17. Cliffs and Camera's

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In which tetsu forms a plan and kei reveals more details into hiros life.


Life is bullshit. 

And has the tendency to repeat itself it appears. 

Because it had him back where he started 4 and a half years ago. On the edge of the cliff a new bottle of liquor in his hand and a cigarette in the other. His feet dangling off.

His mind was running a thousand miles a minute.  

He heard the sound of a cars stopping and he didn’t move . He just glared off to the grey sky. 

The heard them approach slowly. The strong smell of salt making it hard to smell them but it didnt take a rocket science to know who they were. They approached him cautiously.

“Calm down I’m just sober and upset” the alpha sighed.

“well you are on the edge of a cliff with about a 13 storey drop" satori grumbled. He hated heights.

“I can swim and I havent had a drop of alcohol yet” he raised the closed bottle shaking it. He sighed and got up walking to the group he slumped against Koutaro. They were all sat not to far from the edge.

“Where’d ya go?” Atsumu asked snatching the bottle from the alphas grip. 

“I went home to cancel the engagement.”sighed. Life is frustrating. 

Everyone stopped “and ?” 

“he refused , went on and on going about the company and how he raised me to be an heir.”tetsu growled.

“so he just said no in your face “ toru narrowed his eyes 

“I tried to convince him but the old bastard refused to budge so it was basically fuck my happiness or opinions.”he growled bitterly.

“so what you going to do now,marry her?”atsumu asked taking a gulp from the bottle.

“Fuck no for me theres only him,” tetsu sighed.he draped his arm over his eyes.

“so what now?”Koutaro asked him taking a sip from the bottle aswell.

“She wont back out , she loves me so she will go through with this.” They passed the bottle around abit. 

Tetsu looked around and stood up.he glanced at Koutaro. “I’m sober so I can swim ,I need to do something really irrational to try and put this mess into perspective indicated vaguely to his head.

He kicked off his shoes. Koutaro smirked and did the same.he pulled off his shirt and Koutaro laughed at the appalled looks of the rest of them. 

“You guys can take this road down hill and meet us at the shore” koutaro explained it to them like it's the most sane thing ever.They looked at him skeptical but nodded.

“Are you sure kou?"tetsu raised a brow at his best friend. 

“I've jumped after you before  and I’d be damned if I don’t now.”  he shrugged.bumping the other alpha lightly with his shoulder.

He smiled at the male. He ran and he jumped. The moment his body hit the cold water . He heard the splash not to far from him. He stayed there in the cold for awhile longer. He knew he was too long when he got a nudge to his side. He glanced up and saw Koutaro him with furrowed brows the alpha smiled and shook his head. He swam up and gasped for air. He swam to the shore after that and just laid there on the sand staring up at the sky.

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