1. The beginning

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Power .



Things Tsukishima did not have. Things that made him see the world through pessimistic eyes. He knew no matter how hard you tried. You couldn’t fill in the gap by sheer will and hopes.

Life didn’t work like that.

He understood that he was beyond his reach. He was on a pedestal because he had all the things Tsukishima lacked.
Like an expensive glass figurine in a locked glass case.




From where he stood now he was fully aware of that. Because Tsukishima was sitting at the end of the room.

And he wasn’t.

He was in his place .

In the centre of the room.

On his thrown .

The only son of a rich family

Raised with every door opened for him.

Never had to work hard a day in his life.

An alpha.

And a handsome one at that.

He was royalty .

He belonged there.surrounded by all his friends. With a beautiful red haired alpha on his arm.

And Kei was a peasant in his world.

Kei managed to slip out of the party. He saw him. Kei was aware. Because he always knew .

But kei could go on ,he could live happily because there were rare instants.

Tan hands gripped pale thighs with bruising force. Bringing him closer to meet every thrust . Said Tan hands raised the limb to better the angle.

Where the glass case would be left open.

Pale hands grabbed at tan skin dull nails clawed at the broad expanse of his back. Pulling him closer so their mouths met up in the middle.

And the glass figurine .

“Alpha” a low whine was rewarded by the a deep growl . Deep pools of amber eyes watched him intently. Flushed pale cheeks and half lidded gold eyes.

Is reachable.

“Fuck” his voice was raspy and deep . Another low whine came from the omega. “shhh I know" he interlaced his fingers. “Alphas going to knot you real soon"

Kei was impatient he pulled the male closer. Using his biceps as leverage to join his thrusts. He was so close . The alpha was on the brink .he could feel his knot start to inflate and catch on the rim. There was a broken sob from the omega as he came for the nth time that day. When the knot caught the omega convulsed. His legs shook from the over stimulation. The alpha slumped on him.

His head resting on his shoulder as he caught his breath. Coming down from that high. The alphas arms wrapped around his waist. Wasnt long after that his breathing evened out. Pale fingers running through dark locks

He was asleep he knew that .

The alarm clock red 2 am. But kei couldn’t sleep. He knew. The moment he fell asleep this would all be over.

Because when morning came .

His nest would be empty.

The glass figurin would be back in its case .

Where he couldn’t touch him.

Where he couldn't reach..

It’s been like this for almost 3 years.

The average year had 365 days.

36 days of which belonged to kei.

36 days of which kei was held.

Because 36 days a year Kuroo Tetsuro.

The elite alpha.

The untouchable only son of the kuroo dynasty.

Looked at him and only him.

A lowly omega.

A peasant.

He should be grateful.

He knows he should.

But he was shelfish.

He wanted more.

Fractured glass (Kuroo×Tsuki)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें