14 - fractured

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Trent's POV

I woke up, sun shining on my face, in an empty bed. I knew that before my eyes even opened, as I could hear a commotion coming from downstairs.

Instantly, I jumped up, pulling on my pants as I headed towards the noise. I had no idea what was happening. All I knew is there was something going on downstairs and it had to be Giovanna because she wasn't upstairs.

"cosa stavi pensando!? (What were you thinking!?)" a deeper voice snapped from the kitchen. Antonio..

"sono un adulto! (I'm an adult!)" Giovanna hissed back, hearing her hands slam down on the counter as I walked towards the kitchen. "inizia a comportarti come tale! (start acting like one!)" I heard Antonio retort.

I had no idea what they were fighting about, but I turned into the kitchen as both of their eyes landed on me. Giovanna looked mad. No. Furious. Her blue eyes turning a grey whenever she gets this angry. Antonio's held a similar rage.

"What is going on in here?" I ask, as Giovanna sarcastically chuckled. "Antonio was just leaving. Weren't you, brother?!" She hissed at him as he picked up his keys off the counter.

"I think I should pick Aria up from Ellie's house." Antonio said seriously as Giovanna's hands gripped the kitchen towel, throwing it at her brother. "I don't think so! And you can go and tell mom and dad this too! Seems like you've gotten pretty damn good at that!" Giovanna yelled as Antônio stormed out the house.

She ran her hands through her hair, visibly frustrated as she paced across the kitchen. "What just happened?" I asked confused, leaning against the counter.

Giovanna sighed, walking over and pressing her chest against mine. Her head rested against my chest as I instinctively wrapped my arms round her, my other hand stroking her hair.

"Just my brother acting like a dick. I woke up to a very irritated phone call from my father this morning. Antonio told them how I was acting for myself and not thinking about my child. Plastering her all over the media as if I'm signing papers to ship her off to Carson.."

I sighed, kissing the top of her head. They were fighting because of me. "But I told my dad that I'm happy. And that the media will have a new story soon. It's only temporary. We talked about everything. And he's fine. He knows I always put Aria first. But I see how you are with her. You'd never let any harm come to my child. So I'm not worried. And neither are my parents. It's just Antonio. His ego is bruised because he thought our parents would take his side. But they can even see how crazy he's acting." She rants, making a small smirk creep slightly onto my face as I listen to the way she defended me. Defended us.

"He'll get a lecture from Hannah and be calling me to apologise soon enough. It's not our first fight. He's just lucky that the first thing I saw was the towel to throw this time." Giovanna chuckled, making my body relax a bit.

She pulled back slightly so she was now looking at me. "Sorry, this wasn't the morning I had pictured is having." She flashed me a big smile which could always make my heart melt.

"Oh yeah?" I joke with her. "And what did you have in mind?"

She faked to be in deep thought before smiling back at me. Giovanna got up on the tips of her toes, her hands gripping the back of my head as she pulled me down to her. Her soft lips kissed me delicately before pulling back, her mouth moving over my ear. "You're the one who said we have eight years to catch up on.." she whispered, a smirk growing on my face.

In one swift motion, I lifted her by her waist, sitting her on top of the counter as I stood in between her legs. Her arms snaked round my neck as she looked at me.

I pull her into a passionate kiss, my hands gripping her waist as her fingers gripped the back of my neck.

"Woahhh!" Ellie's voice caught both of our attention as we swiftly pulled out the kiss. I turned to see Ellie stood there, a huge smirk on her face.

"Well good morning to you too." She joked as I rested my forehead on Giovanna's shoulder. "Impeccable timing, Ellie." I say sarcastically, making both of the girls laugh.

"Well I thought you might want your kid back." Ellie said as the small tapping of feet came running in our direction. Giovanna hopped off the counter as Aria came running into the kitchen.

"Mommaaa!!" She screamed, sprinting to Giovanna with a huge smile on her face as Giovanna lifted her off her feet, the both of them spinning in circles. Giovanna's face whenever she sees Aria always sparks a warmth inside me.

"Hey baby!" Giovanna says, planting a kiss on Arias cheek as the innocent child's eyes land on me. "Trent!!" She cries out. Giovanna passes her to me as Aria's little arms wrap around my neck.

"Were you having a sleepover with momma?" She asked innocently as Ellie chuckled. "Yeah, Ree. They had a big sleepover." She replied, emphasising the big as Giovanna shot her an amused glare.

"Are you staying? I missed you." She says to me, making a big, goofy smile appear on my face. "I am. We can spend all day together if you want?" I ask her, looking up at Giovanna who nods in agreement.

"Yay!!" Aria squealed as I placed her down on her feet. "Go get dressed, il mio amore (my love). You can't wear those pyjamas all day." Giovanna chuckled at her daughter as Aria sprints upstairs to her room.

"Well then..." Ellie starts. "Try not to jump each other's bones with the child present." She jokes, waving goodbye as she disappeared out the door. "That's not an easy task.." I growl in Giovanna's ear, making her smirk up at me.

"Well you'll have to figure that out. You just promise Aria a day full of fun. So you have to fulfil that." She smirks at me, walking out of sight.

A chapter from his point of view this time! Thought I'd switch it up a bit

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A chapter from his point of view this time!
Thought I'd switch it up a bit.
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