18 - let the games begin

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As I stood, looking at my final masterpiece in the mirror, I was nervous. No. I was terrified.

I had no idea what to expect tonight. Going with Trent to the Billboards was for him. To support him. That's why it was such an easy thing to agree to. But now? Now reality was settling in that eyes would be on me tonight.

A lot of them.

A soft knock at the door snapped me from my anxious spiralling thoughts. "You ready? We have to go in a minute." Trent calls from the hallway. "Yeah I'm done." I clarify as the door swings open.

He walks in wearing all black. His dress shirt, his tie, his suit, pants, shoes. All of it. Black. He looked sexy. I mean the way his arm muscles threatened to rip through the material just captured your eyes.

My eyes scan up to his face, standing there wide eyed as his eyes trail over me. "Wow.." he sighs out, walking over to me.

His finger lifts up, twirling one of my dark curls round it. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He whispers, making me instantly feel more relaxed.

"You, Trent Donovan, look breathtaking." I confess, draping my arms round his neck as he placed a delicate kiss on my lips.

"We really need to leave now..before I decide to skip the awards and stay in this room." He grumbles, making me giggle as I walk out with him, heels trotting against the hardwood flooring as we head out to the car we arrived in last night.

Trent helps me into the car before climbing in himself, speeding down the driveway and into the Californian evening. "You ready for this? You seemed nervous all day whilst we were at the beach." He asks, making me stiffen slightly.

"I'm a bit nervous. I can't lie."

His hand rests on my bare leg which hangs out the slit in the dress, his thumb tracing circles. "I'll be there with you. If you get nervous, you squeeze my hand. Ok?"

I nod in agreement as we finally pull up outside a packed venue. The entire street and entry is filled with a sea of flashing lights and reporters from different channels, interviewing different celebrities.

Trent pulled up right outside the entrance as attention from the cameras turned to us waiting in anticipation.

Trent turned to look at me. "I have to walk the carpet first. Andrew is waiting just outside this car.." he says, pointing to the familiar face waiting for us. "You can wait with him. You'll just walk down opposite me, behind all the cameras. So I'll always be able to see you. Then we'll head in and sit at our table. Ok?" He assured me as I nod.

"Let's go get your award." I smile as he chuckled. "I haven't won anything." He adds but I roll my eyes playfully. "I have faith." I joke as he steps out the car.

The cameras instantly flash, almost blinding as Trent walks round to my side of the car. He offered his hand as I climb out the car.

Paparazzi swarm us with questions. "Is she your girlfriend?" "Who is she?" "Is this Giovanna? The girl you were spotted with?" "Is she a summer fling?"

Trent gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as we step over to Andrew. He shakes Trent's hand before pulling me in for a hug. "You look beautiful, love." He smiles down at me, making me feel more relaxed.

"You." He says, smiling at Trent as he gestures to the red carpet. "Get going. We have twenty minutes before we need to get inside. Ok?" Andrew says as Trent nods.

He gives me a small smile before walking away from me. "Come." Andrew says, leading me down the line like Trent said. We were stood behind the cameras, full view of Trent who stood a couple metres away.

He stopped for pictures for a while before meeting a woman, stood microphone in hand as she spoke into the camera. I've seen her on TV before. She's been the main reporter on the Billboards for a few years now. Carmen I think?

"Trent Donovan. The first time we're seeing you here. How does it feel?" Carmen asks, making Trent smile. "It feels good. An honor just to be even stood here with these incredibly talented artists."

A few questions about his recent shows and upcoming album passed before she got to the questions everyone's been asking tonight.

"Now, Trent. We need to know." She starts. "The girl you arrived with tonight. We've seen pictures of the two of you in the last few weeks. The country wants to know..who is she?" Carmen smiles sweetly as Trent's eyes land on me.

He was clearly unsure what to say. I give him a big smile, nodding at him as if telling him it was ok to say what was on his mind.

A big grin grew on his face as he turned back to Carmen. "She is someone very important to me. Not just some summer fling. I guess people should just expect to see her around a lot more." He says simply as Carmen gives him a huge smile.

"Thank you Trent. Good luck tonight." She said as Trent walks off the carpet and over to us.

"Did I do ok?" He asks the both of us. Andrew nods in confirmation and I smile, gently kissing him on the lips. "Perfection." I reassure him as we both walk into the venue.

Shuffling through the huge crowd, we take our seat at a small circular table. Andrew sat with us, as well as some of the guys who play with Trent on stage. His band I guess.

We've met a few times. They seem like great guys. Really funny. Very sweet to me and Aria. So I had no complaints with our company for the evening.

What are we thinking? Will he win the award? What's going to happen whilst in California?Please leave your feedback and vote too if you want! It really helps me!

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What are we thinking?
Will he win the award?
What's going to happen whilst in California?
Please leave your feedback and vote too if you want! It really helps me!

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