24. Fruit cup jury

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In which kei realizes the extent of the similarities.


The alpha was sat at table waiting for the omega to come back with the child.

He liked this.

Waking up to the omega. 

Having breakfast together. 

Honestly he could be doing absolutely nothing but as long as he was with Kei or Hiro it seemed like a whole event. 

His grown fond of the child it feels like it was his own. Hiro was just so easy to love. The way he was snarky like Kei. And perceptive . He noticed everything that happened around him.  

He doesn’t talk much at first but when he did talk he talked a lot. But it was an endearing traite. He also noticed that he often used words that are way to big for his age. And he used them properly and its alarming in a sence. He did however seem fascinated when Tetsu started speaking about science.

He liked learning that much is obvious. 

Kei walked in with a fully dressed hiro in his arms. He wore an adorable black shorts and small volleyball shoes and a light blue T-shirt with a moon pattern on it.

In his hands was a smaller volleyball. And a back pack.  He looked excited.

“I just realized that this is earlier than you agreed to.” Kei bit his bottom lip in thought. 

“it’s fine you have a wedding to plan Kei”he assured him

“But what about work?”pushed again 

“They delivered everything I need to sign or check to my house so I’m good”he smiled.  Kei never liked over stepping. 

“But-" he pushed again but tetsu was having none of that.

“No buts moonshine,if it really bothers you I’ll  stay home tomorrow and finish all my work before our dinner"tetsu assured. Kei looked hesitant but one look at the excited expression of the child and he was done.

“Fine let me just check his wound.” Kei grumbled he put hiro in the table and grabbed the first aide kit he brought with. He pulled off the bandage fast. Hiro’s eyes teared up at the stinging. Kei reassured him with soft kisses and soft words of encouragement. 

It made sense that hiro would be sensitive to pain . If he has a condition where he bleeds a lot and have trouble with healing Kei would definitely take.extra precautions with his safety. 

Kei inspected the wound it was still a deep red and slightly swollen. Kei prodded at it an Hiroki whined trying to stop him. “its healing nicely.” He pulled out a small tube and put a thin layer of the  contents on the wound. He placed a small kiss on his forehead beside the wound.

He pulled out small jar that looked like sweets and tetsu tilted his head. Kei popped one on his mouth and he sucked on it happily.

“What are those?”he questioned as kei put the jar back in the cupboard 

“It’s essentially all the main medication I gave him last night, the coagulant, antibiotic and an iron supplement made into a sweet so he wouldn’t have a problem with it.”he explained washing his hands in the sink. 

“Then why didn’t you give him those last night?” he tilted his head curiously.

“The dosage is low and the initial symptoms are unpredictable so I give him the large does as soon as I can and then these for 2 or three days afterwards to keep the healing normal.”kei explained 

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