33.Check mate?

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In which conspiracies are made that might compromise kei and Tetsuros happiness.

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“ok just lay down for me please sir.” Keiji nodded laying on the reclining chair. The doctor doing it was an older omega male. He pressed a couple of buttons and sat down on the stool beside him . Kei was on the opposite side. 

“Are all OBGN doctors Omegas,because theres always omega" kei pointed out.

“No it’s more like policy that you always see an omega” he hummed double before unhooking the wand and disinfecting it. “Policy?”keiji asked curiously. 

“When the patient is an unmated omega alone either with another omega you get an omega doctor so you don’t feel uncomfortable or awkward when you pregnant. When you mated you get the opposite gender alpha from your mate or any beta so your mate don’t feel threatened if the come with you ,since OBGN doctors main function is to monitor pregnancies, births , and any an all complications aswell as monitoring the child for being first 2 years of their life. We make sure that both the mother and child are healthy and happy so for us to agrivate or put the mother on edge in any way would be counter productive .” He explained and they both nodded in understanding.  

He turned to them with a smile “so you ready to see your pup?” keiji’s breath hitched but he nodded he raised his t-shirt. “Ok the gel is going to be abit cold” keiji hummed as he watched him pour some gel on his abdomen. Keiji took in a sharp breath. 

He glided the wand thing through the gel distributing it where he wanted it to go before he pressed in a bit. He watched the screen looking for the perfect spot. He hummed softly while he looked. He smiled when he stopped. He pointed to the dark spot on the screen “this is your baby.” Keiji’s stared at it amazed. Kei smiled at him squeezing his hand to assure him it’s real.

“Would you like to hear their heart beat?” Keijie gasped at the question “yes please.” He was giddy.  He pressed a few buttons and the room was filled with the steady heart beat.  Keiji's eyes teared up. He had the biggest smile kei has ever seen plastered On his face and it made kei smile too.

Was this what he looked like when he first saw hiro.

He looks so happy.

Kei squeezed his hand again but keiji didn’t look to him this time his eyes were glued to the screen. “Would you like a copy of it?” keiji made some incoherent sound and kei giggled “yes he would could you make 3” he nodded still smiling. He removed the wand from the abdomen and whipped off the gel. Keiji frowned abit but he didn’t say anything. The doctor handed him the copy and he smiled again. 

They left soon after with the doctor advising them to make an appointment to meet with the OBGN for an official admission. Keiji nodded before walking out of the building kei in tow.

They ended up at a café near by ordering tea and cake. Keiji was practically glowing smiling and giggling more. Kei thought was cute. “So when are you going go show him?” keiji hummed taking a sip of his tea .

“I’ll have to do it with in the next 2 weeks because I’m supposed to go into heat then" keiji hummed.

“His supposed to leave for France tomorrow right?” kei looked at him over his cup.

“Hmm yeah ,he'll be gone for a week in a half so 2 days before my heat was supposed to start he’ll be back.”  he explained taking the a bite of his cake.

“why not just tell him while his in france?” Keiji smirked and kei smirked In response. There are times when kei and keiji are in sync and by the look on the other Omegas face he caught on to what kei's implying.

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