22 - busted

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He's only been gone a few days, but it was so weird not having him here. I don't know how I coped eight years without even hearing his voice, let alone not seeing him.

But it was now Friday morning, and I was sat in my living room, tv on as I waited for him to get back. Half an hour felt like three as the door finally swung open.

Trent walked in, sweatpants and a black T-shirt on as he dropped his bag on the ground. "Finally!" I yell, running over to him as his arms instantly hook round my body, spinning us around.

He places me down on my feet, his mouth instantly locking mine into a deep, lustful kiss. His hands gripping my waist as he pins me against the wall. I pull him impossibly closer to me by his T-shirt which makes him hastily pull back.

"Where's aria?" He asks, catching his breath as a I look around. "Hmm..it would appear she's at Hudson's house for the day." I giggle out as Trent lifts me up, my legs wrapping around him as he carries me over to the sofa. He sits down, me straddling his hips as the sound of the tv drowns out the noise of us kissing.

"Fuck I've missed you." Trent grumbles against my lips, making my hips slowly start grinding against his obvious excitement I could feel growing beneath me. "I've missed you too.." I whisper as I begin to breathe quicker at the friction I was creating between my thighs.

Trent's lips moved down to my neck, working his magic on my sweet spot as the sound of the news captured my attention. "Country superstar and Top Male Artist of the Year, Trent Donovan.."

Trent instantly stopped kissing me, looking at me with dread in his eyes as I carried on listening. "..photographed have a cosy late night with model and ex-lover, Demi Fisher."

My head dropped to the pit of my stomach as I climbed off Trent's lap, my eyes analysing the screen as a photo pops up of the two of them. Leaving his house. Demi was stood in front of the two, hair tousled as she blocked his face. But she looked very satisfied with herself. Her jacket in Trent's left arm as he walks her out.

"Gee, please. I can explain. It's not what it looks li-"

I throw my hand up, stopping him from talking as I listen to the news. "It was only a few days ago, he was professing his love for his childhood sweetheart, who he took to the awards with him. Is there heartbreak on the menu for one girl back home?"

I turn the tv off, numbly dropping the remote as I freeze. My back facing him as I hear him sigh in frustration. "She turned up" he began but I stopped him once again.

"You lied to me.." I whisper, my voice cracking as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. "No please..just.." he pleaded, his hand reaching out and grabbing my arm. But I instantly yank it away, turning to face him.

His eyes flooded with sadness as he looks down at my broken face. Tears fully flowing down my face at this point. "I begged you...in that house. I asked you not to hurt me. I had my worries about her. Yet she's pictured all over the news leaving your house looking like you had a pretty fun night to me.." My voice started getting louder, crying harder as he just watched as I fell apart in front of him.

"Giovanna..baby please just let me explain!" He begged. But my heart was pounding in my chest. It felt like the walls were caving in. I couldn't breathe. So, without thinking, my feet carried me straight out the front door.

"Gee, where are you going!?" Trent called after me, running behind me. I had no idea. I just ran. No shoes on my feet, but I just ran.

I reached the bottom of my driveway as a car was pulling to a stop. "Gio??" Grace asked worriedly, hopping out her car at the sight of me sprinting out of the house, tears flowing down my face as Trent ran behind me.

"Gee wait!" He called again but I didn't. I just ran, ignoring both of them. My feet carried me towards the street, trying to block out their voices as emotion overcame me.

"Gio wait!!" Grace screamed as the sound of screeching tyres snapped me from my emotional haze. My head turned to the side, watching as a car came flying towards me. There was nothing I could do. In a split second, my body collided with the hard metal, head shattering against the windshield as I'm tossed into the air.

All the air instantly knocked out my lungs as my body crashed down onto the hard concrete of the road. Pain radiates through my entire body, I couldn't open my eyes. I felt my body trying to gasp for air as someone stroked my hair.

"Call an ambulance!!" Trent screamed over at Grace who I could hear crying, his voice broken as I felt his tears landing on my face. "Gee..baby please wake up. Wake up baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.."

His voice trailed off into silence as I felt all the pain leave my body. Nothing hurt anymore. It just all went blank.

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