36.breaking point

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In which all worse case scenarios come forth.


Tetsu was out of the house early this morning saying he had urgent business to take care of. It was the day after their visit to the carnival.




Tetsu's face paled and kei frowned. “What’s wrong?” He looked up at kei with winded eyes. He slipped his phone into his pocket and smiled at kei. 

“Its nothing just work stuff.”

He lied.

Kei frowned but shrugged it off. Tetsu would tell him if it was important.


Tetsu spent the rest of the day in his own world it seems. Deep in thought. Something was obviously bothering him but he refused to say anything. The only person who had genuinely fun was hiro. Him and Chiyo spent the whole day together. He relieved her grand father from looking after her. They went on almost every ride.

Hiro laughed ,ate and took pictures. He was happy. He finally had a friend that didn’t care about things like who his father was. Someone that couldn’t care less about unnecessary things like that. They looked like close friends that had been around each other for years.

Hiro was with akiteru today. Last night he couldn’t stop talking about the amazing day he had. He was practicing today. Kei would have been alone but he had he not agreed to join akaashi to go shopping. That’s where they found themselves now. In the 3rd isle of the nearby shopping mall. 

He was humming to what ever song was playing there while he compared vegetables. Keiji was off somewhere looking at meat. It was times like this that kei wished he hadn’t decided to be try and be efficient and separate to finish faster. So now he was alone in the vegetable isle. When he got ambushed. 

“Kei?” he tensed the second he recognized the voice. His eyes narrowed and he straightened his back turning around facing the alpha that called him. 

“Mother" he said bitterly. 

The years have not been kind to her. Her face was full of wrinkles and it seemed paler than he remembers. She smiled at him. “How have you been?” Kei’s eyes narrowed and he turned away going back to picking vegetables.  

“Why do you care?” kei scoffed placing a few ripe tomatoes into his cart. 

“Don’t be like that kei I’m your mother.”she said sadly.

“Funny how it took you 4 and a half years to remember you have a son.” Kei spat out. He walked on and he could hear her walk after him as he moved further down the isle to the fruits.

“It’s not like that we’ve been looking for you" kei laughed. He genuinely laughed he spun around and looked down at the woman.

“I was never hiding there are billboards with my face on all over and my magazine covers are in every store so I suggest you cut the bullshit” kei growled. There was a moment of silence . Kei noticed her looking around carefully.

“Wheres my grand son?” keis eyes narrowed. 

“You mean the one you tried to take from me” kei growled. She lowered her eyes. “ we’ve changed. Your father regrets what his done"

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