46 - new year, new us

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Three months later...

"Thank you to everyone for their support over these past few months. To each and every one of you who showed up to the shows. Who bought the album. Who simply listened to a song. Your support means the world to me!" Trent spoke over the instrumental music.

The crowd erupted into cheers as he spoke. "It's crazy to think this tour started here, in Dallas. And now we're ending it here. We're in a new year where anything is possible. If I can do anything with the fame I have, I want to inspire people. Never give up on your dreams. They may seem distant, until one day they aren't. That day will come. I'm proof of that. How someone from a small town can do what he loves for a living, surrounded by family."

"Thankyou Dallas! Goodnight!" Trent calls out as he leaves the stage. "Dad that was so good!" Aria cheered, running into Trent's arms as he scooped her up.

I walked over to him, a huge smile on his face as he watched. "Are you coming home now?" Aria asked him, making him kiss the top of her head. "Yes, cowgirl. I'm coming home."

Trent stretched out his free hand, resting it on the small bump as I placed my hand over his. "No more tours for a while. Don't want to be missing out on anything." He chuckled as we headed towards his dressing room.

"Yeah. You don't want to miss baby brother being born!" Aria chuckles. "Ree, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet. It's too soon." I remind her. She simply rolls her eyes. "Momma, trust me. I'm smart. It's a baby boy." She says so casually, making us all laugh.

"I'll like it if it's a girl too. But it won't be." She says as she grabs a snack from the table. "Hey cracker!" Mitch's voice calls from behind me as he walks in, fingers interlocked with his new girlfriend. "Hey Mitch. Hey Ellie." I smile at my best friend who is smiling at me.

Yep. They finally made it official. We all had partners now. Trent and I. Grace and Hudson. Ellie and Mitch. Who would've thought?

I grabbed my purse of the couch as we all headed out towards the cars. "Hey baby?" I got Trent's attention as they loaded the bags off the tour bus and into the cars.


"Can we stop off somewhere on the way home?" I smirk at him, wiggling my eyebrows as he burst out laughing. He knew exactly what I was craving. "Sure. Let's go." He says, closing the trunk before sliding into the driver's seat.

We drove through the cold January night into town, pulling up outside the place I'd been going for the past few months. "I'll be right back." He smiles at me before running inside.

A few minutes later, he slips back into the car. "Here." He chuckles, giving me a small container.my eyes look in the rear view mirror to see Aria asleep in her car seat.

Perfect! More for me!

I cracked open tub, digging the spoon into the Oreo ice cream as Trent carried on driving towards our house. "Come on, share some with me." He laughed as I glared at him. "Hey, I'm eating for two here."

"You wouldn't be eating for two if it wasn't for me. So share." He laughs, making me chuckle too. He was right about that one I guess.

I scooped some ice cream on the small spoon, putting it in his mouth as his eyes stayed fixed on the road. "Okay now I see why you're obsessed. That is too good!" He groans out in delight as he ate the ice cream.

"I know!"

The rest of the drive home, I finished the ice cream and Trent's hand never left my thigh. He finished up the rest of his tour alone, so this was the first time we'd properly seen each other. I facetimed him so he could be at every doctors appointment I went to.

But now the tour was over, he was home. Finally home. No more sleeping alone in that big bed.

"I've missed you so much." I smile over him, making him gently squeeze my leg. "I missed you guys too. Trust me, I'm not touring for a while. Got too much time to catch up on now."

When we got back from Italy, his record label turned up at the hotel as we got back. They weren't happy that he pushed the tour so he could go for a few days.

And it was that exact moment, listening to them blame me for being a distraction that he told them. He said he'd finish up the tour. Not only because he was contractually obliged to, but because he didn't want to let his fans down. Then, when it was over, he was going to work with another label.

Turns out another label gave him a few offers over the years, one being recently. Gave him the freedom to do things the way he wanted to. Put music back as being the important thing. But also gave him flexibility to keep us as his priority.

Everything seemed to finally be falling into place. After ten years apart, we still found our way back to each other. Carried on as if our love never died. We faced hurdles. People interfering. Time apart. Loss and grief. But we got through it. He took on my child as his own. And now we were expecting a second.

And in this moment, sat in this car with them, I felt something I never wanted to let go.

I felt at home.

Well there we go! That is this book complete! There will be an epilogue following this, giving you an insight into their lives a few years down the line! But there will be a second book!!! It will have Aria as the main character in it

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Well there we go!
That is this book complete!
There will be an epilogue following this, giving you an insight into their lives a few years down the line!
But there will be a second book!!!
It will have Aria as the main character in it. So look out for that if it isn't already out by the time you're reading this.
Thanks for the support on this story, and enjoy the final chapter

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