in my lungs. That's what you are to me, Giovanna. You aren't just someone special to me. You're everything. You consume me in the best way possible. And I never want that feeling to fade. You're my girl.." he whispers the last part, making my heart flutter.

"So when someone asks me who you are to me..I won't hesitate to shout it to the world. Giovanna Romano is my girlfriend. My soulmate."

I give him a loving kiss, wincing every now and then, which eventually makes him pull away from me. "I love you, Trent Donovan.."

"I love you more, Giovanna Romano."

Hey guys!Sorry this one is a bit short

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Hey guys!
Sorry this one is a bit short. It was kind of a filler chapter.
But there will be a time jump in the next chapter, just so you're aware.
Enjoy! And keep leaving feedback.

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