32 - tears in the club

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About two hours into the night, everyone was clearly feeling the affects of all the drinks which had been consumed.

The tension between Trent and I was suffocating with the more I drank. We were now sat in the booth again, our bodies touching as his friends relived old memories.

As I was intensely listening in, a warm hand landed on my thigh, sliding it's way slowly up my skirt. My eyes flickered to Trent who was still looking at Chris as he was talking to the group. But a big smirk was on his face, clearly amused with himself.

I took a sip of my drink, trying to compose myself as his thumb brushed over my sensitive spot. I instinctively bit down on my lower lip, squeezing my thighs together as his hand still rested between them.

I nudged Trent's side discreetly, making him laugh as he looked down at me. I stretched, my lips meeting his ear once again. "Trent.." I slightly moaned out in a whisper in his ear as his thumb stroked my spot again right as I was about to talk. "You have to stop doing that here.." I whisper.

"Well let's sneak off somewhere then.." he whispered back, his lips kissing my ear before he slid out of the chair. "The lady needs some air." He announced to the group, grabbing my hand as he helped me slide out the booth.

I stumble slightly, the alcohol hitting me in a wave which did make his cover story more believable. But it was completely unintentional which made him chuckle slightly.

Trent kept his hand firmly snaked around my waist as we walked through the club, sneaking out the back door into a dimly lit alley.

I closed the door as soon as we stepped out, but the sound of crying instantly caught my attention. Heels stomped towards us as I looked at Trent confused.

That was until the moon hit the persons face as they stopped in front of me, mascara staining their cheeks.

"Grace!?" I said worried, walking over to her as she wrapped her jacket around her body tightly. "What are you doing out here? Hudson said you went to the bathroom. What happened!?"

I instantly sobered up as I looked at my broken best friend. Something wasn't right. Her knees buckled underneath her, making her body drop as she sobbed.

I caught her before she hit the concrete ground as Trent ran over to us. Grace clung onto his shirt, crying out in pain which made tears fall from my face too.

"I'm going to get Hudson." I said, standing. I took one more look at her as Trent held on to her as they sat on the ground.

I ran back inside, shoving through the crowd when I saw Hudson standing at the bar. "Hudson!" I called over the loud music as I reached him. "Hey, Gio. I got us all another...woah.." As he turned around, he saw the smudging of my mascara, instantly stopping him from talking as he put out drinks back down on the bar.

"Are you ok?" He asks worriedly and I nod frantically. "You need to come with me.." I say, grabbing his hand as we both run out the back of the club.

"Grace!?" He says shocked at the sound of her sobbing on the ground into Trent's chest. Trent smoothed her hair down, rubbing her back as she did.

Hudson dropped to the ground in front of her, his hand resting on her back. "What happened to you?"

Grace looked up, tears staining her face. With the club door open, it shone more light on her as she sat there. And what I saw broke my heart. Even under her makeup, you could see a huge bruise forming around her eye.

She had a red hand mark around the base of her neck, dry blood coming from her eyebrow as she cried.

"Who the fuck did this to you!?" Hudson yelled, standing as he staggered back in shock. I placed my hand on his back, steadying him as Trent held Grace's face, finally seeing what we had before.

"I came out here for some air.." she stuttered out. "They were out here too. Drunk. Started saying how you ruined their life. I disagreed with them and they..they.." And with that, she started sobbing again.

"Who is 'they' Grace?" I ask her, feeling how Hudson's back muscles were tense under my hand. Her broken eyes fluttered up to mine. Mine only. And that's all I needed.

"Oh Grace..." I sighed out sadly, my heart shattering as the guys looked at me confused. "Who did this to her, Gio!?" Hudson snapped. "Who hurt my girl!?"

"I'll be right back." I hiss. Sadness washing out of my body as it's quickly replaced with rage. Hudson took Trent's place in holding Grace as Trent trailed after me. "Gio slow down!" I heard him call out as I reached the top of the stairs where our private balcony is.

My eyes landed on them and I lost all ability to rationalise. My fists tightened into balls as my feet absentmindedly carried me over to them.

I slammed my hands down on the table in front of them, a glass falling, shattering on the ground as everyone's eyes were now on me. On us.

"You put your hands on my girl!?" I hiss, staring them in the eyes as I felt Trent's presence beside me. "You?" He asked angrily as Demi stood from her seat. "I have no idea what you're on about." She said, starting to walk away from me.

But I grabbed her wrists, looking down at her right fist. It was red, stained with blood. "What's going on here?" Chris asked, Mitch walking over to us too as faint heels coming up the stairs caught all of their attention instead.

I knew exactly what they were looking at. My broken best friend as she stood there, beat up.

"You wrapped your hands around her throat? All because you're jealous that Trent didn't want you!?" I yell in Demi's face, shoving her against the wall.

"You might be obsessed with him. But let me clarify something here. He doesn't care about you! You're never a thought to him anymore. Not when we're laughing with Aria. Not when his hands are all over my body. When he's calling my name." I hiss spitefully, making her tense up.

"Go back to the house, pack your shit, and get the hell out of here. Because if I come back and see your face, I swear to god you'll wish you'd just left." I yell, stepping back as she looks around the room for a moment.

Her eyes landed on Trent, like he was going to defend her. But he stood, angry like everyone else there. And with that, she storms out of the club.

I turn around to see Hudson delicately wiping the makeup and dry blood from Grace's face as Chris walks over to me. "I'm sorry. I know it's your birthday..I just-"

He interrupts me. "The only thing you should apologise for is not swinging at her." He smiles down at me, making me smile back.

"I'm sorry for letting her come in the first place." Chris says. "I think we should call it a night. Everyone's sobered up now anyway." He chuckles, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"You ready to go home?" I say to Grace, smoothing her hair down as she nods up at me. Hudson wrapped his arms around her protectively as he leads her out of the club.

Trent and I are the last to leave, him paying the bill for the evening as we decide to walk back to the houses. It was only ten minutes away. Plus, we thought we'd give Grace and Hudson some time alone.

"Is it a bad time to say watching you angry turned me on?" He chuckles, squeezing my hand with his as we walk through the quiet streets. "Oh yeah?" I smile at him.

"Yeah." He agrees. "Hearing your cuss under your breath in Italian like that? Oh the thoughts that clouded my mind.." he smirks down at me.

"Noted." I smirk as I watch his eyes float to something behind me. "Come on." He said, grabbing my hand as he drags me in the direction of whatever he had seen.

What was this guy up to?

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