8 - inspire me

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Later that night, after dropping Aria at my brothers house for her weekly sleepover, everyone came back to my house for drinks.

Of course Grace, Ellie and Hudson drank too much. They staggered out the door about 10:30pm. I went to the kitchen to clean the glasses and put them away. But the faint sound of guitar strings captured my attention.

Placing the glass down on the counter, I snuck towards the sliding glass door and watched Trent sitting by the fire, strumming away.


Looks like a day of normality was what he needed to get past that little block of his. And it's a good job too! He has always held music as his main life focus. It'd be a shame if he got stuck in a rut that he couldn't get out of.

"That's beautiful.." I spoke quietly as he turned to look at me. "Thanks. I saw your guitar sitting there. I just had to." He confessed.

"I remember the day you bought me that.." I said, sitting beside him. "It was my 16th birthday. I always used to steal yours and beg you to teach me. But you always said no. Until my birthday. You snuck in my bedroom window at like 11pm and gave me it. Promised to teach me."

"You've had this thing for 10 years..why not get a new one? A better one?" He asked and I shrugged, my eyes focused on the dancing flames before us. "Because that was is special. You can't just replace something special just because it doesn't look like it used to when it was brand new." I simply said as I laid back in my chair.

"Don't let me stop you.." I say, gesturing him to carry on. His fingers play the most beautiful melody as he hums a tune along with it. You could see his brain churning through his eyes as he tried to piece some lyrics together.

My eyes fixed to the stars above me as I whispered to myself "Ti amo più delle stelle... (I love you more than the stars...)". I always make it my mission to say it, even when she isn't here.

""...e la luna (...and the moon)" Trent finished in shock as realisation sank it. "You still say that?" He asked shocked and I nodded. "Yeah..Aria and I say it to each other all the time. So she always knows I love her. A love that is stronger than anything." I admit and he smiles at me.

I taught Trent that years ago. We used to say it every night before we hung up the phone. When we said goodbye at night. I guess it was just natural to say with my baby girl.

"Wow.." he muttered almost inaudibly.

His fingers went back to strumming his guitar in the same tune. "Meet me where the stars fall, where the moon gets its chance to shine. We might watch it fade everyday, but one thing that won't fade is this love of mine." I quietly sang along.

He suddenly stopped playing, looking at me in awe. "That was..beautiful." He spoke softly, making me smile. "You always just needed a nudge of inspiration to set you flying again." I told him.

"Music is your life. You're not giving up on this. You gave up everything to get to where you are today. So I will help find something to get you the inspiration you need." I tell him adamantly.

"I've found my inspiration again." He said seriously, staring deep into my eyes. Once again, small butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach but I try my hardest to push them away.

"I..um..I should get to bed. You can crash in one of the guest rooms if you want. It is late." I tell him, standing from my seat as he stands with me. "Gee wait.." he begins but I interrupt him.

"Goodnight, Trent."

I lean over and give him a small hug as his scent bombards my senses. The scent he has carried for years. I felt my heart pounding against my chest as his hand lingered at the bottom of my back.

"Goodnight.." he replied in an almost whisper, his face buried in my neck like he always used to do. As we pulled out the hug, our bodies still pressed against each other, his emerald eyes stared deeply into mine.

I stood, having an internal battle with myself. Was it the alcohol? Was it the fact we were clinging on to part of our youth? Was it the fact we got lost in the music? Was I just craving contact which I hadn't had since Carson broke my heart?

I'm not sure what it was, but his breath was fanning against my lips as our foreheads pressed together. His nose resting on mine as we both closed our eyes, heavy breathing taking over the peaceful silence of the outdoor.

"This means nothing..right?" I whisper, my breath catching in my throat. I had no faith in love and romance anymore. The two people who I gave my entire soul to, broke it with ease. Left me alone to pick up the pieces of my life. I just decided to give up on it. Love wasn't meant for everyone. Granted, I have a different kind of love for the family I have. But romance? Yeah I gave up on that ages ago.

"Yeah..nothing at all. Definitely doesn't change anything." He agrees, our lips brushing against one another's. I wrapped my hands round the back of his neck and pulled him down into me, his lips instantly going to work against my own.

This kiss was so different. Before, it used to be filled with love and adoration. Now? Now it was fuelled by passion and hunger for one another. His hands gripped my waist as I let my hands run through his hair, gently tugging it which caused Trent to breathe heavier.

There was no competition when it came to who dominated this kiss. It was him. Instantly. I felt my back collide with the brick exterior of my house, one of my legs wrapping round him as his hand gripped my thigh.

His lips moved down to the one spot he knew had me weak at the knees. Always has done. He feathers open mouthed kisses at the nape of my neck, my eyes pinning shut in pleasure. "Fuck, Trent.." I moaned out in a whisper as I felt him chuckle against my neck.


I hesitantly push him away from me, both of us gasping for breath. "You owe me breakfast now for laughing." I tease him before planting one last, brief kiss on his lips before heading inside, up to my room.

Oh, Giovanna...What are you doing??

And there we go people!Looks like the beginning of a rekindling relationship! Please feel free to leave comments and feedback! Means a lot!

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And there we go people!
Looks like the beginning of a rekindling relationship!
Please feel free to leave comments and feedback! Means a lot!

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