24 - explain yourself

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"Thank god.." I heard a whisper sigh out from the door, making my head turn towards it. There he stood, disheveled. A shadow cast across his jaw. Dark circles under his eyes.

He stood in grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt, leaning against the door to my room as his sad eyes bore down on me.

"Can I.." he asked, gesturing to my room and I nodded slightly. Trent gently closed the door behind him, sitting in the chair beside my bed.

"I saw the news.." I rasped out, mouth still dry from being in a coma for a week. His head fell, running his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have the world seeing you like that.."

I sighed, trying to sit up more but I instantly sucked air between my teeth in pain. Trent eyes shot back up to me filled with concern. "Here.." he said, helping me sit up before perching on the edge of the bed.

"Can I just..can I tell you what really happened that night? With Demi?" He spoke softly, as my body tensed up to the mention of her name.

"Sure. Not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon." I said, his eyes fixed on me with intensity. "I was packing up the last of my stuff and she turned up. I told her at the door to leave, but she shoved her way in." He said.

"She came storming in, telling me that she missed me. And how watching me kiss someone else was hard for her. Bearing in mind that we only slept together like three times? Mainly when I was drunk." He added. At least they weren't too serious right?

"I told her that I didn't want anyone else but you. But she forced herself on to me. Kept kissing me. But I shoved her off. Kicked her out. And that's what the paparazzi saw when they took the photos. She must've told them to come. Because I have never, in the eight years of living there, had one paparazzi show up."

My body relaxes as I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, pulling my oxygen mask off. "I swear to you I didn't kiss her back. It just looked so much worse on the news. Please.." that last part coming out as a whisper as he clutches my hand. "Please..you have to believe me."

I pause for a moment, letting his words settle in. "I believe you.."

He sighed a big sigh of relief as his body relaxed. "Why didn't you tell me though? It wouldn't have been as big of a deal if I knew before. We were on FaceTime all that night. You could've told me then instead of letting me see the news.." I tell him and he nods in agreement.

"I know. I should've told you. I just thought it was something so meaningless to me that I didn't want to hurt you with it." He confesses, gently caressing the bruises on my cheek.

"This is all my fault.." he whispers, sounding broken as his eyes well up again. "Your heart stopped. I had to pump your chest for eight minutes until the ambulance arrived. Eight minutes. I wasn't going to let you die hating me.."

My eyes fill up with tears too, the both of us letting them spill down our face. "I don't hate you.." I whisper through my tears as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love you.."

He looks down at me, a small smile on his face. "I love you too, Gee. Always have. Always will."

We spend some time talking, he fills me in on what I've missed whilst I was 'out'.

Aria has been staying at my brother's place. She has been asking them every day when she can come and see me, when I'm coming home.

Apparently Trent was the one to call my parents. He told them what happened and sent his jet to pick them up before he even hung up the phone. So they got here as soon as they possibly could.

Grace and Hudson spent most of their time in the waiting room too. Sounds like this brought them closer. Maybe they will finally admit they have feelings for each other.

At least something good can come out of getting his by a car.

Ellie split her time. She stayed at the hospital for some of the time, then went back to look after Aria and Antonio's kids whilst him and Hannah came to visit me. She was a big help. Always is.

And Trent? Well my parents were right. He left for an hour at most, getting a quick shower before coming straight back. He slept in the waiting room, fighting against every doctor and nurse who told him he couldn't. That he should leave.

Just knowing everyone was down the hall waiting for me. Being there for me. It make my heart fill with warmth. With love.

Yes, I was mad at Trent. Heartbroken at the thought of his hands on another woman. But after hearing him out, I realise it was all a misunderstanding. I probably should've listened instead of running.

Would've hurt a lot less.

But in a weird way, it's a blessing in disguise. Because it had brought everyone closer together. Made us all realise we need each other. We are family.

And family comes first...

...Only there's some family that you wouldn't want paying you a visit...

Only there's some family that you wouldn't want paying you a visit

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There! Everything is right again.
Also, the ending...any guesses??
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