43 - dedication

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Trent posted on social media, trying to get ahead of the media before his image was completely ruined. It had to be done. But he kept it as brief as he could, posting a short video on his story.

"There has been some speculation across the media in the last hour. With images being taken out of context, I'd like to briefly clarify. Earlier today we lost someone very important. That is the emotion which was captured earlier today. So tonight's show will be dedicated to the person who shaped me to be the man I am today."

A few hours later, half an hour before Trent had to go on stage, the dressing room door went flying open. "Momma!!" Aria's little feet sprinted towards me, jumping into my lap as I pulled her impossibly close.

"Momma I missed you! Everyone's been sad all day!" She added as I tried so hard to hold back my tears. "I've missed you so much!" I kiss her on top of her head as Trent comes walking in.

"There's my favourite cowgirl!" He smiled at her as she squealed. "Dad!!" Aria leapt off my lap and straight into his arms. The arms she hasn't been in for months.

"Come on. I want to know what you've been up to whilst I've been gone!" He smiles at her, taking her out of the dressing room. He knew I didn't want Aria seeing me hurting.

"Oh Gio..." Hudson looked at me as he came over to the couch I was sitting on. He sat beside me, pulling me into his chest as I started sobbing again. "I'm so sorry.."

Grace and Ellie came walking in, both of their eyes pooling with tears at the sight of me breaking down in Hudson's arms. Both of them came and squeezed on the couch. Ellie held my hand as Grace rested her head on my shoulder.

We all just sat in silence, reeling in our emotions. None of them really had parents that were present in their lives. But my mom and dad? They took my best friends in as their own children.

My dad taught them everything they needed to know. Taught Hudson and Trent how to play football. Taught Trent how to play his first guitar. Taught Grace how to change a tyre on her car after she broke down on the side of the highway. Taught Ellie math every night. He put aside an hour every night to help her, because she was dyslexic and needed that extra help.

He influenced their lives just as much as mine. So we all felt the pain of losing him. Even when they moved back to Italy, he would call each of them individually. Every day. Checking in, seeing if they needed anything.

"Hey guys..sorry to interrupt.." Mitch said from the door as he leaned against the frame. "Show starts in ten minutes and I was wondering what to with Mini Gee."

I gave him a small smile at the nickname he'd given my daughter. Both him and Chris became very close, protective over Aria. Her family was only growing. "We're coming." I reply, standing from the couch as I turn to look at the tear stained faces of my friends.

"Come on. Papà would be laughing his ass off at the sight of us all right now! He's probably telling us to get a grip from wherever he is." I laugh sadly, making the three of them flash me a smile. "Let's go give Trent our support."

We all walk towards the stage, Mitch's arm draped over Ellie's shoulder as he wipes the tears from her cheeks. Maybe they weren't just casual anymore.

"You okay?" Trent asked, walking over to me as he placed a big kiss on my lips. "Yeah. He wouldn't want to see us wallowing in sadness. So tonight we're going to listen to you play and remember him as the man we knew. Not the man who's dead." I tell him as everyone started shuffling towards the stage.

"Looks like it's show time." I flash him a sad smile as my eyes scan backstage. "Where's Aria?" I ask him and he chuckles deeply, pointing next to the stage.

She's sat on top of Mitch's shoulders, waving at people in the front row. I laugh to myself as I hear her laughing. "He's good with her." I observe as Trent smiles at me. "He really is."

Mitch looks round with mischievous eyes before scooping Aria off his shoulders and into his arms as he runs out on stage. The crowd erupts into screams as Trent and I look at each other confused.

We head to the side of the stage and watch as Mitch sits behind his drums, Aria on his lap. He puts the sticks into her tiny hands as she taps against the drums.

"Go Mini Gee!" He cheers her on as her arms tap a beat out. Trent wraps his arms around my waist, his chin resting on top of my head as my back presses against his chest. We just stand laughing as Aria gets into it.

"Alright, kid. Get out of here. You're too good! Can't have you drumming better than me right before the show starts!" Mitch chuckles as Aria runs towards me laughing. "Momma did you see that!?" She calls out as I scoop her up in my arms.

"Of course I did! You're so good!" I beam down at her as Chris and Mitch take their places behind their instruments. The lights dim as the introduction music plays from them. Chris strums the guitar, Mitch bangs his drums as the crowd roars.

"Showtime!" Trent smiles at us all as we stand in the wings, him running out on stage. I stood in the wings surrounded by my family. My heart was broken. But these were the people I needed around me to heal it. It might take a long time. It might never heal fully. But I couldn't go into a dark hole. He wouldn't want that. He would want us to be together.

So that's what we will do. For him.

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