23 - time flies

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I flutter my eyes open, the sound of machines beeping bringing me round. The second my eyes open, an agonising pain shoots through my head. I lift my hand up to it, feeling dressings on my forehead.


What happened?

I groaned out in pain as I tried to move, my chest instantly tightening. My eyes trailed down my body as my eyes widened in shock. My right leg was in a cast. My arms were covered in bruises, with my left hand bandaged up.

"Oh amore mio! (Oh my love!)" a familiar woman's voice called out as she entered the room. I blinked a few times, getting rid of the cloudiness of my vision as my eyes instantly tear up at the sight of the two people in front of me.

"Momma.. papà.." I whisper out, as my parents come running over to my bedside. My mom's hand smooths my hair down, tears falling from her face as my dad goes to find a nurse. Tell them I'm awake.

"Oh I was so worried about you, tesoro..(treasure..)" she cried. "How..how long was I?...what happened?" I speak groggily as her sad eyes look down at me. "You were hit by a car, baby. You've been out for a week now."

My eyes widen in shock.

A week!?

I guess time flies when you're in some weird coma.

"Ah, you're awake!" A friendly nurse spoke as she walked over to me. "How you feeling, Giovanna?" She asked as I grunt in pain. "Like I was hit by a car."

The nurse chuckled as she checked a few things. Apparently I have a few broken ribs, a sprained wrist, a broken right leg which she said should heal up nicely considering it was a pretty clean break. But the worst of it all? With my head taking most of the impact, it caused a fractured skull. But when they did their scans, they realised I had a small bleed. But they did surgery and it was looking good.

I was 'lucky' apparently.

Although I don't feel lucky.

I'm hit with waves of memory. Of Trent. What he did. And it only brings more pain to my chest.

After half an hour of nurses and doctors checking me out, I look to my mom. "Is he.." I start and she gives me a sad nod.

"He never left. He's been sleeping in the waiting room ever since you got here. Your dad forced him to go home and shower yesterday. But he came right back." My mom tells me.

He's out there. Just down the corridor.

"I'm just going to go find your father. Give him an update." My mom says as she disappears out the room.

With nothing better to do, my hands reach for the remote as I turn the tv on which sat on the wall in front of me.

It instantly went to the news. Great. As if I want to listen to this anymore. But right as I was about to change the channel, my breath caught in my throat. "Here you can see the moments which unfolded afterwards. Viewers discretion is advised." The news woman spoke softly as a short video came up on screen.

"Country star, Trent Donovan seen broken. Tears flooding his face as he gives the girl CPR."

Tears streamed from my face. My heart stopped??

But I wasn't crying because my heart stopped. I was crying at the sound of Trent screaming desperately for someone to help him. It broke my heart.

The remote slipped from my hands, falling on the floor as I sobbed. My lungs thrashing against my broken ribs which only caused more pain.

I gasped for air, making one of the machines start beeping erratically. The nurse from earlier came rushing in along with two others as I clutched my chest, sobbing still as my eyes stayed fixed on the screen.

"It's ok..just breathe.." the nurse soothed me. "Turn..it..off." I begged, as her eyes landed on the video on screen. "Oh baby.." the older nurse said sadly, grabbing the remote off the floor and turning the tv off.

Another nurse grabs an oxygen mask, slipping it over my face as the familiar nurse rubbed my arm. "It's ok. You're ok. Just breathe. Nice and slowly..ok?" She looks me in the eyes, helping me calm down as my hands clutch over my broken ribs.

Once I had calmed down enough to talk, I yanked my mask down my face. "I need to see him.. Please. Get him." I pant out and she smiled sadly down at me.

"I'm guessing you mean the country star who's been harassing my nursing staff every hour for an update."

I flash her a sad smile. "Sounds like him, yeah.." I say and the nurse smiles down at me. "I'll bring him back with me, ok?" She reassured me before walking out the room.

I clutch at the oxygen mask, pulling it back up as I let it soothe through my burning lungs.

The nerves dawned on me, realising his face would soon be in front of me. He broke me. He hurt me so bad. But I saw the video. I saw how he screamed for someone to help him through his sobs. How he kept kissing my forehead and telling me he loved me over and over again.

He was hurt too. And that still hurt me.


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