29. The claws of a Brides maid

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In which tetsu uncovers keis musical ability


His irritation was evident on his face when he arrived at the wedding. He had just been notified his parents would attend the wedding. And he could already feel their expectations smothering him.the entire drive to the venue made him anxious. 

He just arrived at the hall and his already tired of this function. He let’s out a breath straightening his tie and dusting of his pants. He shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way through the entrance. The entire room looked a lot more decorated then it did 2 days ago. With drapes and various bouquets spread across the walls . The venue has large glass windows making the space seem bigger.

Another thing he noticed was several of the people were in the words of Kei “Snobby rich and stuck up” its eerily clear by the way the people with the most expensive clothes are huddled together like they some sort of noble's and the rest of them are mere peasants.  Their judgemental gazes casted around the room. 

They were easy to spot . Their expensive wrist watches and blinding jewelry. They also the people with the most make up and they reek of expensive perfumes or cologne.  Tetsu spotted Toru and made his way over. Like most Omegas toru didn’t care much for the suits. Omegas tended to wear more revealing clothing.so Toru wore a black suit pants with a loose fitting pastel blue crop top. Atsumu wore a similar look but his top was embroidered with gold detailing and long sleeved. He was leaned on a miserable looking kiyoomi.

The man hated crowded places but he’d be damned if he left atsumu's sides when he was being eyed by older alphas.  Tetsu arrived at their small group . Atsumu immediately noticed his appearance.  “what’s ruffled your feathers?” he eyed the alpha.tetsu's frown deepened. “well my beloved parents has notified me that they too shall be attending” he growled lowly. 

Toru looked at him sympathetic  . Hajime snorted "it could have been worse." Tetsu raised a brow at him and he tilted his head.  “The blonde alpha in the red dress” tetsu followed his eyes. His brows furrowed . The female was petite built similar to his own mother. Short shoulder length dirty blonde hair pale skin. His brows furrowed.  “What about her?” a tall male walked up to him ,he looked about his height maybe slightly taller and she turned to him and the moment he saw her face he knew.  

“That’s Tsukishima’s parents" tetsu growled how could someone just throw out their own child.  “What are they doing here?” it came out darker than he wanted it to be . He didn’t want them anywhere near his Kei. He might not know the specifics but he does know that they put kei out .

“Freckles-kuns grand parents invited them as family friends.”  Toru said darkly. “had he seen them?”  tetsu asked carefully. 

“No ones seen anyone from the wedding party yet so I doubt it,wheres bo-kun and kaashi-kun" atsumu replied. 

“keiji got held up in a last minute emergency so him and kou will only be here for the reception.” Tetsu explained as he watched the couple from earlier. Tetsu smelt them before he saw them. His head shot to the door and noticed his parents making their way in. His eyes locked with his father’s briefly and they exchanged a brief nod as greeting .

Before he was forced to go associate with them there was the sound of the bell and tetsu looked at atsumu and Toru confused. “it means they about to start we should get our seats.” Tetsu nodded following his friends they sat in the fifth row. The Omegas wanted perfect picture distance. Tetsu didn’t mind. His parents were in the third to the far right and kei's parents on the other side near the front aswell.

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