26 - fear him

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"Momma..who's that?" Aria whispers to me from behind Trent's legs, looking slightly scared as Carson gives her a creepy smile.

"Dude, your kids going to come out terrified of you if you think that's how you look in front of a child." Antonio said bluntly, making Trent chuckle lowly. "You look like you want to eat her."

Carson rolls his eyes at my brothers comment, beginning to walk towards Aria but she instantly tugs at Trent's arm. She holds her arms up at him as Trent scoops her up in his arms.

Aria hides her face in Trent's neck as Carson stops in his tracks, seeing how she used Trent for comfort. "You're just a stranger to her, Carson." I tell him. "And that was your choice. I gave you the chance to be in her life. Multiple times. But each time you said no. And now she has a family which doesn't include you. So you should leave."

Carly, the girl with Carson, rolls her eyes as she excuses herself and heads to sit back in the car. "But I am Aria's dad!" Carson raises his voice as Arias little head snaps towards him.

"No you're not." She says sassily, making Trent chuckle at her. "I'm more her dad than you are pal, so I don't know why you're laughing." He snaps at Trent.

"Where have you been then? Because last time I checked, you haven't been the one running into her room at night when she had a bad dream whilst her mom was in hospital. You weren't there to cuddle with her until she fell asleep again. You didn't wake up and make pancakes with her every morning. You haven't been singing frozen songs around the house with her. You haven't been picking her outfits for the day. You haven't done any of that. I have." Trent says, not once raising his voice as his eyes looked down sweetly at Aria.

Ughh I love this man!

"Whatever man..Don't think this conversation is over." Carson said, walking to his car. "I'll be back to Texas soon."

"Nice to meet you!" Trent calls out sarcastically, obviously not meaning a single word of that as Carson's car speeds out the driveway and disappears.

"Well isn't he charming." Trent scoffs, making us all laugh slightly. "Can we just get my stuff so we can go?" I ask him. "I'm in desperate need for a shower and some real food."

Antonio places a kiss on top of my head, pats Trent's back as he bids his farewells, Ellie leaving with us. And, after getting a bag of my clothes and all my supplies, we finally get back to Trent's house.

Aria goes running inside, going straight to play with some of her toys which have earned themselves a whole box in the living room. Ellie followed suit, saying she'd stay with Aria whilst Trent gave me a hand. Trent wheels me inside, going to the bedroom on the other side of the house to Aria's room. The bedroom which stands alone. A bit of privacy and peace. Exactly what I needed. Quiet.

"I'm not putting that on.." I scoff, looking at the plastic bag Trent is pulling over the cast on my right leg. "Put the damn bag on, Giovanna." He chuckles. "Do you want that shower?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"It looks like I've got some big ass condom on my foot Trent!" I whine which only makes him burst out laughing. "Well I happen to like your new leg condom." He smiles at me, placing a brief kiss on my lips as he turns the shower on.

He helps me peel my clothes off, throwing them aside. I watch as his eyes float down my bare body. It wasn't until now that I realised just how badly I was bruised. Half of my stomach was purple. Not the best look, I have to admit.

Trent helps me into the shower, about to step in with me when I stop him, hobbling on my left leg. "What?" He grumbles and I gesture to him.

"Dude. You're wearing jeans. At least take them off if you're going to climb into this shower with me." I tell him and he smirks at me, peeling his jeans off. Followed by the rest of his clothes. "Ms. Romano..if you wanted to see me naked, you should've just asked." He jokes, getting in the shower.

I couldn't help but to let my eyes wander. His eyes to his lips, his chest, his stomach, his crotch. Trent chuckled deeply, his arms wrapped around me to help steady me on my feet. Well...foot.

"Eyes are up here, baby." He whispers, clearly amused that he caught me wandering. My eyes lift up to meet his as they sparkle with lust. But he was suppressing those thoughts to try and help me shower.

No matter how much my body was craving his touch right now, as our bare bodies pressed against each other, pain and exhaustion were slowly creeping their way back into my body.

My mouth stretches open into a huge yawn. "Yeah.." Trent chuckled, rubbing shampoo in my hair with one hand as the other is still holding me up. "..Refrain yourself baby, the only thing you'll be doing tonight is resting."

I roll my eyes playfully as he helps me shower, before I slipped into some panties and one of his T-shirt's. He helped me get comfy in the bed, kissing the top of my head

"I'll be back soon. Try and get some sleep. I'll feed Aria and get her ready for bed. When she's asleep, I'll come back to you." He whispers, soothing me by stroking my hair delicately, sending my body into a relaxed state.

My heavy eyelids dropped shut, sleep taking over my body. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was the gentle touch of his soft lips pressing against mine lightly.

"Dream well..." he whispered, tucking me in before I drift into a deep sleep.

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