9. Monsters

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In which kei discovers the monsters that walk among them.



The weekend was spent at home,Tadashi came over for lunch on Sunday but other than that it was family only. The problem with the family only thing was that kei didn’t Spend much time with his brother. There was always someone there. 

He wanted to tell his brother before anyone else.  His brother was a reasonable person he’d let kei explain before making any assumptions. He wanted his brother on his side when he told his parents.

But every time he finally gets his brother alone one or both of his parents intervene.

It was Monday morning .kei woke up early in Hope’s of speaking to his brother before he left. His still taking mental health days he would be starting school on Wednesday again. But alas his parents were awake. And it appeared kei had to run some important errands.

He couldn’t be there when his brother left but it was early enough if he left then he could make it back in time before his brother left at 2.

Kei left home he took short cuts where he could. But unfortunately for him when he tried to cross the street. He saw a bright flash of light before he felt searing pain through his side.




He was in pain.

It was the only thing he could comprehend in that moment.He couldn’t feel anything else. He could see the light from behind his eyelids. He tried to force his eyes open. He wanted to know where he was.

What happened?

His pain felt like it came from every where.

There was a light a car maybe.

His heart started to race. 

Where did the car hit him. 

He dug into his memories.he needed to know . He remembers the lights. What direction was he facing.

He tried really hard to remember and came up empty.

Wake up.

You need to check if their ok.

Their his only salvation. 

I cant loose them.

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