36 - slow motion

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We'd just found ourself in the start of October. He's been gone for a month. And it's the slowest month I've ever experienced. We FaceTimed every night. He called me all the time through the day, just to hear my voice he says.

Every show he's done has been sold out so far, which was just mind blowing considering the sizes of the places he was performing. He's happy. Very happy.

We've found ourself getting into a new, temporary normal without Trent here. It's crazy. Before Trent came back, this was our normal. Just Aria and I. But that's not the normal I wanted anymore.

As I'm climbing into bed, late at night, my phone buzzes. I instantly answer, seeing his face pop up on my screen. "Hey beautiful." He said, making a big goofy smile appear on my face. "Hey you! How was Alaska??" I ask, taking a minute to appreciate how attractive he was. A sight I'll never get bored of seeing.

"Oh you should've heard it. We were doing our pre-show rituals and you could just hear the roars coming from the crowd. It was just..wow!" He said, a permanent smile on his face as he told me all about his show.

"How was Aria's first music lesson?" He asked excited as I beamed back at him. "Oh she loved it! Told her music teacher her daddy taught her everything she knew when he called her a natural."

"That's my girl!" He laughed down the phone. "What's your plan for the rest of the night?" I ask as Mitch and Chris appear over Trent's shoulder.

"He is going to get his moping ass off this tour bus and come to this little bar someone told us about. Proper country spot. Might even sing a song or two!" Chris said, making Trent playfully shove him.

"I'm not moping." He tried to defend himself but Mitch let out a huge laugh. "Please! All you do is sit here on your ass, pining for little cracker here."

I laugh, rolling my eyes as I listen to them bicker for a while. Eventually, they left and we carried on talking for a while. "What's your plans this week?" He asked me and I sighed. "Well..Grace and Ellie said they're taking me out on the weekend. But I..I don't really feel up to it."

Trent's face morphed into a slight sadness. "It's your birthday on Monday. They just want to celebrate it with you, so you're now alone.."

"It sucks that you can't come home.." I say, not thinking about it as I see him looking sadder. Almost guilty. "But it's fine." I backtrack, a fake smile on my face. "I will go out with the girls if it makes you happy."

He smiled sadly at me. "Okay. Hey listen I have to go. But you dream of me." He blows a kiss from his end. I do the same, smiling at him. "Always." I say, hanging up.

I throw my phone down on the bedside table, groaning in frustration as I throw my pillow over my face.

Saturday night rolled around, and I'd just finished getting ready. Hudson arrived with the girls as he promised to stay here with Aria whilst I was dragged out.

I applied minimal make up and decided to go for straight hair for once. I pulled on a backless, silk red dress, which sat mid thigh. I slipped on a pair of black heels as my phone started buzzing.

I slid my screen in acceptance, putting it on speaker as I wrestled with the thing straps of the heels. "Hey you!" I call down the phone. "Hey baby, I've not rang you whilst you're out have i?" He asked and I groaned in frustration.

"Nope. I just can't get these damn shoes on with my nails!" I huff, annoyed as I hear Trent laughing deeply down the line. "Let me guess. The black ones with those thin straps that wrap round your ankle?" He said, clearly amused and I roll my eyes at the fact he got it spot on.

"They're the ones."

He laughs again. "Why do you wear them if you hate them so much?" He asks as I finally get them on. "Because I look damn good in them when they're finally on." I say confidently as I check out my reflection in the mirror.

"You look good in anything, Gee." He says as I nod. "Yeah I know." I joke back, the both of us laughing as my bedroom door opens.

"Damn girl! If neither of us had a man, I'd totally have me some of that Italian ass!" Grace jokes, making me giggle. "Hello to you too, Grace." Trent's voice speaks down the phone as she bursts out laughing.

"Sorry, Donovan. Didn't know you were there!"

"I'll let you get off. Go have fun tonight, ok?" He says as I pick my phone up off the dresser. "I will. I love you!" I call down the line.

"I love you to. I'll talk to you later before I go to sleep." He says as we both hang up the phone.

"You ready?" She asks as I sigh sadly. "Yeah, let's go and have some fun. And if I'm not having fun.." I say, linking my arm with hers as we walk out my room. "I'll just get drunk. So it's all good." I joke as we both laugh.

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